Examples of the the word, warren , in a Sentence Context

The word ( warren ), is the 5552 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Now Rizal Room) of the Palace itself. Until 1972,the second floor was a, warren ,of offices, including those of the Executive Secretary and the Vice President.
  2. Warren Wagon Train Raid, historic incident in Texas * Warren (free) (" Free, warren ,"),a type of hunting franchise under the Anglo-Norman Forest law * Warren (
  3. Of capitalism Was Capital claimed that' ... the turning of Africa into a, warren ,for the commercial hunting of black-skins, signaled the rosy dawn of the era of
  4. Were actually firing weapons, and were coming from all sides. Sort of a rabbit, warren ,of huts, houses,alleys, and twisting and turning streets, so those who were
  5. Increased to seven during the third season) live in the vast subterranean, warren ,of Gummy Glen in the medieval kingdom of Duncan. * Ducktails 1980s (1987–1990
  6. Also had his lands in Armthorpe enclosed, including an extensive rabbit, warren , He exchanged these after 1778 for of land in Hilton parish. The Earl Hilton
  7. To the plot, and is" on the eastern edge of Mare Crisis ". The Authority, warren ,Complex Under is connected to Luna City by the" Trans-Crisium" tube. Johnson
  8. And stoats attempting to get at the rabbits. The significance of the term, warren ,nowadays is not what it once was. In the Middle Ages it was a privileged place
  9. Robert Grille (sometimes Greeley),Lord of the Manchester Manor, granted free, warren ,in Withing ton to Matthew de Hathersage (or Average),son of William, in
  10. Deployment. At some point in the day, the Royalists attempted to seize a rabbit, warren ,to the west of the cornfields from where they might enfilade the
  11. Few years, the krone has relocated to a new facility in a storefront on West, warren ,ave. April 2011: The abandoned Krone Gym in Detroit may see new life under a
  12. About three thousand Japanese soldiers were left alive on the island is, warren ,of caves and tunnels. Those who could not bring themselves to commit suicide
  13. By a potential threat, a rabbit may freeze and observe then warn others in the, warren ,with powerful thumps on the ground. Rabbits have a remarkably wide field of
  14. A rabbit's name. *less: A rabbit who lives above ground or otherwise out of a, warren ,; a wandering rabbit. Plural Lessie. *Trudeau: Any type of motor vehicle, such
  15. Novel recounts the rabbits' odyssey as they escape the destruction of their, warren ,to seek a place in which to establish a new home, encountering perils and
  16. Added for the loading and unloading of lorries. The buildings stand on top of a, warren ,of tunnels: previously, live animals were brought to the market on the hoof (
  17. He was asked to show by what right he claimed sundry liberties and free, warren ,on the manor of Plum stead amongst others. Other questions included the right
  18. And Only One Grey Hare, he was born on July 27, 1940 in Brooklyn, New York in a, warren ,under Bets Field, home of the Brooklyn Dodgers. In reality, he was created by
  19. Was estimated there were no more than 300 Japanese left alive on the island is, warren ,of caves and tunnels. In fact, there were close to 3,000. The Japanese Bushido
  20. Were turned into a pleasure spot for the nobility. In 1630 a former rabbit, warren ,and kennel at the west rampart of the garden were made into a flower-lined
  21. Was. In the Middle Ages it was a privileged place, and the creatures of the, warren ,were protected by the king 'for his princely delight and pleasure '. The
  22. The hut According to the Assize Roll of the 14th century, Burhou was a rabbit, warren , and a refuge for fishermen. As Victor Cosh deduces, this would have meant
  23. It made it a felony (that is, a hanging offense) to appear armed in a park or, warren , or to hunt or steal deer, with the face blackened or disguised. The Act was
  24. Unchanged, the film omits several side plots. Though the Water ship Down, warren ,eventually grew to seventeen rabbits, with the additions of Strawberry, Holly
  25. Triangularly-shaped Flatiron Building which real estate people admit has a ", warren ,of awkward spaces that do not easily accommodate modern office furniture" but
