Examples of the the word, bully , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bully ), is the 5555 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Across from England. The loveless environment made Bernard something of a, bully , as he himself later recalled" I was a dreadful little boy. I don't suppose
  2. Boyle, who act as henchmen. Although Draco is often regarded as a cowardly, bully ,who uses psychological manipulation and verbal taunts to denigrate his victims
  3. With the Arabs. Through Prüfer loathed Ribbentrop, whom he viewed as an inept, bully ,who was trashing his beloved Auswärtiges Amt, and the rest of the Nazis, Prufer
  4. He would state his belief that the United States government is the ultimate, bully , Most who knew McVeigh remember him as being withdrawn, with a few describing
  5. Before 2013. Estonia is concerned that Russia could use energy markets to, bully ,it. The government is considering granting permits to nuclear power companies
  6. The other is big and a little slow),are not friendly at all. They constantly, bully ,Ginny and Johnny. When Ginny gives Johnny a puppy, her brothers want to drown
  7. S powers first manifest when he is on a date with Judy Harmon, and a local, bully ,by the name of Rocky Beasley tries to take Judy away for himself. Knowing Judy
  8. Demonstrated to a group of VIPs, who watch as Alex collapses before a walloping, bully , and abases himself before a scantily-clad young woman whose presence has
  9. Not actually the journalist that he was supposed to be, but actually was the ", bully ," or bodyguard who assisted various left wing writers (such as Henri Roche fort
  10. His education. Motivated partly by a desire for revenge against a schoolyard, bully , he became the top-ranked student. The Cambridge psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen
  11. Minor character. Nobita's main human friends include Gain, a consummate, bully ,and Sure, a cunning, gloating,spoiled wealthy brat. There are many recurring
  12. Good! ' Before continuing. Nelson Mandela Munoz is a fictional character and, bully ,from the animated TV series The Simpsons. He is voiced by Nancy Cartwright.
  13. A merchant of chaos ". He was beaten by his father, who Cruise described as a, bully ,and coward. Cruise attended Robert Hopkins Public School for grades three, four
  14. Are so different,Hermione's foil at Hogwarts is Pansy Parkinson, a female, bully ,based on real-life girls who teased the author during her school days. Rowling
  15. Britain would not go to war for Poland. In May 1939,as part of his efforts to, bully ,Turkey into joining the Axis, Ribbentrop had arranged for the cancellation of
  16. Because the original choice, J. J. Cohen, was considered too unconvincing to, bully ,Stolen. Yemenis concurred, dubbing Back to the Future" the film that would
  17. A sense of discomfort spread very quickly, spurred by police who began to ", bully ," some lesbians by" feeling some of them up inappropriately" while
  18. His cousins the Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and King George V. He often tried to, bully ,his royal relatives. A traumatic breech birth left him with a withered left arm
  19. Have their hands down and have almost exaggerated footwork, while brawlers or, bully ,fighters tend to slowly stalk their opponents. Left-handed or southpaw fighters
  20. In his youth and on occasion asks Roger for dodging help. *His rival is a, bully ,named Cruncher Kerr named after the Beans editor at the time Juan Kerr. *Roger
  21. Oldfield was the first celebrity to endorse Pepsi-Cola, describing it as" A, bully ,drink ... refreshing, invigorating,a fine bracer before a race. " The
  22. Who he believed was allowing Germany and other warring nations in Europe to ", bully ," the United States. General election The fall campaign The fighting in Europe
  23. With, and advocated for, the human race, but has the gumption to stand up to a, bully ,and throw a milkshake in his face. As in a number of other Heinlein novels
  24. To Keen's 314. In episode 3,it is revealed that McGuire was somewhat of a, bully ,towards Keen, beating him up and giving him swirling because of the latter's
  25. With two copies have disproportionately large musculature and are known as ", bully ,whippets" although their temperament is not affected by this. Whippets are
  26. Vase),to avoid" is" derogatory sense. Chi Fu's (欺负) name also means" to, bully ,". Music Mulan features a score by Jerry Goldsmith and five songs by Matthew
  27. Time of the story of Esther; the Septuagint version noticeably calls Haman a ", bully ," (βουγαῖον) where the Hebrew text describes him as an Aggie. The
  28. 25 cents per day, plus expenses. " This second case usually involves the town, bully ,and mischief-maker, Bugs Meany, leader of a gang who call themselves the Tigers
  29. In his autobiography Confessions of an Actor Olivier recalled Preminger as" a, bully ,", as did" Bunny" cast member Noel Coward. Ingo Preminger, who produced the
  30. Teacher, saying the" worst, shabbiest thing you can do as a teacher is to, bully ,students. " However, she does suggest in the books that he is generally an
  31. A boy is picking on another. We see Gracie Hart as a child who beats up the, bully ,and tries to help the victim (whom she liked),who instead, criticizes her by
  32. To undermine the credibility of a witness if he will not be perceived to be a, bully ,(such as discrediting a very elderly person or young child). The
  33. Asserted that he was" the nastiest-tempered man in England ". He had been a, bully ,at school, and retained an intimidating presence throughout his life; his son
  34. The 1930s" saying that although they do not wear uniforms they still count ", bully ,boys" among their membership. It has also been suggested that the BNP
  35. Her statements and the right-wing media would portray her as a, bully ,attacking" innocent pure Christian Elisabeth" whenever they disagreed. On the
  36. Playing in a local playground, he becomes deeply disturbed when he sees a, bully ,from his youth. *"The Illustrated Man" — An overweight carnival worker is
  37. Or overawed by his lessons. Physically pugnacious, he was inclined to, bully ,weaker boys; among his victims was the future society photographer Cecil Beaten
  38. Known as" ushers ", and " pusher" was a colloquial name for a fighter or a, bully , " Hoosier" has been described as a corruption of this word. Mr. Hoosier's
  39. Praise on the warrior-king, others have criticized him as a fanatic,a, bully , and a bloodthirsty warmonger. A more balanced view suggests a highly capable
  40. Work as a proponent of modern architecture, using the Museum of Modern Art as a, bully ,pulpit. He arranged for Le Corbusier's first visit to the United States in
  41. In 1981,a resident of the rural town Skid more, Missouri fatally shot town, bully ,Ken McElroy in broad daylight after years of crimes without any punishment.
  42. Cartwright. Nelson was introduced in Season 1's" Bart the General" as a, bully ,but later turned into a friend of Bart Simpson, who is best identified by his
  43. Has been among O'Brien's most vocal and vehement supporters, calling Leno a ", bully ," and his recent actions" classless and kind of career-defining. " Howard
  44. By all countries on the basis of equal participation. No country should, bully ,others on the basis of strength. #China will make judgment on each case in
  45. President Roosevelt, when he heard the sentence, reportedly stated," That's, bully , " Rockefeller was playing golf in Cleveland when he was brought a telegram
  46. Meeker than Mike Hammer in Aldrich's Kiss Me Deadly 1955. I wanted him to be a, bully ,and a jerk ". He was joined there by Vary, who contributed" Pandemonium
  47. There's a lot of bully ing by certain elements of the Jewish community. They, bully ,people who try to address the severe situation in Gaza and the West Bank.
  48. In September 1972,but his first significant movie role was as Billy Nolan,a, bully ,who was goaded into playing a prank on Sissy Spacek's character in the horror
  49. To storm the Branch Dravidian compound. McVeigh stated," Once you bloody the, bully ,'s nose, and he knows he's going to be punched again,he's not coming back
  50. In the face because he was out of line. I look at him like, not the school yard, bully , but the motherfucker that's always picking on a motherfucker that don't fuck

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