Examples of the the word, dispatch , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dispatch ), is the 5545 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of maintaining a military force in New Zealand was considerable prompting a, dispatch ,on 24 November 1846 from Right Hon Earl Grey to advise Lieutenant Governor
  2. That books can confuse the thoughts. Shortly after receiving an emergency, dispatch , Montag follows Beatty and the crew to another call to arms; Beatty
  3. To their attitude in the Eastern question, and their views were embodied in the, dispatch , known as the" Address Note ", sent on 30 December 1875 by Address to Count
  4. Defeats, while according to the Historian Augusta as well as Alexander's own, dispatch ,to the Roman Senate, he gained great victories. Making Antioch his base, he
  5. On the Sunday, but they dispersed after receiving nine contradictory orders by, dispatch ,from the Volunteer leadership in Dublin. Much to the anger of many Volunteers
  6. Objects. Dylan supports multiple inheritance, polymorphism,multiple, dispatch , keyword arguments, object introspection, pattern-based syntax extension macros
  7. Object-system for Common Lisp. CLOSE is a dynamic object system with multiple, dispatch ,and multiple inheritance, and differs radically from the OOP facilities found
  8. The military in North Korea since the Korean War, when North Korea began to, dispatch ,political officials to the military. In October 1950,party committees began to
  9. Favor of war. France mobilized and declared war on 19 July, five days after the, dispatch ,was published in Paris. It was seen as the aggressor and German states, swept
  10. Roman–Parthia War of 161–66. See also: Roman–Persian Wars Origins to Lucius ', dispatch , 161–62 On his deathbed, Pius spoke of nothing but the state and the foreign
  11. The Emperor regretted his having let Bodhidharma leave and was going to, dispatch ,a messenger to go and beg Bodhidharma to return. The Official then said," Your
  12. To work side-by-side with the missionaries, and they continued to recruit and, dispatch ,more native preachers. Southern Methodism was not dependent on missionaries in
  13. Permission to call herself" Chevalier," and the request was granted (AFP, dispatch , Jan 28, 2000). Italy As related in Orders of
  14. Soviet 44th Army landed on the Perch Peninsula. The Luftwaffe was only able to, dispatch ,meager reinforcements of four Kampfgruppen (bomber group. Note: not
  15. S arrest added to a political crisis that prompted neighboring Senegal to, dispatch ,a high-level delegation to Bissau. "" Guinea-Bissau's navy chief, who was
  16. At an obstruction. Another feature of the system was a digital clock on the, dispatch ,board. When someone hit a scran switch the clock stopped and the display was
  17. Support for object-oriented programming includes classes, inheritance,virtual, dispatch , packages, pass-by-value semantics, and pass-by-reference semantics.
  18. Around specific instrument departure, en route, and arrival procedures, and, dispatch , the flight. Confusing flight rules with weather conditions It is essential to
  19. Track sends his mutant-hunting robot Sentinels to terrorize mutants. The X-Men, dispatch ,them, but Track sees the error in his ways too late as he is killed by his
  20. The retreat than in battle, since mounted knights could quickly and easily, dispatch ,the archers and infantry who were no longer protected by a line of pikes as
  21. Forces to face the usurper. However, the invasion of the Marian forced him to, dispatch ,Aureoles with a large force against them, leaving him with insufficient troops.