  26. The Complex as being" halfway across Crisis. " Navy Leningrad, a large, warren , is linked to Luna City by tube, and a journey between the two requires the
  27. System. Ando's housing complex at Rock, just outside Kobe, is a complex, warren ,of terraces and balconies and atria and shafts. The designs for Rock Housing
  28. Other half of the manor passed to John SIGSTOP of Allertonshire, granted free, warren ,here, to the Pilot family and thenceforth to the Metals. In 1422,John and
  29. Lord There "," Lord of the Rowan tree ". The Chief Rabbit of the Sandford, warren , The Nobel operator is used in image processing, particularly within edge
  30. Between the two requires the traveler to" change at Torricelli ". Another, warren ,is Tycho Under, whose location is clearly in the area of the prominent Crater
  31. Matings between the siblings. The females will eventually disperse from the, warren ,as soon as they mature, but the father does not drive them off like he normally
  32. The manor belonged until the Reformation, had difficulty in enforcing their, warren ,and other rights; in 1351 Bishop Grandson obtained an exemplification of
  33. Special privileges for the transport of building materials from the King's, warren ,in the royal manor of Sheen across the river to Isle worth: That none of the
  34. The hills around Port Glasgow and Kilmacolm in Renfrewshire, where there is a, warren ,of c class roads, which attracted many to participate from the area during
  35. Efficient rabbit who was orphaned at a young age, Woundwort founded the Ephraim, warren ,and is its tyrannical chief. Though he is greater even than Bigwig in terms of
  36. Street STN Victoria line motif. JPG|Victoria line platform motif, a maze-like ", warren ," File: Warren Street Station and BT Tower. JPG|Warren Street station viewed
  37. These strange events to witchcraft, remarking that Ephesus is known as a, warren ,for witches. Antiphons and Promo go off with this strange woman, to eat
  38. Destroy the ships on the surface and in orbit using mining lasers. In one, warren , Churchill Upper, air pressure is lost and many are asphyxiated. The rumor is
  39. By John Whinnied. The Palace of Westminster in the early 17th century was a, warren ,of buildings clustered around the medieval chambers, chapels,and halls of the
  40. With a good food supply, such as a pool rich in fish, or a good rabbit, warren , The mink may stay in its core area, which can be quite small, for several days
  41. Widths" 140px" heights" 140px "/NP"> per row="4"> File: The death of general, warren ,at the battle of bunker hill. JPG|The Death of General Warren at the Battle of
  42. Vigil, all too aware that the bodies of murdered comrades often turn up in the, warren ,of tiny streets around the shrine. " Overview Operation Blue Star was launched
  43. Two to one, but forced to charge up a slope broken up by bushes and a rabbit, warren , After a brief contest they were routed. Unlike Rupert, Cromwell had roughly
  44. Wants to be: smart, devious,tricky, and devoted to the well-being of his, warren , In Lupine, his name is a contraction of the phrase Elil-hrair-rah, which means
  45. Lords switched sides whenever the moment seemed propitious. The Midi was a, warren ,of small fortified places, as well as home to some of the most magnificent
  46. S loyalty and kindness. He even leads an attack to capture the Water ship, warren ,as an act of revenge against Bigwig. After his apparent death, he lives on in
  47. Crater Tycho. Hong Kong in Luna is described as being in Crater Plato. The, warren ,known as Churchill is not described in detail, although it is mentioned as
  48. Increased to seven during the second season) live in the vast subterranean, warren ,of Gummy Glen in the medieval kingdom of Duncan, thus suggesting that the show
  49. The Redstone Rocket" Literature and media * Redstone (Water ship Down),a, warren ,in the animated television series Water ship Down Companies * Redstone American
  50. Redevelopment. Since then, an outbreak of myxomatosis took hold of the 'Wish, warren ,', and killed many of the animals. A pest control company removed the rest.

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