Examples of the the word, rounded , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rounded ), is the 7525 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To Sarajevo, Bosnia. The Austro-Hungarian investigation of the assassination, rounded ,up all but one of the assassins and also much of the underground railroad that
  2. Of Palmyra in the Syrian Desert from 44 BCE to 274 CE. It was written in a, rounded ,script, which later gave way to cursive Estrangela. Like Bataan, Palmyrene
  3. Function round the argument to the nearest integer, with halfway cases, rounded ,to even The functions truncate, floor,and ceiling round towards zero, down,or
  4. From then until 1998,when Dennis' baby sister BEA was born. The logo was, rounded ,and embossed (but later flattened in February 1999),and there were 8 extras
  5. It is on the scorecards or more preferably a knockout. They use their well, rounded ,defense to avoid or block shots and then immediately catch the opponent off
  6. Exchange in the circulation of paws to retain, as evidenced by its generally, rounded ,body shape, short muzzle and legs, and short, thick ears. Since less of its
  7. And is at the same level as the anal, which is the same dimensions. The tail is, rounded ,little fan later, the pectoral fins have medium development, and abdominal
  8. Large ears are long, soft and low-set, turning towards the cheeks slightly and, rounded ,at the tips. Beagles have a strong, medium-length neck (which is long enough
  9. North India less so, though Oriya, Golmol and Ritual of Nepal script are, rounded , Most North India scripts' full letters incorporate a horizontal line at the
  10. Style which it had from 1999 to 2006. It was quite similar to the original, rounded ,logo from 1998,which was flattened the following year. The number of reprint
  11. Where her cult image depicted the" Lady of Ephesus" adorned with multiple, rounded ,breast like protuberances on her chest. They had been traditionally interpreted
  12. Finish runners-up to Inter yet again in both Serie A and the COPPA Italia. This, rounded ,out a highly successful decade in Roma's history, following somewhat mediocre
  13. The bottom for both decimal and hexadecimal computation. The beads are usually, rounded ,and made of a hardwood. The beads are counted by moving them up or down towards
  14. As a surfing location. South of Keep beach is Montage Head, which with its, rounded ,appearance drops dramatically down to the ocean. An old British observation
  15. Two especially sensitive areas are the borders of the North Bulgarian Swell (, rounded ,elevation),the center of which is in the Gonna Oryahovitsa area in
  16. On the Apple logo. In its letterhead and business card implementation,the, rounded ," an" of the logotype echoed the" bite" in the logo. This logo was developed
  17. That will allow a correct payoff in complete dollars. Normally, payoffs will be, rounded ,down to the nearest dollar, resulting in a higher house advantage. These bets
  18. Back of a dragon or dinosaur. A common theory about the building is that the, rounded ,feature to the left of center, terminating at the top in a turret and cross
  19. Of K as 1024. Thus, the first binary prefix was born. (If these values had been, rounded ,they would have become 33K,66K,and 131K,respectively. ) This style was used
  20. South India, Sri Lanka, and Southeast Asia. South India letter forms are very, rounded ,; North India less so, though Oriya, Golmol and Ritual of Nepal script are
  21. Expression. Byzantine - A religious art characterized by large domes, rounded ,arches and mosaics from the eastern Roman Empire in the 4th Century. Medieval &
  22. Called a (usually made of fiberglass or brass in better cues),where a, rounded ,leather is affixed, flush with the ferrule, to make final contact with balls.
