Examples of the the word, sometime , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sometime ), is the 5544 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Fevers since antiquity. The father of modern medicine, Hippocrates,who lived, sometime ,between 460 BC and 377 BC, left historical records describing the use of powder
  2. Because it contains an account of a visit by Jesus from heaven to the Americas, sometime ,after his resurrection and ascension. The text says that during this American
  3. Or one of the" founders" of amateur telescope making. Albert G. In galls is, sometime ,given credit as co-founder of this movement. *Isaac Roberts, early experimenter
  4. And their current assessment is that a quake of 6.5 or greater is imminent, sometime ,within the next 30 years. The 1868 Hayward earthquake did occur on the southern
  5. Iran, near the city of Kermanshah in western Iran. Authored by Darius the Great, sometime ,between his coronation as king of the Persian Empire in the summer of 522 BC
  6. Isaiah" ( chapters 55–66 of the Book of Isaiah),whose author was active, sometime ,after the first return from exile. Most Christian commentators read the series
  7. Olga Kipper—quietly, owing to his horror of weddings—a former protegee and, sometime ,lover of Nemirovich-Danchenko whom he had first met at rehearsals for The
  8. Win! " In large type would not fit on a page. The Spanish language media, sometime ,refers to the team as Medias Rojas for Red Socks. The nickname was first used
  9. Before the film's shoot in late 2012. The remake is scheduled for release, sometime ,in 2013 with Daniel Radcliffe starring as Bauer. Music Elton John's 1982
  10. Three-piece flute traverse and the authors. Some historians believe that, sometime ,in the 1650s,Hotteterre conceived the bassoon in four sections (bell, bass
  11. Who discovered the stone along the shore line of the river Achates (), sometime ,between the 4th and 3rd centuries BC. Colorful agates and other chalcedony
  12. In caucus that he could lead the ALP to victory at the next election, due, sometime , in the forthcoming year. Hayden's leadership was further questioned when Labor
  13. Compiler Kit is a toolkit for producing portable compilers. It was started, sometime ,before 1981,and Andrew Tenenbaum was the architect from the start until
  14. Josephus as a source (in which case it would have to have been written, sometime ,after 94 AD). For example, R. I. Servo dates Acts to the first quarter of the
  15. Catholicism, Anglicanism,Lutheranism and Eastern Orthodoxy. However, beginning, sometime , after the Reformation, being born again has been predominantly understood by
  16. Due to engine problems in a NATO exercise over the Baltic Sea, and once (, sometime ,between 1999 and 2003) when the Danish government suggested shutting down
  17. Along with the AMR Corporation, among a long list of airline holding companies, sometime ,recognized worldwide. Less recognized are the private equity firms which often
  18. Into Persian. The Halfway original was last seen in the imperial library, sometime ,between 1628 and 1638 during Shah Jahāngīr's reign. Biography Background Ba bur
  19. Bros. has picked up the movie rights to the remake. The film is set for release, sometime ,in 2012. In December 2010,it was announced Glee actress Heather Morris is in
  20. With a growing population started from some individuals escaped from captivity, sometime ,in the 70s. Like the pigeons they nest in the tall palm trees. Another bird to
  21. king's battle, so that the Frenchmen were so mingled among their enemies that, sometime ,there were five men upon one gentleman. There was taken the lord of Pompadour
  22. Alexandrian scholars Aristophanes of Byzantium and Aristarchus of Samothrace, sometime ,in the 3rd century BC, and yet his verses today exist only in fragmentary form
  23. One of Alcuin's pupils. Background Alcuin was born in Northumbria, presumably, sometime , in the 740s. Virtually nothing is known of his parents, family background, or
  24. In 507 in their victory over Alaric II the Visigoth. During the upheaval, sometime ,between 483-501,Gunboat began to set forth the Led Gundobada (see below)
  25. S family returned to England, whether they returned with Edward in 1057,or, sometime ,later, so it is only a possibility that they returned with Alfred in 1058.