  22. Abandonment of discipline caused an enraged Wellington to write in a famous, dispatch ,to Earl Bathurst," We have in the service the scum of the earth as common
  23. On the interisland Cook Strait ferry. The ferry immediately stopped to, dispatch ,a rescue lifeboat. Along with the two pilots, one entire family was lost, and
  24. Several nights with Intrepid and her sister ship Fearless sailing half-way to, dispatch ,their craft was devised. The attempted overland march by half the Welsh Guards
  25. Whom the stain of the late cruelties rested ... proceeding, with all convenient, dispatch ,and merciful swiftness of execution, to blot it out of mankind and raze it off
  26. It adds traditional inheritance and Small talk/Objective-C style dynamic, dispatch ,and optional pseudo-static typing to JavaScript. * CoffeeScript, an alternate
  27. The local emergency operations center. The sponsoring agency may activate and, dispatch ,teams in order to gather or respond to intelligence about an incident. Teams
  28. Of a BRO employee by the neo-Arian in 2005 prompted the Indian authorities to, dispatch ,approximately 200 Indo-Tibetan Border Police commandos to in 2006 to provide
  29. Allow for instance behavior and complex operational polymorphism (see dynamic, dispatch ,and polymorphism). Within object-oriented analysis In object-oriented analysis
  30. Ones have supported (c). As long as there is no contemporary source or, dispatch ,on the topic, Hills does not personally discard (a) considering it the most
  31. Hours of 16 June, at the Duchess of Richmond's ball in Brussels, he received a, dispatch ,from the Prince of Orange, and was shocked by the speed of Napoleon's advance.
  32. As no wedding occurred. In 1378,Richard II sent Chaucer as an envoy (secret, dispatch ,) to the Viscount and to Sir John Hawk wood, English condottiere (mercenary
  33. Determine whether instructions can be executed in parallel, as well as, dispatch ,them in such a way as to keep as many execution units busy as possible. This
  34. With the Ottoman Empire with the chartering of the Levant Company and the, dispatch ,of the first English ambassador to the Port, William Harborne, in 1578.
  35. Inc. for $160 million. In doing so, Motorola not only acquired computer aided, dispatch ,and related software, but also acquired Automated fingerprint identification
  36. Bivouacked well to the south of La Belle Alliance. At 10:00,in response to a, dispatch ,he had received from Grouchy six hours earlier, he sent a reply telling Grouchy
  37. One. Others Another contemporary source of the text is the Associated Press, dispatch , transcribed from the shorthand notes taken by reporter Joseph L. Gilbert. It
  38. Of Health),and in The Pale Horse, published in 1961,she employed it to, dispatch ,a series of victims, the first clue to the murder method coming from the
  39. Ships of the Continental Navy fail in their attempt to capture a Royal Navy, dispatch ,boat. *1782 – Rama I of Siam (modern day Thailand) founds the Chakra dynasty.
  40. Was allowed to remain after the expiry of the permit. The military used it to, dispatch ,Parisian taxis to the front line during the First Battle of the Marne. Timeline
  41. A report to his controller. This turned out to be identical with Barclay's, dispatch ,convincing the NKVD that he had seen the full Barclay report. A similar lapse
  42. To cross to the north bank of the Danube. On 10 August, Eugene sent an urgent, dispatch ,reporting that he was falling back to Donauwörth –" The enemy have marched. It
  43. To Marconi for radio in 1909,Thomas Edison and Tesla were mentioned in a press, dispatch ,as potential laureates to share the Nobel Prize of 1915,leading to one of
  44. Protocol gives the programmer a means to modify the inheritance, method, dispatch , class instantiation, and other internal mechanisms without affecting the
  45. The Transport Layer is to compare it with a Post Office, which deals with the, dispatch ,and classification of mail and parcels sent. Do remember, however,that a post
  46. Teeth for carnivorans are the large, slightly recurred canines, used to, dispatch ,prey, and the carnassial complex, used to rend meat from bone and slice it into
  47. Ada 95 added support for object-oriented programming, including dynamic, dispatch , The syntax of Ada is simple, consistent and readable. It minimizes choices of
  48. Radio system that combined paging, data and cellular communications and voice, dispatch ,in a single radio network and handset. In 1995 Motorola introduced the world's
  49. Simultaneously. In general, the more instructions a super scalar CPU is able to, dispatch ,simultaneously to waiting execution units, the more instructions will be
  50. Defense mode) Martin Gore said," It means hurried fashion or fashion, dispatch , I like the sound of that. " Gore recollects that the first time the band

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