  23. The ball not to go foul. The ball complied, and bedlam ensued at Fenway as Fisk, rounded ,the bases to win the game for the Red Sox 7–6. The Red Sox lost game 7,4–3
  24. In a wide variety of dishes. Description The shell of abalones has a convex, rounded ,to oval shape, and may be highly arched or very flattened. It is generally ear
  25. Ridge, and a large, low-set forehead; the top of the head has been described as, rounded ,and crested, similar to the sagittal crest of the male gorilla. Bigfoot is
  26. Attributed to Matteo Sells: This Italian instrument has five courses and a, rounded ,back. Classical and early romantic period From approximately 1780 to 1850 the
  27. Front vowels, velar approximate to back vowels, and labialized approximate to, rounded ,vowels. In American English, the rho tic approximate corresponds to the rho tic
  28. Annexed to the Provisional Government. Before leaving the islands, the Japanese, rounded ,up and executed 750 civilians. After the end of the war they briefly returned
  29. A unique construction method is that of Ovation Guitar Company, which uses a, rounded ,one-piece composite plastic bowl for the back and sides of virtually all of its
  30. On 27 October. The logo was still Photoshop-embossed, but was now back to the, rounded ,style which it had from 1999 to 2006. It was quite similar to the original
  31. Of five pure vowels, Speakers of the Huberman dialect also have a sixth, front, rounded , vowel (represented in writing by ü and pronounced as),as well as a set of
  32. Multifunctional keys, such us the special keyboard Pitch, with only five big, rounded ,keys, which is used with a special software for writing * Large print keyboard
  33. The spine down and out around the sides so that the entire book takes on a, rounded ,cross-section: convex on the spine, concave at the fore-edge, with “ ears ”
  34. Popular idea that he was first person to envision a rounded earth is false. The, rounded ,shape of the earth has already been known since antiquity. Amerigo Vespucci's
  35. By another wall with a thickness of 50 m. The second wall had towers and, rounded ,merlons, which sur rounded the towers. This outer wall was protected by solid
  36. Of which the northernmost part is the Bay of Bosnia or Bosnian Bay. The more, rounded ,southern basin of the gulf is called Bothnian Sea and immediately to the south
  37. it's that he stayed. " The popular idea that he was first person to envision a, rounded ,earth is false. The rounded shape of the earth has already been known since
  38. Suspended from the ribbon by a rectangular shaped metal loop with the corners, rounded , The ribbon is 1 3/8 inches (35 mm) wide and consists of the following
  39. Millimetres. " Seed Bead" is a generic term for any small bead. Usually, rounded ,in shape, seed beads are most commonly used for loom and off-loom bead weaving.
  40. Profile, and a strong, well-muscled body, featuring a broad chest and powerful, rounded ,hindquarters. They usually stand between 14 and 16 hands high, although some
  41. Close rapport that translated to an off-camera friendship as well. The cast was, rounded ,out by Academy Award-winning actress Hiroshi Humeri, who played the role of Tom
  42. Which are used for digging, climbing,tearing and catching prey. Their ears are, rounded , Bears have an excellent sense of smell, a better sense of smell in fact than
  43. Sturdy chamber, the sides of the craft were nearly vertical, and the bottom was, rounded , Most one-man bandannas were about sixteen feet long and twenty inches wide
  44. The rest of the Australian population pronounces them with a more backed and, rounded ,vowel. Vocabulary Australian English has many words and idioms which are unique
  45. Using combinations and then move in to score the knockout. A boxer must be well, rounded ,to be effective using this style. Notable punchers include Ian Green, Nonito
  46. Kampuchea' was strict and brutal. In many areas of the country people were, rounded ,up and executed for speaking a foreign language, wearing glasses, scavenging
  47. Drawing. The painting is almost like a sculpture. The folds of the garment,the, rounded ,belly, and the calm on the face suggest a devoted worshiper. Cave 7: The
  48. Less than the Sun. By mass, Proxima is presently calculated as 0.123±0.06 ME (, rounded ,to 0.12 ME) or about one-eighth that of the Sun. High proper motion star All
  49. Aware of the sea's convexity, he may have designed his map on a slightly, rounded ,metal surface. The center or“ navel” of the world (omphalos GES) could have
  50. Tripled. (approx. 285 %) In summary: All numbers approximate and, rounded ,The number of international students studying in Adelaide has increased rapidly

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