Examples of the the word, certainty , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Significant reduction or loss of biological diversity, lack of full scientific, certainty ,should not be used as a reason for postponing measures to avoid or minimize
  2. These paradoxes (see Fratelli 1991); one difficulty in determining this with, certainty ,is that Cantor did not provide an axiomatization of his system. It is
  3. Will often have an impact on an open-minded unbiased jury searching for the, certainty ,of facts with which to base their decision upon. Bibliography * * * * * * *
  4. There are three important notes to keep in mind here. First, he claims only the, certainty ,of his own existence from the first-person point of view — he has not proved
  5. Records do not date back into the whaling era, this will not be known with, certainty ,for many years. The longest recorded study of a single individual is 34 years
  6. Oneself in the pure moment. ". Ethics cannot be based on the authoritative, certainty ,given by mathematics and logic, or prescribed directly from the empirical
  7. Existing spiritual world. Steiner identified mathematics, which attains, certainty ,through thinking itself, thus through inner experience rather than empirical
  8. Loss of salvation" required further study before it could be taught with any, certainty , The core beliefs of Jacobus Arminius and the Remonstrants are summarized as
  9. The hypothetical beliefs of the primitive church that cannot be determined with, certainty , The first, which dates from the 2nd century, differs significantly from the
  10. Clarity and self-evidence of the proposition. Descartes does not use this first, certainty , the bonito, as a foundation upon which to build further knowledge; rather, it
  11. Protagoras, Pyrrho, and Creates. Such thinkers rejected the idea that, certainty ,was possible. Hume, Kant,and Kierkegaard Many philosophers (following the
  12. At the end of a string" Franklin experiment and established with a degree of, certainty ,that, if Franklin had indeed proceeded thus, he would undoubtedly have been
  13. They join with others and fight back, even though they must live with the, certainty ,that they cannot win? Camus's answer is clearly the latter, embodied in the
  14. Was tender, and in color, texture,smell as well as taste, strengthened my, certainty ,that of all the meats we habitually know, veal is the one meat to which this
  15. Unlikely that Dr. Marks ingested the methanol knowingly, although there is no, certainty ,that he died as the direct result of the act of another person. During media
  16. Claiming that his conclusion is obvious by undermining the intuitions that his, certainty ,requires. Steven Earned is critical of speed and complexity replies when they
  17. Death tolls The exact number of victims at Auschwitz is impossible to fix with, certainty , Since the Nazis destroyed a number of records, immediate efforts to count the
  18. Only in their late twenties, a highly successful literary career appeared a, certainty ,for Anne and her sisters. However, an impending tragedy was to engulf the
  19. To that of natural amethyst that it can not be differentiated with absolute, certainty ,without advanced gemological testing (which is often cost-prohibitive).
  20. A law. * Principle of legal security, which includes a principle of legal, certainty ,and the principle of retroactivity * Principle of proportionality, which
  21. The Beast of Bodmin has been reported many times but never identified with, certainty , Berkeley () is a city on the east shore of the San Francisco Bay in Northern
  22. Proposed they were not all Egyptians. Clement's birthplace is not known with, certainty , Other than being Egyptian, Athens is proposed as his birthplace by the
  23. Chinese circles as opposed to a general sense of Chinese nationalist moral, certainty , much of ethnic Chinese scholarship of Chinese history remains largely
  24. The readings of the Vatican manuscript were given with more exactness and, certainty ,than had been possible in the earlier editions, and the editor had also the
  25. Maimonides argued that executing a defendant on anything less than absolute, certainty ,would lead to a slippery slope of decreasing burdens of proof, until we would
  26. Observed:" The true relationship between the three cannot be determined with, certainty ,... there can be no doubt that the affair figurative usage damaged Disraeli and
  27. Opposites' and balancing tension, rather than seeking a priori validation or, certainty , Like the existentialists and phenomenologists, he sees the ambiguity of life
  28. Church to salvation. Dutch Reformed theologian Herman Riders says" The, certainty ,of salvation does not rest on the fact that the church belongs to a certain "
  29. A" relation holds between the terms, which would allow for absolute, universal, certainty , " Avicenna then adds two further methods for arriving at the first principles:
  30. Crown of which he was three times deprived. Little is known of the family with, certainty ,; the Chambers Biographical Dictionary records that they arrived in Spain in the
  31. Italian and Ethiopian sources. " Lewis believes that it" was his farsighted, certainty ,that total annihilation of Barrier and a sweep into Eritrea would force the
  32. Which later conclusions are based. Pascal agreed with Montaigne that achieving, certainty ,in these axioms and conclusions through human methods is impossible. He
  33. That the fallibility of human beings means that they cannot obtain absolute, certainty ,except in trivial cases where a statement is true by definition (i.e.
  34. Only in such measure as to be ready to abandon it if it is proved with, certainty ,to be false; lest holy Scripture be exposed to the ridicule of unbelievers, and
  35. Saville Inquiry was inconclusive on Martin McGuinness' role due to a lack of, certainty ,over his movements, concluding that while he was" engaged in paramilitary
  36. Finance its public service obligations after digital switch-over. However, some, certainty , lies in the announcement in April 2006 that Channel 4's digital switch-over
  37. Similar to that for Atlas Shrugged, with philosopher Sidney Hook likening her, certainty ,to" the way philosophy is written in the Soviet Union ", and author Gore Vidal
  38. On human action. God does not determine the future, but He does know it. God's, certainty ,and human contingency are compatible. Corporate view of election The majority
  39. And end of all, can,by the natural light of human reason, be known with, certainty ,from the works of creation" ( Coast. De FIDE, II,De Rev.) Types of
  40. Resources. Relevance The Nagoya Protocol is intended to create greater legal, certainty ,and transparency for both providers and users of genetic resources by:
  41. Too little-studied to permit assignment to a particular subfamily with any, certainty , Part of the solution seems that the delicate tambourines are the core group
  42. 1976 BCE to 1801 BCE); but the most that can be said with some degree of, certainty ,is that the standard Hebrew text of Genesis places Abraham in the earlier part
  43. Are accurate. Austrian economists hold that induction does not assure, certainty ,like deduction, as real world economic data are inherently ambiguous and
  44. Resulting in a comparatively lower population density of. History There is no, certainty ,as to when humans first occupied the area prior to the first visits of
  45. We are not permitted to doubt. Indeed, we know that she wrote them. But the very, certainty ,that she wrote these things compels in us a doubt that she wrote Science and
  46. Of Artemis, but the surviving details of his transgression vary:" the only, certainty ,is in what Action suffered, his πάθος, and what Artemis did: the hunter became
  47. Contrast to most kinds of software, they meet specifications with verifiable, certainty ,comparable to specifications for size, weight and power. Secure operating
  48. As 514. The information about him is so limited that it cannot be said with, certainty ,that Ælle existed. Ælle and three of his sons are reported to have arrived from
  49. Jewish Sect that believed Jesus was the Messiah. It is close to an historical, certainty ,that Matthew belonged to this group. Some believe that the non-canonical Gospel
  50. In a one-sided and strongly pantheistic form. Three propositions only can with, certainty ,be attributed to him: #that God is all (Romania sent Zeus) and thus all things

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