Examples of the the word, memorandum , in a Sentence Context

The word ( memorandum ), is the 5543 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Had begun for a new high-speed rail line between Baghdad and Basra, with a, memorandum ,of understanding with Alston having been signed. Maps *
  2. Over a luncheon that included fried chicken and convinced him to sign a ", memorandum ,of understanding" in which he capitulated to most of McCarthy's demands.
  3. Which he would be" gauche" meaning" clumsy. ";:" memory aid "; an object or, memorandum ,to assist in remembrance, or a diplomatic paper proposing the major points of
  4. During the First World War, Maurice Lanka, the Cabinet Secretary, circulated a, memorandum ,on the subject. He started by saying," Generally it appears to me that any
  5. Shannon announced his intention to" develop these results ... in a forthcoming, memorandum ,on the transmission of information. " While at Bell Labs, he proved that the
  6. Served on the defendant; # the complaint must be buttressed by a comprehensive, memorandum , not filed in court, but served on the government detailing the factual
  7. Sufficiently meet rising demand in Israel in the coming years. According to a, memorandum ,of understanding, the commitment of Egypt is contracted for 15 years at a price
  8. But in 1987 the King was forced into exile after coming up with a six-page, memorandum ,on how he wanted the Lesotho's constitution to be, which would have given him
  9. Used the occasion to adopt the Italian version of his name, Guido,and in his, memorandum ,described James I as" a heretic ", who intended" to have all the Papist
  10. Conversations with the emperor in his diaries and notebooks. According to the, memorandum , in 1988,the emperor expressed his strong displeasure at the decision made by
  11. Walked out of the Parliament of Northern Ireland in protest. A British Army, memorandum ,states that as a result of this the situation" changed overnight ", with the
  12. Poll published on 18 May 2011.62 % of the people questioned felt that the IMF, memorandum ,that Greece signed in 2010 was a bad decision that hurt the country, while 80 %
  13. September 22, 2008. ISBN 0470189592. 336 pp. Footnotes On November 29, 1983 a, memorandum ,of agreement was set up between Israel and the United States regarding
  14. Sending migrant workers to Malaysia in May 2011 as both countries will sign a, memorandum ,of understanding (You) about worker protection by the end of April 2011. *
  15. Spoke to newspaper reporters after their return to the United States. German, memorandum ,The German government delivered a memorandum on the incident via the American
  16. 1989,TF issued a statement which stated that, in " early 1985" an urgent, memorandum ,was sent to all of its members" reminding them that any such activities
  17. Of an Apollo 13 Review Board to investigate the cause of the accident. A second, memorandum ,to Copyright from Paine and Low on April 21 established the board as follows::
  18. Appointed him governor of New South Wales Arthur Phillip drew up a detailed, memorandum ,of his plans for the proposed new colony. In one paragraph he wrote:" The laws
  19. Minister of Cuba Bruno Rodriguez visited Australia. The ministers signed a, memorandum ,of understanding in political cooperation between the foreign ministries and
  20. Nixon Kazan Shim bun published a front page article about the discovery of a, memorandum ,detailing the reason that the Emperor stopped visiting Yasukuni. The memorandum
  21. Or exclamation mark),and was inherited from a 1974 Bell Laboratories internal, memorandum ,by Brian Kernighan, Programming in C: A Tutorial, which contains the first
  22. In Art & Design and politics together when he and other notables signed a, memorandum ,to the Permanent Secretaries of the Board of Trade, among others. The November
  23. Permanent Secretaries of the Board of Trade, among others. The November 1914, memorandum , expressed the signatories concerns about British industrial design in the face
  24. Typical of the mismanaged British operations of the time. Wellesley submitted a, memorandum ,to Lord Castlereagh on the defense of Portugal. He stressed its mountainous
  25. Armenian" blue helmets" serve within the Greek Army battalion. The relevant, memorandum ,was signed on September 3,2003, in Yerevan and ratified by the Armenian
