Examples of the the word, juan , in a Sentence Context

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  1. And the Zhejiang (" Needling Canon" ), each in 9 Juan, for a total of 18,Juan, * In the preface to Wang Bing's 762 edition of the Seen (762 CE),where he
  2. Judgment providing sound reasons for limiting the investigation. Yin is, juan , (; literally" sliver thread roll" ) is a traditional dish of Beijing cuisine.
  3. The bindings were sewn rather than pasted. Only relatively small volumes (, juan , ) were bound up, and several of these would be enclosed in a cover called a Tao
  4. Groups in Cambodia. Ministry of Land Management/GHz/FFI, Phnom Penh. Run you, juan , ( 芸豆卷) is a traditional dish of Beijing cuisine. The traditional culinary
  5. É (unrelated to Cao). On the gravestone were four sets of words," Huang, juan , ( yellow silk fabric),you FM (young woman),was sun (grandson),and I
  6. Graphically),are grouped by tone into four groups (each group occupies one, juan , ( 卷) or fascicle); the characters under each radical are in turn grouped by
  7. Qi, inserted over 5000 commentaries and reorganized the text into twenty-four, juan , ( books) and eighty-one treatises. (See Schulz pages 24,39 and 46. ) In
  8. Concerning the Tripitaka” ( 出三藏記集 Chu Santana Fiji,T2145) a catalog in 15,Juan, ( rolls) of the early Buddhist texts translated into Chinese, which also
  9. Basic Questions" ) and the Zhejiang (" Needling Canon" ), each in 9,Juan, for a total of 18 Juan. * In the preface to Wang Bing's 762 edition of the
  10. To Faxian's own account, the manuscript copy forming the basis of the six, juan , Chinese version was obtained by him in Pāṭaliputra from the house of a layman
  11. Work of his version. This is stated to have formed the basis of the first ten, juan , of his translation, known to correspond overall in content to the six Juan
  12. S (early six century) commented version of the Seen consisting of nine, juan , ( books) and sixty-nine discourses. Wang Bing made corrections, added two "
  13. Were more characters of the" level tone" ( 平聲 finishing),they occupied two, juan , ( 卷" fascicles "," scroll" or" volume" ), while the other three tones
  14. According to the local legend, it derived its name from the word" baling NI, juan ," (John's Fishing Net),which later on became simply as" Bilingual ".
  15. By Han Dynasty historian Lima IAN. It is mostly contained in section (, juan , ) 113,(Ordered Annals of Nannie). It is from this record that most of the
  16. And GUI Zhejiang 玉匱針經" Canon of Acupuncture of the Golden Casket" ( 12,Juan, ). * Early in the 11th century, the Huangdi Zhejiang" Yellow Emperor's Canon
  17. Pedro Duarte in War and Navy; and Benjamín Ace val, José Segundo Second, juan , Crisóstomo Centurion and José Tomás Sosa in the State Department. During his
  18. Contained in that text concerning the" end-days" of the Dharma. The ten, juan , ( scroll) translation that Dharmakṣema produced at that time seems to have
  19. Core portion of this supra corresponding to the Tibetan translation, the six, juan , Chinese translation attributed to Fabian and the first ten Juan of the
  20. Tibetan from the Chinese. There also exists a secondary Chinese version in 36,Juan, of Dharmakshema's translation, produced by polishing the style and adding new
  21. Ten Juan of his translation, known to correspond overall in content to the six, juan , version and the Tibetan version. However,Dharmakṣema's translation of the
  22. Corbett Book-ISBN:0524078602 9780524078600 * 聖會史記: 2卷 / Sheng Hui Shi I: 2,Juan, : Book -Chinese, Author- 郭顯徳撰.; Hunter Corbett Others * Hunter Corbett:
  23. And earliest is the translation into Chinese by Fabian and Buddhabhadra in six, juan , ( 418CE),the next in terms of development is the Tibetan version (c790CE)
  24. Of Jieziyuan Huazhuan, which,published in 1679 in five colors, comprises five, juan , ( 卷) or fascicles. Li You, as the publisher, wrote a preface for this part. The
  25. Jing 黃帝鍼灸經" Yellow Emperor's Canon of Acupuncture and Combustion" ( 12,Juan, ),Huangdi killing Jing 黃帝九靈經 Yellow Emperor's Nine-Spirit Canon, and GUI
