Examples of the the word, wholesale , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wholesale ), is the 5548 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Canadian investment in the United States is concentrated in manufacturing, wholesale ,trade, real estate, petroleum,finance, and insurance and other services.
  2. The principle that the Empire ought to be a moral undertaking rather than a, wholesale ,looting by either the East India Company or its servants. French Revolution:
  3. Members of The World Federation of Diamond Courses (WFDB) act as a medium for, wholesale ,diamond exchange, trading both polished and rough diamonds. The WFDB consists
  4. Strong support" 3) concerning the amount and substantiality prong," the, wholesale ,copying of plaintiffs' articles weighs against the finding of fair use," and
  5. Cavalry forces, while in others they simply recruited the tribal horsemen, wholesale ,into their armies; and in yet other cases nomadic empires proved eager to
  6. BT Wholesale: Wholesale telecoms core trunk network *Open reach: fenced-off, wholesale ,division, tasked with ensuring that all rival operators have equality of access
  7. Huxley met millionaire Alfred Matthew Hubbard who would deal with LSD on a, wholesale ,basis. On 24 December 1955,Huxley took his first dose of LSD. Indeed, Huxley
  8. Was carried out in great haste: Columns, marbles,doors, and tiles were taken, wholesale ,from the temples of the Empire and moved to the new city. In similar fashion
  9. Rather exceptional case; especially words for higher numbers are often borrowed, wholesale , (Perhaps the most famous cases are Japanese and Korean, which have two
  10. With other secondary buildings on a landscaped site on the site of the former, wholesale ,market in the eastern part of Frankfurt am Main. The main construction began in
  11. In 2005 were processing industry, financial intermediation, retailing and, wholesale ,trade, transport and communications. Infrastructure Railway transport dominates
  12. Rock, a specialist mortgage lender that suddenly became unable to rely on, wholesale ,market borrowing to finance its lending operation following the 2007 subprime
  13. The bypass highway on the north-eastern edge of the city, is a major retail and, wholesale ,market. Outside the city The Kerry Ala-Too mountain range, some away, provides
  14. Properties at Father Matthew Park and at Kim mage, but Airborne was insisting on, wholesale ,arrests of the leaders. It was decided to postpone action until after Easter
  15. In the retail and corporate banking sectors remain significant, even if the, wholesale ,end of banking has been largely integrated. " Specifically, the euro has
  16. Mariner Energy. Enron International (EI) was Enron's, wholesale ,asset development and asset management business. Its primary focus was
  17. Organizations in the world, controlling cocaine processing, international, wholesale , distribution chains, and markets. In 1999 Colombian police arrested over 30
  18. The dairy industry is still suffering from the low prices offered for, wholesale ,milk by major dairies and especially large supermarket chains. The attractive
  19. Of salaries. The plan seemed successful for some months, but it soon caused, wholesale ,shortages of consumer goods (especially of easily exportable goods like meat
  20. To arrest 100 innocent people than to risk one enemy going free ensured that, wholesale , indiscriminate arrests became an integral part of the system. It was during
  21. As rough diamonds,US$14 billion after being cut and polished,US$28 billion in, wholesale ,diamond jewelry, and US$57 billion in retail sales. Marketing The image of
  22. The illegally harvested meat is sold in Asian countries. As of early 2008,the, wholesale ,price for abalone meat was approximately US$40.00 per kilogram. There is an
  23. Was not adopted. The party also refrained from other reforms, such as, wholesale ,labor market deregulation (e.g. Workhouses),the eventual GST, the
  24. Hallmark of the trade in gem-quality diamonds is its remarkable concentration:, wholesale ,trade and diamond cutting is limited to just a few locations; In 2003.92 % of
  25. So or were in the process of a staged conversion. The first country to make a, wholesale ,switch to digital over-the-air (terrestrial television) broadcasting was
  26. Large degree of continuity in the actual population, and at no time was there a, wholesale ,depopulation or change in ethnic stock. After the Bavarian emigration, Bohemia
  27. Sometimes interpreted as an underlying phoneme. ) This essentially causes the, wholesale ,loss of the short-long vowel distinction, with the original long vowels
  28. Name, prominently advertised in the nationally distributed L. D. Heater Co., wholesale ,jobber catalog of '48. However, the Summary family inventions did not achieve
  29. Independence of the princes of the Languid was at an end. But in spite of the, wholesale ,massacre of Fathers during the war, Catharism was not yet extinguished. In 1215
  30. Publisher The publisher of a work might receive a percentage calculated on a, wholesale ,or a specific price and or a fixed amount on each book that is sold. Publishers
  31. While the local population faces its own shortage. Services Aside from, wholesale ,and retail trade, transportation,and communications, the services sector
  32. Is closely associated with uneven development. It is an“ instrument of, wholesale ,destruction, dependency and systematic exploitation producing distorted
  33. Transferring funds through the automated clearinghouse system. By contrast, wholesale ,payments are generally for large-dollar amounts and often involve a depository
  34. Himself faced with constant rebellion in the Assyrian homeland, coupled with, wholesale ,revolution in Babylon and aggression from former Assyrian colonies to the east
  35. Or counterparties, including other financial institutions. The Reserve Banks ', wholesale ,services include electronically transferring funds through the Fed wire Funds
  36. Owners. Under the plan which starts within 90 days, Bell will be able to charge, wholesale ,service providers a flat monthly fee to connect to its network, and for a set
  37. Run. The Federal Reserve plays a vital role in both the nation's retail and, wholesale ,payments systems, providing a variety of financial services to depository
  38. He implemented sweeping reforms of the command structure, including, wholesale , firings of high-ranking officers. He merged the military general staff with his
  39. Its U. S. headquarters in Denver in 2005. Its subsidiary and regional, wholesale ,distributor, Coors Distributing Company, is in NW Denver. The Newman Mining
  40. With that of Sir Lindsay Scott, who argued—following Child (1935)—for a, wholesale ,migration into Atlantic Scotland of people from south-west England. MacKie's
  41. Museum Company employs staff to fulfill a number of roles including publishing, wholesale ,and retail activities, licensing,merchandise development and marketing. Its
  42. Was observed after the 1980 Mount St. Helen's eruption. Due to the, wholesale ,destruction of plants at the K–T boundary there was a proliferation of
  43. Can take only one of two forms: *physical cash, which is rarely used in, wholesale ,financial markets, *central-bank money which is rarely used by the people The
  44. Loyal customers. The CRTC also added that Bell would be required to offer to, wholesale ,ISPs the same usage insurance plan it sells to retail customers. Bell appealed
  45. But historian David Brian Davis explains the difficulties with a policy of, wholesale ,arming of the slaves: Davis underscored the British dilemma:" Britain, when
  46. Or for sale on sites like Etsy has resulted in the common practice of buying, wholesale ,costume jewelry in bulk and using it for parts. The Channel Islands (Norman:
  47. Remain a major world power. Britain was unable to purchase American weapons, wholesale ,due to the restrictions of the Atomic Energy Act of 1946. In April 1954 the
  48. Costume jewelry from manufacturers and typically import or export it to, wholesale ,distributors and suppliers who deal directly with retailers. Wholesale costume
  49. All islanders had a working knowledge of French. The twentieth century saw a, wholesale ,language shift, with islanders changing their language practices to the extent
  50. Billing: On October 28, 2010,the CRTC handed down its final decision on how, wholesale ,customers can be billed by large network owners. Under the plan which starts

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