Examples of the the word, battlefield , in a Sentence Context

The word ( battlefield ), is the 5549 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of Shrewsbury (1403) to amplify the perception of Richard's courage on the, battlefield , Similarly, the single combat between Henry and Richard is Shakespeare's
  2. Assist his king, so Richard decided to gamble everything on a charge across the, battlefield ,to kill Henry and end the fight. Seeing the king's knights separated from his
  3. Of the Praetorian Guard in 27 BC, originally a personal bodyguard unit on the, battlefield ,that evolved into an imperial guard as well as an important political force in
  4. Early on. The British had sufficient troops to defeat the Americans on the, battlefield ,but not enough to simultaneously occupy the colonies. This manpower shortage
  5. Of his action that they considered counterproductive to their struggle on the, battlefield , " What were you doing, and why? " Asked the Guru. " I was giving water to the
  6. Without preference for either theory, they constructed a single continuous, battlefield ,boundary that encompasses the locations proposed by both Williams and FOSS. The
  7. As a volunteer to go to the war. Carrying his old school books with him to the, battlefield , he constantly reminds himself of the importance of learning and education.
  8. Charge compared to Marder's PAK 40) for better armor protection and ease of, battlefield ,concealment. The role of the tank destroyer was to attack enemy tanks from an
  9. And attack helicopters have also added anti-tank capability to the modern, battlefield , But there are still dedicated anti-tank vehicles with very heavy long-range
  10. Rough sports and activities that were considered manly. His performances on the, battlefield ,impressed his brother greatly, and he became Edward's right-hand man. During
  11. And asked Zeus, his father, for permission to drive Ares away from the, battlefield , which Zeus granted (V.711–769). Hera and Athena encouraged Diomedes to
  12. New York City draft riots. The stage was set for his address at the Gettysburg, battlefield ,cemetery on November 19. Defying Lincoln's prediction that" the world will
  13. Aircraft are limited to 'theater' missions in and around the immediate area of, battlefield ,combat. Even that distinction is muddied by the availability of aerial
  14. According to the Islamic faith, this valley Major by the mount will be the, battlefield ,of the final battle. Muslims believe that the Islamic Prophet Muhammad
  15. Using instruments, tabulated data, data of the moment and approximations until, battlefield ,computers started appearing in the 1960s and '70s. While some early calculators
  16. Fighting vehicles are classified according to their intended role on the, battlefield ,and characteristics. This classification is not absolute; at different times
  17. Advances in weaponry allowed infantry to defeat armored knights on the, battlefield , The quality of the metal used in armor deteriorated as armies became bigger
  18. Lee at Fredericksburg in December. Not only had Burnside been defeated on the, battlefield , but his soldiers were disgruntled and undisciplined. Desertions during 1863
  19. Notably accompanied by John Neill. Population Places of interest The original, battlefield ,museum in the village featured model knights made out of Action Man figures.
  20. Which made him for long the most formidable opponent of Napoleon. On the, battlefield , it is probably fair to say, Charles was comparable in skill and style to Sir
  21. 18th century. It was the only way they could be mounted and survey the overall, battlefield ,with safety from distant musket fire. The horse was afforded protection from
  22. In the poem, Aeneas ' mother Aphrodite frequently comes to his aid on the, battlefield ,; he is a favorite of Apollo. Aphrodite and Apollo rescue Aeneas from combat
  23. Of ground targets. It is among the most versatile and fearsome weapons on the, battlefield , valued for its shock action against other troops and high survivability
  24. Corps, and was Mentioned in Dispatches. He and many of his colleagues worked in, battlefield ,hospitals at the Western Front in France. In 1918, he returned to St Mary's
  25. Armour had been developed in armories of Lombardy Heavy cavalry dominated the, battlefield ,for centuries in part because of their armor. In the early 15th century
  26. Exonerated him, and he returned to duty, although he was no longer given any, battlefield ,commands. He still saw action, however,as an aide-de-camp to General
  27. The first documented record of artillery with gunpowder propellant used on the, battlefield ,was on January 28, 1132 when General Han Shillong of the Song Dynasty used
  28. We must not be enemies ... The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every, battlefield , and patriot grave, to every living heart and hearthstone, all over this broad
  29. King of Ethiopia slew Antioch, Achilles once more obtained revenge on the, battlefield , killing Demon. The fight between Achilles and Demon over Antioch echoes
  30. Grand periods" these historians implausibly gave to men in the midst of urgent, battlefield ,circumstances (Precept grenade Republican
  31. 21 years kissed the soil on which he stood. He and Napoleon met and toured the, battlefield ,of Paoli's defeat. A national assembly at Arezzo created the department of
  32. This road to be the most probable route that both armies took to reach the, battlefield , Williams dismisses the notion of" Red more" as a specific location, calling
  33. And not the man his brother Hector was, and Achilles remained undefeated on the, battlefield , His bones were mingled with those of Patrols, and funeral games were held.
  34. In the medieval Valencian Parliament. After several decades of being the, battlefield ,where Kingdom of Castile and the Crown of Aragon clashed, Alicante became a
  35. Air support and force protection (air base defense) for ground forces, and, battlefield , interdiction. The primary interdiction targets were early warning/ground
  36. Of the nineteenth, artillery is judged to have accounted for perhaps 50 % of, battlefield ,casualties. In the sixty years preceding 1914,this figure was probably as low
  37. He reports there that as Alexander of Virus lay mortally wounded on the, battlefield ,at Pandora he compared his fortunes to those of his famous nephew and said
  38. In the Black Sea. Vultures and dogs, both of which prey upon carrion in the, battlefield , were sacred to him. Cult and ritual Although Ares received occasional
  39. Has run parallel to the development of increasingly effective weaponry on the, battlefield , with armorers seeking to create better protection without sacrificing
  40. Life and his own commentary on the Rita that it was" an allegory in which the, battlefield ,is the soul and Arjuna,man's higher impulses struggling against evil. "
  41. it is logistically demanding. It has the heaviest armor of any vehicle on the, battlefield , and carries a powerful weapon that may be able to engage a wide variety of
  42. Of the enemy. He gave water to both friends and foes who were wounded on the, battlefield , Some enemy began to fight again, and some Sikh warriors were annoyed by
  43. As Kat, he has the most positive influence on Paul and his comrades on the, battlefield , Kandinsky was a cobbler in civilian life; he is older than Paul Bauer and
  44. Market Bosworth because the town was the nearest significant settlement to the, battlefield ,in the 15th century. As explored by Professor Philip Morgan, a battle might
  45. Lord Thomas Stanley and Sir William Stanley also brought a force to the, battlefield , but held back while they decided which side it would be more advantageous to
  46. Based in Pakistan. It has been noted that Tajikistan has now become the new, battlefield ,for Kashmiri militants fighting NATO in support of al-Qaeda and Taliban. Driven
  47. Leaders of the French Revolution and Empire. The names of those who died on the, battlefield ,are underlined. * The great arcades are decorated with allegorical figures
  48. By the masses of Welsh spacemen around him, the last Yorkist king died on the, battlefield , Richard's forces disintegrated as news of his death spread. Northumberland
  49. Popular with his troops. They said he was" tough as old hickory" wood on the, battlefield , and he acquired the nickname of" Old Hickory ". In the Battle of New Orleans
  50. They are usually used for long-range indirect bombardment support on the, battlefield , In the past, self-propelled artillery has included direct fire vehicles such

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