Examples of the the word, dietary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dietary ), is the 5539 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To produce an anxiolytic response. Camilo is sold in the United States as a, dietary ,supplement, while in Russia it is sold over the counter. Chlorpheniramine (
  2. Source of other vitamins such as thiamine, niacin,and riboflavin, plus some, dietary ,minerals including calcium, iron,potassium, zinc,copper, and manganese.
  3. Reactions may be lethal, the total number of deaths due to interactions and, dietary ,concerns is comparable to over-the-counter medications. Antidepressants are
  4. Food energy from vegetable matter. Their jaw structure has evolved to fit their, dietary ,habits. Their diet varies enormously throughout their differing areas based on
  5. The skin. Nutrition The sweet almond contains about 26 % carbohydrates (12 %, dietary ,fiber,6.3 % sugars,0.7 % starch and the rest miscellaneous carbohydrates)
  6. Drinks as a healthier alternative to tapioca starch. Data de coco is high in, dietary ,fiber and low in cholesterol and fat. The data de coco is sliced into thin
  7. Nutraceutical and health food companies sell formulations of antioxidants as, dietary ,supplements and these are widely used in industrialized countries. These
  8. Now been disproved and that the idea was misguided from the beginning. Rather, dietary ,polyphenols may have non-antioxidant roles in minute concentrations that affect
  9. Brains, although a coincidental relationship between the disease and this, dietary ,practice may have been involved. See:
  10. A type of organic chemical reaction * Approximate digestibility, in study of, dietary ,efficiency, a rough unit measure of the digestibility of animal feed *
  11. Evaluate the risks and qualities of given products. Denmark: Herbal and, dietary ,supplements is the designation of a range of products, which have in common
  12. Botanical medicinal products and Homeopathic medicinal products. Some, dietary ,supplements fall within a special category of products, which differ from the
  13. Of vitamin E, containing 26 mg per 100 g (Table). They are also rich in, dietary ,fiber, B vitamins, essential minerals and monounsaturated fat (see nutrient
  14. From the one that prevented Beriberi. The physicians were investigating, dietary ,deficiency diseases using the new animal model of guinea pigs. However, guinea
  15. Healthy diet appears to reduce the risk of breast cancer, and includes limiting, dietary ,fat, eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of nutrients, and dietary
  16. And the compact storage of fat explain why it is the densest source of, dietary ,calories. Anaerobic respiration or fermentation entails
  17. Building muscle and losing fat means bodybuilders may consume a wide variety of, dietary ,supplements. Various products are used in an attempt to augment muscle size
  18. Relatively strong reducing acids can have antinutrient effects by binding to, dietary ,minerals such as iron and zinc in the gastrointestinal tract and preventing
  19. Has been consumed by humans since prehistoric times for a variety of hygienic, dietary , medicinal, religious,and recreational reasons. The consumption of large doses
  20. Or the consequence of disease. Antioxidants are widely used as ingredients in, dietary ,supplements and have been investigated for the prevention of diseases such as
  21. All other narcotics, and from unclean meats – vegetarianism being the optimal, dietary ,practice. # One identifying feature of the church is the presence of the Spirit
  22. Health of the individual, so it is hard to make general statements about the, dietary ,requirement for some amino acids. (Non-protein functions In humans
  23. Reversible way similar to moclobemide (an antidepressant that does not require, dietary ,restrictions). Psychotic experiments and the absence of dietary
  24. Guinea pigs, teleost fishes, bats and birds cannot and require it as a, dietary ,micronutrient (i.e. vitamin). History From the middle of the 18th century, it
  25. Produce two molecules of bicarbonate, which are then available as buffers for, dietary ,acids. Ammonium is excreted in the urine, resulting in net acid loss. Ammonia
  26. The mid 18th century. The New England colonies were extremely similar in their, dietary ,habits to those that many of them had brought from England. A striking
  27. Been negative. It is not clear if the doses used in these trials or in most, dietary ,supplements are capable of producing any significant decrease in oxidative
  28. Dietary fat, eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of nutrients, and, dietary , fibre such as are found in fruits and vegetables, and restricting intake of
  29. Orthodox. Islam Consumption of food containing blood is forbidden by Islamic, dietary ,laws. This is derived from the statement in the Qur'an, sura Al-Ma'Ida (5:3):
  30. For plant sources. Besides protein, amaranth grain provides a good source of, dietary ,fiber and dietary minerals such as iron, magnesium,phosphorus, copper,and
  31. Claim in their promotional materials. *Milk is an excellent source of, dietary ,calcium for those whose bodies tolerate it because it has a high concentration
  32. Are a complementing source of thiamine, niacin,riboflavin, and folate, and, dietary , minerals including calcium, iron,magnesium, phosphorus,zinc, copper,and
  33. Most brown bears are not highly carnivorous, as they derive up to 90 % of their, dietary ,food energy from vegetable matter. Their jaw structure has evolved to fit their
  34. Smallest quantity (Leviticus 3:17 and elsewhere); this is reflected in Jewish, dietary ,laws (Kashrut). Blood is purged from meat by salting and soaking in water.
  35. Beaver in their company or organizational symbol or as their mascot include: In, dietary ,law In the 17th century, based on a question raised by the Bishop of Quebec
  36. Exceeded US$3billion globally. In 2001,five Nutritive products were the first, dietary ,supplements to be certified by NSF International. Surveys by independent group
  37. Medicines Act. In the Danish Medicines Act there exist four types of herbal and, dietary ,supplements: Herbal medicinal products, Strong vitamin and mineral preparations
  38. Besides protein, amaranth grain provides a good source of dietary fiber and, dietary ,minerals such as iron, magnesium,phosphorus, copper,and especially manganese.
  39. Of indigestion does carry some risk because the causes can vary from a minor, dietary ,indiscretion to a peptic ulcer. The pain and symptoms of gastric esophageal
  40. The use of blood (human or otherwise) in cooking is prohibited by the kosher, dietary ,laws (kashrut). Blood from slaughtered animals may not be consumed, and must
  41. Serotonin, for example — the primary target of antidepressant drugs and many, dietary ,aids — comes exclusively from a small brain stem area called the Safe nuclei.
  42. Whereas the members of Jewish Christianity were circumcised and adhered to, dietary ,laws, the Pauline Christianity featured in Acts did not require Gentiles to be
  43. Not require dietary restrictions). Psychotic experiments and the absence of, dietary ,restrictions in the highly urban Brazilian ayahuasca church UNIDO do Vegetal
  44. But subsequently learning that there were no longer any strict observers of the, dietary ,laws among the Samaritans, with the assistance of his colleagues, Ḥiyya b. Abbey
  45. Antioxidant action in the human body. However, less data is available for other, dietary ,antioxidants, such as vitamin E, or the polyphenols. Potential of antioxidant
  46. Indigenous peoples' diet, prior to the Europeans' arrival) for purposes of, dietary ,law. Therefore, the general prohibition on the consumption of meat on Fridays
  47. Dose-dependent. Effects were mostly associated with the kidney and liver,the, dietary ,detoxifying organs, although different between the 3 GMOs. Other effects were
  48. John's Wort is commonly used as an antidepressant, although it is labeled as a, dietary ,supplement in some countries. The term antidepressant is sometimes applied to
  49. Increases. *The absorption of calcium from most food and commonly used, dietary ,supplements is very similar. This is contrary to what much calcium supplement
  50. Of almond flour,1 cup, contains 20 grams of carbohydrates, of which 10 g is, dietary ,fiber, for a net of 10 g of carbohydrate per cup. This makes almond flour very

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