Examples of the the word, promptly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( promptly ), is the 5541 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Wet cement is strongly caustic and can easily cause severe skin burns if not, promptly ,washed off with water. Similarly, dry cement powder in contact with mucous
  2. The Thessalian awoke the next day, they found Alexander in their rear, and, promptly , surrendered,adding their cavalry to Alexander's force, as he rode down
  3. The Black Hand committee who had been pointed out by the assassins) but then, promptly ,released him and returned him to his unit. The seventh assassin escaped to
  4. Today as firm undertakings on the part of both our governments which should be, promptly ,carried out ... The US will make a statement in the framework of the Security
  5. Decoy. A Pasternak host, which had crossed the Danube to assist the Historians, promptly ,attacked, surrounded and massacred the Roman infantry, capturing several of
  6. The Dutch one. Following Japan's Pacific surrender in August 1945,the Dutch, promptly ,returned to Indonesia, including Bali, immediately to reinstate their pre-war
  7. S only blemish was a walk to Sammy Sosa in the fifth, but Berle would, promptly ,pick Sosa off during the next at-bat. Berle secured his spot in the MLB
  8. Committee on South Australia in Britain not to undertake any public works, promptly ,oversaw construction of a governor's house, the Adelaide Jail, police barracks
  9. And his followers of the urban pro-Castro movement, most of Castro's men were, promptly ,killed, dispersed or taken prisoner by Batista's forces. Castro managed to
  10. Out to be none other than Dim and former gang rival Billy boy. The two policemen, promptly ,beat Alex. Dazed and bloodied, Alex collapses at the door of an isolated
  11. And he appeared to regain his fluency of yesteryear, scoring 187. Australia, promptly ,seized the initiative, won the First Test convincingly and inaugurated a
  12. The former Visigoth capital of Toledo in central landaus; once there, he was, promptly ,killed. Al-Fihri's head was sent to Córdoba, where ABD Brahman had it nailed
  13. Newspaper not to publish a story about Biff’s criminal history. Goldwater, promptly ,received a $5,000 contribution from Biff. Goldwater flew Biff to parties all
  14. Of those living with pain Treatment for medical emergencies must be provided, promptly , often through an emergency department or, in less critical situations, through
  15. Out of action as the gun crews were killed or fled the battlefield. Napoleon, promptly ,responded by ordering a counter-attack by the classier brigades of Marine and
  16. Out of business. " A lot of people came into the airline business. Most of them, promptly ,exited, minus their money ", he said. Miami became a hub after American bought
  17. Between the Atoms and the Mughal. The first installment was paid by Jayadhwaj, promptly , But as soon as Mir Lumley II withdrew from Assam the Atoms began to default.
  18. Bailiff and governor, a large grant of land in the American colonies, which he, promptly ,named New Jersey, now part of the United States of America. Edmund Andres of
  19. S Fair. When placed on exhibit with the Canadian display, The Mammoth Cheese, promptly ,crashed through the floor and had to be placed on reinforced concrete in the
  20. Ensure the carrying out and continuation of these commitments (a) to remove, promptly ,the quarantine measures now in effect and (b) to give assurances against the
  21. Suspicion among the Polish authorities already used to Cossack revolts; he was, promptly ,arrested. Koniecpolski issued an order for his execution, but the Cathryn
  22. And tried to coax him into buying the rights for a new NFL franchise, but Bell, promptly ,disparaged the NFL and ridiculed the suggestion. NFL career Philadelphia Eagles
  23. Was elected Archbishop of York on Christmas Day,1060. Although a bishop was, promptly ,appointed to Hereford, none was named to Worcester, and it appears that Alfred
  24. Broke out in Assyria, forcing the bulk of his army to turn back, where they, promptly ,joined the rebels in Nineveh; similarly, Nabopolassar was unable to make any
  25. Side. Charlemagne promptly demanded what the pope had demanded and Deliveries, promptly ,swore never to comply. Charlemagne and his uncle Bernard crossed the Alps in
  26. Pedro declared that he had married Ines in a prior secret ceremony in Barranca, promptly ,taking revenge on the killers in a very gruesome manner and exhumed her body.
