Examples of the the word, orthodox , in a Sentence Context

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  1. And give precedence to scientific theories. Furthermore, unlike more, orthodox ,Muslims, Ahmadis believe that mankind has gradually evolved from different
  2. Life of the animal is in its blood" ( ibid 17:14). Also, if a person of the, orthodox ,Jewish faith suffers a violent death, religious laws order the collection of
  3. To other canonical requirements (for example, is an adult male) and an, orthodox ,rite of episcopal ordination, expressing the proper functions and sacramental
  4. Church in Cornwall until the time of Athelstan of Wessex observed more or less, orthodox ,practices, being completely separate from the Anglo-Saxon church until then (
  5. Dutch Jews, was said to be doubled compared to 2008. In 2010,Raphaël Every,an, orthodox ,rabbi in Amsterdam, told the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten that Jews can no
  6. Empirical, and also due to the views of astrologers conflicting with that of, orthodox ,Islam. Alien also wrote a treatise entitled On the Milky Way, Alhazen refuted
  7. To why one of history's boldest and most radical thinkers was sanctioned by an, orthodox ,Jewish community? " Spinoza's charm was effected by way of public
  8. Defending apostolic succession would agree that ecclesiastics must remain, orthodox ,in their teaching, or be disciplined or excommunicated. Charismatic and British
  9. The Patriarch of Constantinople recognized them as valid. He wrote:" That the, orthodox ,theologians who have scientifically examined the question have almost
  10. Constitute 20 % of the total U. S. Muslim population, the majority are Sunni or, orthodox ,Muslims, some of these identify under the community of W. Been Mohammed. The
  11. Version (NIV) began to appear in the 1970s. BYU has taken the position that, orthodox ,Christians of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (including
  12. 2nd century and was rejected by the First Council of Nicaea, which held to the, orthodox ,doctrine of the Trinity, identifying Jesus as eternally begotten of God. Some
  13. Apart and the rear foot a half-step in front of the lead man. Right-handed or, orthodox ,boxers lead with the left foot and fist (for most penetration power). Both
  14. Both the Western and Eastern empires. Although the western Emperor Gratin held, orthodox ,belief in the Nicene creed, the younger Palestinian II, who became his
  15. His head (although the ball had first glanced off the bat and Hardwood had an, orthodox ,field),almost precipitating a riot by the Australian crowd. The Australian
  16. Was resolving fundamental questions of identity, and the dispute between the, orthodox ,and the monophysites became the cause of serious disorder, expressed through
  17. Written before 319 bears traces of the Organist Alexandrian thought but in an, orthodox ,way. He later modified the philosophical thought of the School of Alexandria
  18. Pre-Gutenberg (1397–1468) an important consideration) but also their proper, orthodox ,interpretation, could be better maintained. Many Protestants contra to
  19. And Johann Ernst Immanuel Watch, have defended adoptionism as essentially, orthodox , 19th century, Psilanthropism A form of adoptionism surfaced in Unitarianism
  20. With one exception, were destroyed during the persecution carried on by the, orthodox ,Brahmins in the 5th century. The exception is the celebrated Amara-Kosha (
  21. Anglo-Catholic circles). Regardless, Lewis considered himself an entirely, orthodox ,Anglican to the end of his life, reflecting that he had initially attended
  22. Use a mirror image of the orthodox stance, which can create problems for, orthodox ,fighters unaccustomed to receiving jabs, hooks,or crosses from the opposite
  23. Views about the personality of Athanasius. While some scholars praise him as an, orthodox ,saint with great character, others see him as a power-hungry politician who
  24. Former capital of Galatia in Asia Minor, during the 4th century. The first,an, orthodox ,plenary synod, was held in 314,and its 25 disciplinary canons constitute one
  25. To actual history * Historical revisionism, the reinterpretation of, orthodox ,views on history or historiography * Secret history, historical events claimed
  26. To Roman Catholicism. Lewis was a committed Anglican who upheld a largely, orthodox ,Anglican theology, though in his apologetic writings, he made an effort to
  27. Jab, straight right/left hand, hook and uppercut. If a boxer is right-handed (, orthodox ,), his left hand is the lead hand and his right hand is the rear hand. For a
  28. Took control of the Nation after his death, guided majority of its members to, orthodox ,Islam. However, few members rejected these changes, in particular Louis
  29. As apocryphal, because they would not be classified in the same category by, orthodox ,believers: they would be classified as a heretical subset of antilegomenae, too
  30. The change of the red, Soviet-style banner of the Half period to the more, orthodox ,one of black, red,and green; the granting of concessions to religious leaders;
  31. His life and conduct were the rule of bishops, and his doctrine the rule of the, orthodox ,faith. " Holding drastically different theological views that spanned the early
  32. As" mate in n" – for example" mate in three" ( a three-mover). * Studies:, orthodox ,problems in which the stipulation is that white to play must win or draw.
  33. Pure modernist works, they too carried the seeds of his questioning of such an, orthodox ,modernist approach and a move to a more daring, synthetic attitude. Through
  34. Their opponents. Left-handed or southpaw fighters use a mirror image of the, orthodox ,stance, which can create problems for orthodox fighters unaccustomed to
  35. And are converted into angels. However, this is not in accordance with the, orthodox ,Christian theology. Christianity depicts a sharp distinction between angels
  36. Then continued to write under the assumed name of William Shakespeare. However, orthodox ,academic consensus rejects alternative candidates for authorship, including
  37. Explanation of the De Anima given by Alexander of Aphrodisiac. According to the, orthodox ,Thomism of the Roman Catholic Church, Aristotle rightly regarded reason as a
  38. Proto-Keynesians such as federal Treasurer Ted Theodore; and believers in, orthodox ,finance such as Prime Minister James Sculling and a senior minister in his
  39. Which branch of Islam he followed. He may have been either a follower of the, orthodox ,Ash'ARI school of Sunni Islamic theology according to Aladdin Radar and
  40. S claim that apostolic succession, as traditionally defined, was essential for, orthodox ,Christian ecclesial and valid sacramental ministry. Protestants denied this and
  41. Members of Graham’s campaign executive committee had rejected major tenets of, orthodox ,Christianity, such as the virgin birth and the deity of Christ, then Graham had
  42. Light on the unfolding historical processes of what was officially considered, orthodox , what was heterodox, what was even heretical. Interpretation of meanings and
  43. Their criticisms argued that the methods of astrologers conflicted with, orthodox ,religious views of Islamic scholars through the suggestion that the Will of God
  44. Before the public. One of its principal claims is that ostensibly objective, orthodox ,science is actually a dogmatically atheistic religion. Neo-Creationists argue
  45. Either from a lack of knowledge about the new sect, desire to maintain, orthodox ,doctrine, or a variety of other nuanced reasons, usually responded with
  46. And the Presbyterian understanding of the pastoral office. While not considered, orthodox ,Christian, the Ecclesial Gnostic Catholic uses roles and titles derived from
  47. Whose expression is highly specific. Islam, although characterized by an, orthodox ,set of beliefs and observances, also is expressed in diverse ways. Christianity
  48. By advocates as the best examples of complementary medicine. The combination of, orthodox ,and complementary medicine with an emphasis on prevention and lifestyle changes
  49. And also due to the principles of this type of astrology conflicting with, orthodox ,Islam. He also cited passages from the Qur'an in order to justify his
  50. Against Adoptionism. At the Council of Frankfurt in 794,Alcuin upheld the, orthodox ,doctrine and obtained the condemnation of the research Felix of Urged. Having

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