Examples of the the word, trafficking , in a Sentence Context

The word ( trafficking ), is the 7521 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 21 USC 812 (b). Sentences for first-time, non-violent offenders convicted of, trafficking ,in Schedule I drug can easily turn into de facto life sentences when multiple
  2. Have come under some criticism due to the use of their territory for narcotics, trafficking ,and money laundering. In an attempt to address this, the Government entered
  3. Unlimited fine for possession; life and/or unlimited fine for production or, trafficking , See list of drugs illegal in the UK for more information. In February 2009 an
  4. Of the state religion). In many countries that use the death penalty, drug, trafficking , is also a capital offense. In China, human trafficking and serious cases of
  5. Surrendered to the US and was convicted and imprisoned on racketeering and drug, trafficking ,charges in April 1992. President Bush and First Lady Barbara Bush visited
  6. Formal renunciation of one's religion. In many receptionist countries, drug, trafficking , is also a capital offense. In China human trafficking and serious cases of
  7. The airbase at Manta, Ecuador,as a Forward Operating Location to detect drug, trafficking ,flights through the region. The arrangement expired in 2009; current president
  8. In Schedule IV (November 5,1984),there was no evidence of abuse or, trafficking ,of the drug in the United States. The Cato Institute's Handbook for Congress
  9. Introduced free-market economic policies, took a strong stand against drug, trafficking ,and terrorism, and pursued close relations with the United States. His tenure
  10. And environmental groups the Guinea-Bissau government renounced the deal. Drug, trafficking ,Over the last decade European consumption of cocaine is believed to have
  11. All cross the border into Mexico, mostly bound for the United States. Drug, trafficking ,is undoubtedly the greatest threat to political freedom in Guatemala today. The
  12. The role of Cyprus in the sex trade as one of the main destinations for human, trafficking ,from Eastern Europe. There have been reports of mistreatment to the Turkish
  13. Liberties Union filed an amicus brief in Sworn v. Alvarado to argue that human, trafficking ,is a commercial activity engaged in for personal profit, which falls outside
  14. Prejudice and discrimination due to association with poverty, narcotics, trafficking , terrorism and other criminal elements. These stereotypes are considered unfair
  15. Its activities in its early days, it has since been accused both of arms, trafficking ,and of benefiting economically from its political counterpart Batsman.
  16. The death penalty, drug trafficking is also a capital offense. In China, human, trafficking , and serious cases of corruption are punished by the death penalty. In
  17. Of MDMA destined for the United States and that large-scale cross-border, trafficking ,of Canadian-grown cannabis continues. The U. S. believes that the Netherlands
  18. Are bred in captivity or kept as pets, a practice that has led to the illegal, trafficking ,of some endangered species. Falcons and cormorants have long been used for
  19. In areas such as education, health care, housing,international narcotics, trafficking ,and illegal immigration from Haiti. Geography and climate The country lies
  20. However, gangs will sever all links and the mule will usually stand trial for, trafficking ,alone. Bulk cargo ships are also used to smuggle cocaine to staging sites in
  21. Of 2011,and they have been accused of widespread land theft, murder and drug, trafficking , Government The government of Colombia takes place within the framework of a
  22. System today, including that of other sheltered waterways, industrial barge, trafficking ,in bulk raw materials such as coal, coke,timber, iron ore and other minerals
  23. Central Intelligence Agency as part of the war on drugs, participated in drug, trafficking ,and political violence. In December 1990,Jean-Bertrand Aristides, a liberation
  24. Hekmatyar's drug trade activities by giving him immunity for his opium, trafficking ,that financed operation of his militant faction. The MAK and foreign mujahideen
  25. Administration to allocate more resources to assist the fight against drug, trafficking , During the 2011 Libyan uprising, Ortega was among the very few leaders that
  26. Populace; * Cooperating to combat money laundering, corruption,narcotics, trafficking , alien-smuggling, and other transnational crime; and * Supporting Central
  27. Sold as Xylem, it is considered a Schedule III substance but with Schedule I, trafficking ,penalties, one of several drugs that are listed in multiple schedules. On 20
  28. As the" cartels" have broken up into multiple, smaller and often-competing, trafficking ,organizations. Nevertheless, violence continues as these drug organizations
  29. Away from the National Palace where the Government's offices are located. Drug, trafficking ,has reached staggering proportions in Guatemala, with corruption extending to
  30. Generally treated as a 'hard drug ', with severe penalties for possession and, trafficking , Demand remains high, and consequently black market cocaine is quite expensive.
  31. For his help in an undercover mission. Han is suspected to be involved in drug, trafficking ,and prostitution. However, since Han's island is only partly in their
  32. According to the Foreign & Commonwealth Office," Problems associated with drug, trafficking ,are potentially the most serious threat to stability in the BVI ". Demographics
  33. Making it a potential tool in anonymous criminal activity such as narcotics, trafficking , Where a payphone does not have any number listed on the unit, the number can
  34. 1998. In addition to the challenge posed to the United States by Colombian drug, trafficking , illegal Colombian immigrants in the United States are an issue in U. S.
  35. For increased cooperation from the United States to stop this illegal weapons, trafficking , Some dispute the assertion that a significant portion of illicit guns in
  36. Cross-border drug smuggling indicated that, despite their best efforts," drug, trafficking ,still occurs in significant quantities in both directions across the border.
  37. Countries, drug trafficking is also a capital offense. In China human, trafficking ,and serious cases of corruption are also punished by the death penalty. In
  38. And acid hydrolases. They are acidic (approx. pH 5.5),and are part of the, trafficking ,itinerary of mannose-6-phosphate receptors. Late endoscopes are thought to
  39. Are located there or nearby. The CML is also important in countering the, trafficking ,of drugs and armaments. In a significant political development, the army
  40. Was placed temporarily in Schedule IV... there was no evidence of abuse or, trafficking ,of the drug in the United States. " Rohypnol is currently under consideration
  41. Of the feminist movement were deeply divided by these debates. Prostitution and, trafficking ,Feminists' views on prostitution vary, but many of these perspectives can be
  42. Administration State department claimed that Aristides had been involved in drug, trafficking , The BBC also described pyramid schemes, in which Haitians lost hundreds of
  43. The substance without prescription can be fined HK$10000. The penalty for, trafficking ,or manufacturing the substance is a HK$5,000,000 fine and life imprisonment.
  44. To have tripled, and West Africa has become a primary transit point for, trafficking ,the drug from Colombia to Europe. Guinea-Bissau is the leading West African
  45. To make the Armed Forces more flexible and able to deal with terrorism, drug, trafficking , disaster relief, and control its territorial waters. The former Bulgarian
  46. Have come under some criticism due to the use of their territory for narcotics, trafficking ,and money laundering. In an attempt to address this, the government entered
  47. La rent) from it. However, they are not yet involved in high-level organized, trafficking ,(that industry is of a different class of organized crime in Guatemala, with
  48. Civil conflict and to cooperate fully with the United States to combat the, trafficking ,of illegal drugs. While early initiatives in the Colombian peace process gave
  49. Angola said the goal was to help Guinea-Bissau end the military coups and drug, trafficking ,that have plagued the tiny west African state for decades. Drug Trade The
  50. Two nations cooperate on intellectual property protection, prevention of human, trafficking ,and technology crime, and disaster relief. Belarus has increased cooperation

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