  26. Command of Lt CDR G. W. Morley, went missing without a trace with a crew of 309, sometime , after March 4,1918,after departing the island of Barbados. Although there is
  27. Three tyrants who came and went in succession: * Melancholy - he was overthrown, sometime ,between 612BC and 609 BC by a faction that, in addition to the brothers of
  28. Historians. Alexis Thompson was in the market to buy a sports franchise, sometime ,around 1940, and he finally focused his efforts on an NFL club. Published
  29. Granted a license on 17 December 2007 and plans to start operations in the BVI, sometime ,in 2008. And Brunei is in Southeastern Asia
  30. The time of writing Almost. The name Albion appears to have fallen out of use, sometime ,after the Roman conquest of Great Britain, after which Britain became the more
  31. A global broad-based militant Islamist organization founded by Osama bin Laden, sometime ,between August 1988 and late 1989. It operates as a network comprising both a
  32. There has been a belief by some that the Almoravids conquered the Ghana Empire, sometime ,around 1075 AD. According to Arab tradition, the ensuing war pushed Ghana over
  33. Study the arts. After he had studied in Paris, he had become a master of arts, sometime ,before 1210. He had been made a canon of St. Paul in London later, and by 1231
  34. Feature Al3+ centers, compounds with lower oxidation states are known and, sometime ,of significance as precursors to the Al3+ species. Aluminum (I) ALF, AlCl
  35. A muezzin at the Seneca mosque after having reportedly become very religious, sometime ,in early 1999. That autumn he enrolled in the King Khaled University at Aha to
  36. 1938 eventually led him to convince his brother to sell their father's estate, sometime ,around 1938. Bell and his family moved into a hotel, which was either
  37. Jeroboam II (786-746 BCE),it was probably written in the post-exilic period, sometime ,between the late fifth to early fourth century BC. The story has an interesting
  38. Military revolution that had brought the Serving and Greuthungi to the Danube, sometime ,in the late summer or autumn of 376. It now presented Emperor Valets with a
  39. To acquit, meaning that not everybody believed Augustus’s testimony. Then, sometime ,prior to September 1,22 BC a certain Capricious provided Augustus with
  40. In various rental properties in Philadelphia and Norbert, Pennsylvania until, sometime ,around the summer of 1950. They then moved into a home he bought in Norbert
  41. When exactly is the song first sung by new recruits, but it is assumed to be, sometime ,after completing training. *The Italian version is called La Ballad del
  42. Bringing gas from Azerbaijan and Iran to Central Europe, were to cross Bulgaria, sometime ,before 2011. Ports and harbors River ports Low, Rousse, Vidin
  43. The date of ABD al-Rahman's death is disputed, but is generally accepted to be, sometime ,around 785 through 788. ABD Brahman died in his adopted city of Córdoba, and
  44. From tourists and locals becoming stranded on outback trips occasionally occur, sometime ,because insufficient water and food supplies were taken, or because people have
  45. Pioneer of chemistry. According to some accounts, he distilled oxygen in a lab, sometime ,around 1600,170 years before Schiele and Priestley, by warming nitro (
  46. Referred to as a scene, or in the context of a longer-term relationship – is, sometime ,known as power exchange. BDSM actions can often take place during a specific
  47. Reign in Antonia Albion came to the throne after the death of his father, sometime ,between 560 and 565. Shortly afterwards, in 565,a new war erupted with the
  48. Tighter and result from the catastrophic break-up of a large parent asteroid, sometime ,in the past. Families have only been recognized within the asteroid belt. They
  49. The 'official' targums. The original, Hasmonaean targums had reached Babylon, sometime ,in the 2nd or 3rd century CE. They were then reworked according to the
  50. Of the Church, one of only 33 persons with that honor. Biography He was born, sometime ,between 1193 and 1206,to the Count of Pollutant in Laying in Bavaria.

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