Examples of the the word, predominantly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( predominantly ), is the 7523 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Or related activities. Most tourists are from Venezuela and the United States (, predominantly ,from eastern and southern states). Before the" Status Apart" ( a separate
  2. The Alemannic were predominantly pagan, and in the 8th century, they were, predominantly ,Christian. The intervening 7th century was a period of genuine syncretism
  3. Uranium ores as 227Ac isotope, which decays with a half-life of 21.773 years, predominantly ,emitting beta particles. One tonne of uranium ore contains about 0.2 milligrams
  4. Anatolia's slow transition from predominantly Christian and Greek-speaking, to, predominantly , Muslim and Turkish-speaking. In the following century, the Byzantines managed
  5. They had already captured dissolved into a chaotic guerrilla war, fought, predominantly , between bands of Loyalist and American militia, which negated many of the gains
  6. Lines was a business headquartered in the United States whose clients were, predominantly ,Americans and, more importantly, operated out of port facilities throughout the
  7. Convention on National Minorities. Religion The population of Andorra is, predominantly ,(90 %) Roman Catholic. Their patron saint is Our Lady of Merited. Though it
  8. 1600s. Demographers estimate that roughly 23 % of people in Alabama are of, predominantly ,English ancestry. There are also many more people in Alabama of Scots-Irish
  9. Greece, and Roman Catholicism is the main religion among those Albanians living, predominantly ,in northern Albania, bordering the Republic of Montenegro. After 1992 an influx
  10. City, such as Ribs Show. The city is built mostly around the harbor, which is, predominantly ,industrial, although a large recreational marina is situated south of it as an
  11. And Turkey. Gulf Arabic * Gulf Arabic, spoken by around 4 million people, predominantly ,in the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait,Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar,and Bahrain.
  12. Area due to human technologies enabling more convenient and faster transport, predominantly ,by air and water, as well as land. Transportation technologies on a remote area
  13. Domestic policy. Prussian diplomats discussed granting the Prussian Rhineland (, predominantly ,Catholic) to Anton (a Catholic) in exchange for Lutheran Saxony in 1827,but
  14. Alloys with high proportions (typically 40%+) of tin and/or zinc, as well as, predominantly ,zinc casting alloys with copper additive. *Yellow brass is an American term for
  15. Spoken by small isolated communities throughout its original area of influence, predominantly ,in northwest Iraq, northeast Syria, southeast Turkey and northern Iran, with
  16. The back /ɑː/ sound. * The sound, which is a high-mid front unbounded vowel, is, predominantly , used in words like, dress,pet, bed and head. Comparatively, in most of
  17. Conquest, and this period marks the start of Anatolia's slow transition from, predominantly ,Christian and Greek-speaking, to predominantly Muslim and Turkish-speaking. In
  18. Sensation to touch and heat, found in around 10 % of patients. Patients with a, predominantly ,upper motor neuron syndrome, and particularly PLS, often report an enhanced
  19. Lutheran-Evangelical pastor, taught him how to play music. Long disputed,the, predominantly ,German-speaking region of Alsace or Elsa was annexed by Germany in 1871; after
  20. Marks the insularity of these tribes. The only other group that is known to, predominantly ,belong to haplogroup D are the Ainu aboriginal people of Japan. Male Great
  21. For Windows/DOS and the Multi-system emulator MESS. Electron software is, predominantly ,archived in the UHF file format. A Fire Upon the Deep is a science fiction
  22. Common island proverbs can often be traced to Africa. Culture The culture is, predominantly ,British: For example, cricket is the national sport and Antigua has produced
  23. Longer (a chutney from Roselle plant),Atlas Add (a seasonal festival, predominantly ,for teenage girls),the banks of river Goddard, and the Dud savanna (the
  24. Biscuit, an item of Australian and New Zealand cuisine Acadia University is a, predominantly ,undergraduate university located in Colville, Nova Scotia, Canada with some