  26. Fees) Regulations 2004 also came into force on 8 October 2004. An explanatory, memorandum ,(PDF,2 pages 23 KB) on the Fees Regulations describe them as setting out "
  27. In 1919,but continued in the Cabinet as lord president of the council. In a, memorandum ,addressed to new Foreign Secretary Lord Carbon, he stated that the Balfour
  28. Reynolds, fearing he may not have an opportunity to write a will, wrote a, memorandum ,intended to be his last will and testament, with Edmund Burke, Edmond Malone
  29. NASA Administrator Thomas Paine and Deputy Administrator George Low sent a, memorandum ,to NASA Langley Research Center Director Edgar Copyright on April 17, 1970 (
  30. To that scholar, including future Muftis; mere rulings can be compared to, memorandum ,opinions. The primary difference between common-law opinions and fatwas
  31. Amounts of meat are regulated by FDA, and the exact boundaries are listed in a, memorandum ,of understanding between the two agencies. However, medicines and other
  32. Safe return. Oxford was also in confrontation with Leicester about this time. A, memorandum ,from 1579 details 'Articles whereof Oxford would have accused Leicester ', and
  33. Each breast. He was reportedly so upset by the matter that he wrote a detailed, memorandum ,to the crew on how to fix the problem. Richard Fleischer, who directed His Kind
  34. Memorandum detailing the reason that the Emperor stopped visiting Yasukuni. The, memorandum , kept by former chief of Imperial Household Agency Tomohiko Toyota, confirms
  35. Mandate Palestine after the League of Nations approved the British Transborder, memorandum ,which stated that the Mandate territories east of the River Jordan would be
  36. Based in Paris. In 1987,15 representatives from 13 European countries signed a, memorandum ,of understanding developing and deploy a common cellular telephone system
  37. Of Jeff by the British, the Muslim-Christian Association sent a lengthy, memorandum ,and petition to the military governor protesting once more any formation of a
  38. For religious policies deemed dangerous to Turkey's secular nature, sent a, memorandum ,to Prime Minister Necmettin Urban requesting that he resign, which he did.
  39. Submarines. Development Blue Steel was the result of a Ministry of Supply, memorandum ,from 5 November 1954 that predicted that by 1960 Soviet air defenses would make
  40. On communication theory. At the close of the war, he prepared a classified, memorandum ,for Bell Telephone Labs entitled" A Mathematical Theory of Cryptography,"
  41. Of account are at the direct basis of this system: the memorial (Italian:, memorandum ,), the finale (journal),and the squadron (ledger). The ledger is
  42. Had been agreed upon and 15 representatives from 13 European nations signed a, memorandum ,of understanding in Copenhagen, committing to deploy GSM. In 1989,the Group
  43. Military bureaucracy and gained supporters. General George C. Marshall, in a, memorandum ,to President Franklin D. Roosevelt dated 3 February 1944,wrote The Air Medal
  44. Unclear, debated by members of Congress and professors of law. In 1997,a, memorandum ,of understanding between the US and four of the former USSR states was signed
  45. In whole or part, and kept secret. Postwar contributions In 1948 the promised, memorandum ,appeared as" A Mathematical Theory of Communication ", an article in two parts
  46. To the United States. German memorandum The German government delivered a, memorandum ,on the incident via the American ambassador in Berlin, who received it on 6
  47. Sandford" and" Darlington field ". The earliest record, a municipal, memorandum ,of 23 August 1485 from York, locates the battle" on the field of Remote ".
  48. In different places. In January 1953,H. P. Kuhn wrote an internal IBM, memorandum ,that used hashing with chaining. A" Hello world" program is a computer
  49. Camp administrators. Andrei Vysotsky, procurator of the Soviet Union, wrote a, memorandum ,to NKVD chief Nikolai Method in 1938 which stated: Among the prisoners there
  50. Exercises, training programs, and other military cooperation with the U. S. A, memorandum ,of understanding on defense cooperation was signed on November 29, 1994. The

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