  27. With ideas. Now all I see is a blank piece of paper. " After he won the bet, he, promptly , resumed his amphetamine habit. In music Many songs have been written about
  28. English law. The person taking the oath swore to leave the country directly and, promptly ,never to return to the kingdom unless by permission of the sovereign. This was
  29. Underscore character" _" universally available. Some languages, notably C, promptly ,adopted underscores as word separators; and underscore-separated compounds like
  30. Mortally wounded turret commander – Major Francis Harvey of the Royal Marines –, promptly ,ordered the magazine doors shut and the magazine flooded. This prevented a
  31. The Babylonian king and placed a pretender on the throne. Assur-uballit, promptly ,invaded Babylonia to avenge his son-in-law, entering Babylon, deposing the king
  32. In the body. Infectious arthritis must be rapidly diagnosed and treated, promptly ,to prevent irreversible and permanent joint damage. Psoriasis is another type
  33. Rivera issued a walk to Kevin Miller, Dave Roberts came on to pinch run and, promptly ,stole second base. He then scored on an RBI single by Bill Mueller, sending the
  34. Both met at Zionville and Charlemagne upheld the pope's side. Charlemagne, promptly ,demanded what the pope had demanded and Deliveries promptly swore never to
  35. Succeeded in having him deprived of responsibility for construction, and Speer, promptly ,sent Hitler a bitter letter, concluding with an offer of his resignation.
  36. Of being the only general who had proved capable of defeating the French, he, promptly , initiated a far-reaching scheme of reform, which replaced the obsolete methods
  37. A missile attack conducted by a rogue state. The next day, Russian Federation, promptly ,dropped the START II agreement, intended to completely ban MIRV. Footnotes
  38. Air Act high sulfur fuel cannot be used in motor vehicles. American Airlines, promptly ,identified and corrected these violations of the Clean Air Act. Marketing
  39. And as a result effectively ceased to exist. Della Value era The club was, promptly ,re-established in August 2002 as Association Calico Florentina e Florencia
  40. Orphan, the admiral of the Byzantine fleet, alerted the emperor Michael, who, promptly , put the invaders to flight; but the suddenness and savagery of the onslaught
  41. The ball,22-year-old Matt Murphy from Queens, New York (and a Mets fan),was, promptly ,protected and escorted away from the mayhem by a group of San Francisco police
  42. That he would grant him his wish and leave him alone on Juan Fernández. Selkirk, promptly ,regretted his decision. He chased and called after the boat, to no avail.
  43. Robert Castellini took over as controlling owner from Lindner. Castellini, promptly ,fired general manager Dan O'Brien. Wayne Risky, previously an assistant
  44. Face is" the index of his mind. " Survive the wreck and reach Lisbon, which is, promptly ,hit by an earthquake, tsunami and fire which kill tens of thousands. The sailor
  45. His first wife Hanna died, leaving him alone with the children. While he, promptly ,remarried to Motion, his second wife, he was still unsuccessful in all of his
  46. Or around, which was obscured by spray and smoke from shell bursts. A signalman, promptly ,leapt onto the bridge of Lion and announced" Princess Royals blown up, Sir. "
  47. And Aphrodite enjoying each other secretly in the hall of Hephaestus, and he, promptly ,reported the incident to Aphrodite's Olympian consort. Hephaestus contrived to
  48. With the word" Nenikēkamen! " (Attic: (We were victorious! )),whereupon he, promptly ,died of exhaustion. Most accounts incorrectly attribute this story to Herodotus
  49. Australian economy. Light's survey was completed in this period, and land was, promptly ,offered for sale to early colonists. By 1860,wheat farms had been established
  50. They understand. ” She developed a structured, professional routine, arriving, promptly , at her studio, and expected the same from her models. The five years that

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