  26. His insights and see if he got it correct. Yang then explained that" 'Huang, juan , ( 黄绢) ' is a synonym for 'see is (色丝) ' (which meant" colored silk" ). If
  27. 59. Fa yuan Human (;" Forest of Gems in the Garden of the Dharma" ), in 100,Juan, ( 卷" volume "," fascicle" ), is a Buddhist encyclopedia compiled AD 668 by
  28. Incredulity. This renewed work resulted in the current version of forty, juan , found in the Chinese canon. After negotiations had dragged on for several years
  29. The State of Lu history from 772 to 481 BCE. The Lush Council text comprises 26,Juan, ( 巻" scrolls; books" ) in 160 pians (篇" sections" ), and is divided into
  30. By Sinatra, Jnanagarbha, and Dekacandela, and the extended version in 40,Juan, by Dharmakshema (421-430) which was also translated into Tibetan from the
  31. Are arranged by period, and originally the book consisted of twelve fascicles (, juan , 卷). The composition is as follows: * Zhou Dynasty (1045–221 BC),fascicles
  32. Up the book when not in use. For example one complete Tripitaka had over 6,400,Juan, in 595 Tao. Eurasia The technique is found through East and Central Asia, and
  33. Entranceway) and adjacent outbuilding are 1917 additions. File: Mission San, juan ,capistrano03. JPG|A Moorish-style fountain inside Mission San Juan Capistrano
  34. Of Li Fang, first published in 978. The book is divided into 500 volumes (, juan , 卷 ) and consists of about 3 million words (or, Chinese characters). It is a
  35. Based on the manuscript that he had brought with him, corresponding to the six, juan , version,normally attributed to Fabian, but actually translated by Buddhabhadra
  36. Were: Huangdi Zhejiang 黃帝鍼經" Yellow Emperor's Canon of Acupuncture" ( in 9,Juan, ),Huangdi Henri Jing 黃帝鍼灸經" Yellow Emperor's Canon of Acupuncture and
  37. As Alaska, during his travels in India. Though the translation of this six, juan , version is conventionally ascribed to Fabian (法顯),this attribution is
  38. _demo - 5:29 # sere mos Libras _demo - 4:45 # dale all are (burial) _con, juan , habichuela y Kama (Antonio Cardona, Alejandro San) - 3:46 # la Vida BS UN
  39. Henan (" A True Explanation of the Right Religion" ), in twenty ", juan ,", and began the enterprise of translating the Islamic scriptures into Chinese.
  40. Texts derive from Zhang's version, which is divided into eight chapters (, juan , 巻 ). During the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, the Lies was designated a
  41. Arose of giving a written attestation, called a" dharma scroll" ( chin.: fa, juan , 法卷 ), to 'graduated' disciples. In many of these cases monks were actually not
  42. On the following evidence: * The Huangdi naming was listed as a book in 18,Juan, 卷 (" fascicles" ) in the bibliographical chapter (" Yiwenzhi" 藝文志) of Ban
  43. His own time: the Seen and the Zhejiang 鍼經 (“ Needling Canon” ), each in 9,Juan, Since scholars believe that Zhejiang was one of the Lights earlier titles
  44. Del ascent El 11 municipal en 1,975 candy el entrenador era el señor, juan , mascaro, despues vision entrnadore Como photo CEA, en Los ants migraines
  45. Or fifteen months. The Xuanzong version consists of one hundred fascicles (, juan , ),and was translated into Chinese between 646-648 CE at Honshu Monastery (弘福寺
  46. Mi 皇甫謐 (215-282 CE) was the first to claim that the Huangdi naming in 18,Juan, 卷 (or volumes) that was listed in the Honshu bibliography corresponded with
  47. Took place several interesting facts for its current use, the viceroy of Tahiti, juan , de earned also thought that it was a great idea. * The biggest was that the
  48. The six Juan Chinese translation attributed to Fabian and the first ten, juan , of the Dharmakṣema Chinese translation was compiled in the Indian subcontinent
  49. Changed over time. Presently it contains 72 plan 篇 (chapters),arranged in 24,Juan, 卷 (books). It is also subdivided into 8 sections of varying length. The
  50. Translation of the Mahayana Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra extends for a further thirty, juan , beyond the accepted core text of this supra. The provenance and authenticity of

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