Examples of the the word, tightly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tightly ), is the 6584 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. He burned those ships he could no longer man, while clustering the remainder, tightly ,together. With many oarsmen dead or unfit to serve, the powerful, head-on
  2. As a technique to 3D beading, but peyote stitch offers the advantage of more, tightly ,knit beads, which is sometimes necessary to properly portray an object in 3
  3. Villages and towns. Most of the homes in Chill at the time were very small and, tightly ,packed together in villages. The CDB subsidized the building of new, more
  4. Interdependence, all the economies of the socialist countries were linked, tightly ,with that of the Soviet Union. With the disintegration of the communist
  5. Television was launched in 1974 but was closed in 1996 when the media was, tightly ,controlled by the Taliban. Since 2002,press restrictions were gradually
  6. Be thought of as not to rotate" around" the nucleus at all, but merely to go, tightly ,around it in an ellipse with zero area (this may be pictured as" back and
  7. Chromium tanned leather can contain between 4 and 5 % of chromium, which is, tightly ,bound to the proteins. Use of less chromium or" chrome-less" tanning are
  8. Chicxulub impact crater in Yucatán and the Gulf of Mexico. This layer has been, tightly ,dated at 65.5 Ma. Rock formations The high ecstatic sea level and warm climate
  9. Benji is small, elegant-looking,short-haired dogs with erect ears,a, tightly ,curled tail and a graceful neck. Some people consider their appearance similar
  10. What constitutes the core of the Han Chinese homeland and to unite them under a, tightly ,centralized Legalist government seated at Xian yang (close to modern Xi'an).
  11. The picture of free, untrammeled womanhood. " In 1895 Frances Willard,the, tightly ,laced president of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, wrote a book called
  12. The United Kingdom had put into question the Cayman Islands' reputation as a, tightly ,regulated offshore jurisdiction. Some saw this as the United Kingdom meddling
  13. The curvature of the magnetic trapping potential in the given direction. More, tightly ,confined directions have bigger widths in the ballistic velocity distribution.
  14. There were major commissions: one from the city of Essay for five, tightly ,designed" Laubenganghäuser" ( apartment buildings with balcony access)
  15. Compiler analysis is the prerequisite for any compiler optimization, and they, tightly ,work together. For example, dependence analysis is crucial for loop
  16. Phenotype) such people resemble Black Africans with dark skin and sometimes, tightly ,coiled hair. There have been suggestions of a Black African origin. However, in
  17. From our world to an alternate universe where the recipe for gunpowder is a, tightly ,held secret and saves a country that is about to be conquered by its neighbors.
  18. Holes in the meningeal layers. The cells in the blood vessel walls are joined, tightly ,to one another, forming the so-called blood-brain barrier, which protects the
  19. Drag. Rotating the driving member the other way makes the spring wrap itself, tightly ,around the driving surface and the clutch locks up. Specialty clutches and
  20. Of vehicle clutch but most are based on one or more friction discs pressed, tightly ,together or against a flywheel using springs. The friction material varies in
  21. By campuses. #The cytoplasm appears dense, and the organelles appear, tightly ,packed. #Chromatin undergoes condensation into compact patches against the
  22. The now-defunct Manila Industrial and Commercial Athletic Association which was, tightly ,controlled by the Basketball Association of the Philippines (now defunct)
  23. Comic-book character, some commentators believe that its comedy is not so, tightly ,confined. Some commentators felt the film's depiction of the Caped Crusader "
  24. Precedence, as mentioned by Kernighan and Ritchie above, such as binding more, tightly ,than & and | in expressions like x & 1 0,which would need to be written (x &
  25. At the end of the novella, are in a very similar position to Voltaire's, tightly ,knit philosophical circle which supported the Encyclopedia: the main characters
  26. For assessing it. Descartes believed that language and consciousness are bound, tightly ,together. He thought that many of the behaviors humans share with other animals
  27. Atom In 1909 Ernest Rutherford discovered that the positive half of atoms was, tightly ,condensed into a nucleus, and it became clear that the plum pudding model could
  28. Of Corrections. After the shooting, the Factory scene became much more, tightly ,controlled, and for many the" Factory 60s" ended. 1970s Compared to the
  29. Content. In prokaryotes, DNA is usually arranged as a circle, which is, tightly ,coiled in on itself, sometimes accompanied by one or smaller, circular DNA
  30. Says:" Their vanguard, composed of about 5,000 men, found itself at first so, tightly ,packed that those who were in the third rank could scarcely use their swords "
  31. Of the Poetic Sea but also in maritime cities whose economic interests were, tightly ,connected to the riches of the Black Sea. Achilles from Luce island was
  32. The kingdom. This idea is developed further in the Great Learning, and is, tightly ,linked with the Taoist concept of WU Wei (): the less the king does, the more
  33. Regulation of biosynthesis ATP production in an aerobic eukaryotic cell is, tightly ,regulated by allosteric mechanisms, by feedback effects, and by the substrate
  34. Of Classical antiquity and especially those of Classical Greece. While still, tightly ,linked to the court culture and absolutism, with its formality and emphasis on
  35. Possible. The player with the most captured pieces is the winner. The board is, tightly ,packed at the start of the game; as more pieces are captured, the board frees
  36. The spine of the book block will be ground off leaving a roughened edge to the, tightly ,gripped collection of pages. The grinding leaves fibers which will grip onto
  37. On the flatness of the universe, but the amount of clustering matter is, tightly ,measured, and is much less than this. The case for dark energy was strengthened
  38. S torque rotated the sleeve which permitted the spring to contract and wrap, tightly ,around the driving sleeve. Load torque tightened the wrap so it did not slip
  39. Here the hydroxylated and glycosylated propeptide twists towards the left very, tightly ,and then three propeptides will form a triple helix. It is important to
  40. Omega = 1 - 4 \cost \left\left (\phi + \psi \right)/2 \right The helix is, tightly ,packed; there is almost no free space within the helix. The amino-acid side
  41. Who is mentioned in Odyssey book 10 as Keeper of the Winds who gives Odysseus a, tightly ,closed bag full of the captured winds, so he could sail easily home to Ithaca on
  42. Alternative medicine is mainly in the hands of physicians, In Germany herbs are, tightly ,regulated: half are prescribed by doctors and covered by health insurance based
  43. RAS) on the other hand is a more primitive structure in the brain stem that is, tightly ,in connection with reticular formation (RF),a critical anatomical structure
  44. And Monte Carlo methods. Rendering for movies often takes place on a network of, tightly ,connected computers known as a render farm. The current state of the art in 3-D
  45. Then they experience in a different atom. Thus, one nucleus offers a more, tightly ,bound position to an electron than does another nucleus, with the result that
  46. S shoulders, scooping back under the forearms to grasp the opponent's arms, tightly ,against his own body. In this position, the opponent's arms are pinned and
  47. Discusses a bucket filled with water hung by a cord. If the cord is twisted up, tightly ,on itself and then the bucket is released, it begins to spin rapidly, not only
  48. Murchison, Euomphalus, Naticopsis. Nautilus cephalopods are represented by, tightly ,coiled Nautilus, with straight-shelled and curved-shelled forms becoming
  49. In 1993 legalized self-employment for some 150 occupations. The government, tightly ,controls the small private sector, which has fluctuated in size from 150,000 to
  50. Have been greatly relaxed in China since the 1970s,political freedom is still, tightly ,restricted. The Constitution of the People's Republic of China states that the

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