Examples of the the word, messenger , in a Sentence Context

The word ( messenger ), is the 5547 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Produce a complementary RNA strand. This RNA strand is then processed to give, messenger ,RNA (mRNA),which is free to migrate through the cell. mRNA molecules bind to
  2. Cascade. ATP is also used by acetylate cycle and is transformed to the second, messenger ,molecule cyclic AMP, which is involved in triggering calcium signals by the
  3. Of Barnabas" states that Jesus was not the son of God, but a prophet and, messenger , The book also says Jesus rose alive into Heaven without having been crucified.
  4. To return. The Official then said," Your Highness, do not say to send out a, messenger ,to go fetch him. The people of the entire nation could go, and he still would
  5. He is the supreme director of religious ceremonies and duties, and figures as, messenger ,between mortals and gods. Vedic rituals all involve Agni, for example the
  6. He could take his brother along with him. God says: Aaron, being a prophetic, messenger , was also given the law by God, to preach to the Children of Israel according
  7. Of Ezekiel, the prophet is transported to a high mountain, where a heavenly, messenger ,measures the symmetrical new Jerusalem, complete with high walls and twelve
  8. The underworld, a place where souls live after death. The Greek god Hermes,the, messenger ,of the gods, would take the dead soul of a person to the underworld (sometimes
  9. To cyclic adenosine monophosphate (camp). camp is known as a second, messenger , Types There are ten known acetylate Cyclades in mammals: Reaction Acetylate
  10. For the Marathon race. Although historically inaccurate, the legend of a Greek, messenger ,running to Athens with news of the victory became the inspiration for this
  11. Then Allah is Alive and shall never die. Allah said," And Muhammad is but a, messenger ,; the messenger s have come before him; if then he dies or is killed will you
  12. Until I can inquire the will of the people in regard to this matter. Let your, messenger ,attend with me the next assembly --" ( Chapter XXVI):" When the day for the
  13. Sam. 4:3-5,10,11). The news of its capture was at once taken to Shiloh by a, messenger ," with his clothes rent, and with earth upon his head. " The old priest, Eli
  14. The name" Malachi" is not a proper noun but rather an abbreviation of ", messenger ,of YHWH ". This reading could be based on Malachi 3:1,"
  15. God of fire acts as the divine model for the sacrificial priest. He is the, messenger ,who carries the oblation from humans to the gods, bringing the gods to
  16. Muslims maintain that the second person to publicly accept Muhammed as the, messenger ,of Allah was Ali in Abi Tali, though to Ships Ali always knew of Muhammad's
  17. On he became a bill logger for the owner of the company. Soon after he became a, messenger ,boy. Eventually he progressed up the ranks of a telegraph company. He built
  18. Is an important molecule in eukaryotic signal transduction, a so-called second, messenger , Acetylate cycle can be activated or inhibited by G proteins, which are
  19. Earned money by binding shoes. Railroads In 1850,Carnegie became a telegraph, messenger ,boy in the Pittsburgh Office of the Ohio Telegraph Company, at $2.50 per week
  20. City would eventually be defeated by the Trojans' descendants. However,the, messenger ,god Mercury was sent by Jupiter and Aphrodite to remind Aeneas of his journey
  21. To the Bible's. In Islam, Abraham is recognized as a prophet, patriarch,and, messenger , archetype of the perfect Muslim, and reformer of the Kaaba. Joseph Blenkinsopp
  22. But opinions among Termites differ widely. Always claimed to be a, messenger ,from the god Horus, who was also referred to by him as Hoor-Paar-Kraat. Crowley
  23. He wished to visit his followers living around Yard. Hajji Mira Quasi sent a, messenger ,to Batman Mira to inform him of the spuriousness of Hasan Ali Shah's
  24. Time, the position next to the driver was said to be occupied by an" express, messenger ," or sometimes colloquially a" shotgun messenger ". The phrase" riding
  25. Lipids, as well as by acetylate cycle, which uses ATP to produce the second, messenger ,molecule cyclic AMP. The ratio between ATP and AMP is used as a way for a cell