  25. In the Middle Ages, and the armies that fought in the Hundred Years' War were, predominantly , composed of paid professionals. In theory, every Englishman had an obligation
  26. May be toasted and salted and eaten as a snack referred to as" canals ". The, predominantly ,herbivorous spider Buffer Kipling, which is found in Central America and
  27. Judaism Abraham’s life can be read in the weekly Torah reading portions, predominantly ,in the (תּוֹלְדֹת) Rabbinic Judaism (i.e., Judaism in its modern form, as
  28. Survey evidence submitted by CPI in support of the proposition that FBS were, predominantly ,popular with minors, the FTC concluded that flaws in the survey's methodology
  29. 6th to 8th centuries). We know that in the 6th century, the Alemannic were, predominantly ,pagan, and in the 8th century, they were predominantly Christian. The
  30. Income than White Americans. Black church refers to churches which minister, predominantly ,African American congregations. Black congregations were first established by
  31. City is also the capital of the district of Aarav. It is German-speaking and, predominantly ,Protestant. Aarav is situated on the Swiss plateau, in the valley of the AAR
  32. Names of the political prisoners who perished can be found here - this list is, predominantly ,of those from eastern India and is incomplete). Many more died of harsh
  33. Criticism,” as Chris Jones, a Wollstonecraft scholar, explains,“ is couched, predominantly ,in terms of morality ". Her definition of virtue focuses on the individual’s
  34. That general cognitive ability is essentially an inherited trait, determined, predominantly , by genetic factors rather than by environmental conditions. He also contended
  35. The old red and white colored kits in the river. The away kit has always been, predominantly ,white, sometimes with purple and red elements, sometimes all-white. The shorts
  36. Other hand, the higher percentage of men of working age, due in large part to a, predominantly ,male immigrant population. Demographically, this group has provided an
  37. Of the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion. The Nicene Creed is, predominantly ,recited during the mass while the Apostles' is typically used for other
  38. With the five International Ballroom dances. Sequence dancing, which is danced, predominantly ,in the United Kingdom, is also sometimes included as a type of Ballroom dancing
  39. Are Sunni Muslims and Belushi Muslims There are also Orthodox Christians, predominantly ,in Southern Albania, bordering Greece, and Roman Catholicism is the main
  40. For the North, such as the Arabic themed Bazaar West, a market with shopkeepers, predominantly ,of foreign descent. The city has an active and visible gay and lesbian
  41. Language. Modern Aramaic is spoken today as a first language by many scattered, predominantly ,small, and largely isolated communities of differing Christian, Jewish and
  42. Arkansas, like most other Southern states, is part of the Bible Belt and is, predominantly ,Protestant. The religious affiliations of the people are as follows: The
  43. Corn and skims along the Main. Alexandrines are sometimes introduced into, predominantly ,pentameter verse for the sake of variety. The Spenserian stanza, for instance
  44. States, Uzbekistan and Vietnam. Azerbaijan is one of the few countries with, predominantly ,Muslim populations that share a strategic alliance with Israel. Today, Israel
  45. Laboratory under special arrangements. Although most americium isotopes, predominantly ,emit alpha particles which can be blocked by thin layers of common materials
  46. Then dictionary. Arts and sciences Assyrian art preserved to the present day, predominantly ,dates to the Neo-Assyrian period. Art depicting battle scenes, and occasionally
  47. Owner George Preston Marshall, the AFL actively recruited from small and, predominantly ,black colleges. The AFL's color-blindness led not only to the explosion of
  48. Are Glenn Dale, Maryland and Fort Washington, Maryland. Other affluent, predominantly ,African American counties include DeKalb County in Georgia, and Charles City
  49. In other parts of Asia, especially Southeast Asia. Confucianism is found, predominantly ,in Mainland China, South Korea, Taiwan and in overseas Chinese populations.
  50. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen. Epidemiology Arthritis is, predominantly ,a disease of the elderly, but children can also be affected by the disease.

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