  26. Behold, I will send my, messenger ,... ", if my messenger is taken literally as the name Malachi. However, other
  27. Following activation of acetylate cycle, the resulting camp acts as a second, messenger ,by interacting with and regulating other proteins such as protein kinase A and
  28. And most recently the Bad and Baha'u'Allah. In Bahá'í belief, each consecutive, messenger ,prophesied of messenger s to follow, and Baha'u'lláh's life and teachings
  29. Indeed, the fourth dispute asserts that judgment is coming in the form of a, messenger ,who" is like refiner's fire and like fullers' soap..." ( 3:2). Following
  30. Revealed who" they" were – the ancient Egyptian god Horus and his alleged, messenger , She then led him to a nearby museum in Cairo where she showed him a seventh
  31. First Muslim caliph, who was given the title, Khalifa-tul-Rasool (Successor of, messenger ,of Allah),a title only accepted by Sunni Muslims. Ships criticize Abu Bakr
  32. Be less fully God than the Father; in other forms being completely human and a, messenger ,as the perfect created human. Others Esoteric Christianity is a term which
  33. Play some fifty years later: Antigone and Scene mourn their dead brothers,a, messenger ,enters announcing an edict prohibiting the burial of Polices; and finally
  34. Name, its Hebrew meaning is simply" My i.e.,God's messenger " ( or 'His, messenger ,' in the Septuagint) and may not be the author's name at all. The sobriquet
  35. Emperor regretted his having let Bodhidharma leave and was going to dispatch a, messenger ,to go and beg Bodhidharma to return. The Official then said," Your Highness
  36. Understood as a proper name, its Hebrew meaning is simply" My i.e.,God's, messenger ," (or 'His messenger ' in the Septuagint) and may not be the author's name
  37. And all the earth shook. Upon Frigg's entreaties, delivered through the, messenger ,Herod, Hel promised to release Bald from the underworld if all objects alive
  38. Behold, I will send my messenger ... ", if my, messenger ,is taken literally as the name Malachi. However, other scholars, including the
  39. War. His maternal grandfather joined the Army at 14 and was a mounted, messenger ,for George Washington. His father, Ulysses F. Doubleday, fought in the War of
  40. Free Internet suite called AOL Open Ride, which combined a web browser, instant, messenger , email client and media player. * On February 16, 2007,it was announced that
  41. Hasan Ali Shah. Hasan Ali Shah was on a hunting trip at the time, but he sent a, messenger ,to request permission of the monarch to go to Mecca for the hajj pilgrimage.
  42. And functional tertiary structures. Pairing is the mechanism by which codons on, messenger ,RNA molecules are recognized by anticodons on transfer RNA during protein
  43. Is a feminine spirit in Irish mythology, usually seen as an omen of death and a, messenger ,from the Otherworld. In Irish legend, a banshee is a fairy woman who begins to
  44. Captured ships, within about five or six leagues from land. Three days later a, messenger , sent by Marks, returned to the fleet; Marks's boat had capsized and delayed
  45. According to the foregoing, Apollion is a holy (good) angel, servant,and, messenger ,of God; but in occult and, generally,in noncanonical writings, he is evil.
  46. Some are excitatory; others inhibitory; others work by activating second, messenger ,systems that change the internal chemistry of their target cells in complex
  47. And forthwith directed one of his own messenger s to accompany the bishop's, messenger , and to tell him that the people were unanimously inclined to accept his
  48. In Achilles' armor. The bravery and death of Patrols are reported in a, messenger ,'s speech, which is followed by mourning. The Persians The earliest of his
  49. The presence of amphetamine. One such neurotransmitter is dopamine, a chemical, messenger ,heavily active in the Mesolithic and mesocortical reward pathways. Not
  50. Of sacrifices. The sacrifices made to Agni go to the deities because Agni is a, messenger ,from and to the other gods. He is ever-young, because the fire is re-lit every

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