Examples of the the word, expressly , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Not well-defined; however in Canada, private copying for personal use has been, expressly ,permitted by statute since 1999. In Australia, the fair dealing exceptions
  2. Encroach on areas of provincial jurisdiction. The federal spending power is not, expressly ,set out in the Constitution Act,1867; however, in the words of the Court of
  3. To try to publish a volume of variations on a" patriotic" waltz he had penned, expressly ,for this purpose, with one variation by every important Austrian composer
  4. Traditions. Orthodoxy does not openly promote statuary, although it is not, expressly ,condemned, instead limiting itself primarily to two-dimensional iconography.
  5. Origin of the traditions to be Nordic, and even more to be polar, since this is, expressly ,affirmed in the Veda as well as in other sacred books. ”
  6. Fleet. All the incidents after the appeal of Athens to Sparta are, expressly ,referred by Herodotus to the interval between the sending of the heralds in 491
  7. Contemporary analytical philosophy. Wolff is not an anarcho-capitalist and has, expressly ,repudiated this interpretation of his work. He instead favors social anarchism
  8. Makes it binding much like regular legislation. While the constitution does not, expressly ,state that these agreements are allowed, and constitutional scholars such as
  9. S hands, we can hardly doubt that the censors had this power. It is moreover, expressly ,stated that on one occasion they made an extravagant surcharge on articles of
  10. Stood below Sophia and Dynamic and their progenitors; but his position is not, expressly ,stated, so that the writer of the supplement to Tertullian had some excuse for
  11. Is amplified by state law in some places where Federal law fails to speak or, expressly ,defers to state law. While bankruptcy cases are always filed in United States
  12. Of Imperial Aramaic as an 'official language ', noting that no surviving edict, expressly ,and unambiguously accorded that status to any particular language. Frye
  13. The eternal light; but the figure of the ray is so limited by Eugenics that he, expressly ,distinguishes the Son as distinct from Father as a ray is also distinct from
  14. Until his death in 386. St. Cyril's jurisdiction over Jerusalem was, expressly ,confirmed by the First Council of Constantinople (381),at which he was
  15. Courts Rules. Legislation in Saskatchewan, Manitoba,Ontario, and Nova Scotia, expressly ,or by judicial opinion have been read to allow for what are informally known as
  16. He deemed it necessary to eliminate. The 'murderer' he was hunting had never, expressly ,killed anyone himself, but subtly and psychologically, he had manipulated
  17. And the second part of the prologue (2:6-3:6) as an introduction composed, expressly ,for the book; this view has been challenged in the latter decades of the
  18. Gospels by the mid-2nd century. Twenty years after Tatian's harmony, Irenaeus, expressly ,proclaimed the authoritative character of the four gospels. The Diatessaron
  19. And every power, jurisdiction,and right, which is not by this Confederation, expressly ,delegated. " # Does not call the United States of America a" nation" or "
  20. Blood vessels are severed in the same manner, causing pain and hemostasis. The, expressly ,ritual element of circumcision in Judaism, as distinguished from its non-ritual
  21. Calculus in mechanics is Newton's second law of motion: historically stated it, expressly ,uses the term" rate of change" which refers to the derivative saying The rate
  22. Encouraged to omit it. The agreement that brought about the 1595 Union of Brest, expressly ,declared that those entering full communion with Rome" should remain with that
  23. Variables responsible for random measurement results, something which was not, expressly ,claimed in the original paper. That paper," Can Quantum-Mechanical Description
  24. And unfair competition, considers an unqualified claim of" American Made" to, expressly ,claim exclusive manufacture in the U. S." The FTC Act gives the Commission the
  25. From 1965 to 1971,Jones was a member of The Monkees, a pop-rock group formed, expressly ,for a television show of the same name. With Screen Gems producing the series
  26. Code of Canada as a Class IV controlled substance (that class was created, expressly ,for steroids). World Bodybuilding Federation In 1990,wrestling promoter Vince
  27. Not, or should be concerned with purpose or intended use beyond what they are, expressly ,hired to influence, is debatable, depending on the situation. In society, not
  28. His 1857 judgment stated," The right of property in a slave is distinctly and, expressly ,affirmed in the Constitution ". Natural right vs social construct Neoliberals
  29. And theology. The recommendations include: #That all involved in such dialogue, expressly ,recognize the limitations of our ability to make definitive assertions about
  30. By one State, incompatible with the existence of the Union, contradicted, expressly , by the letter of the Constitution, unauthorized by its spirit, inconsistent
  31. Tops" the bottom according to the bottom's desires and in a way the bottom, expressly ,requires. A top only having apparent control, while in reality conforming to
  32. S conduct was 'calculated' to make a profit for himself. #Where a statute, expressly ,authorizes the same. Rookies v Barnard has been much criticized and has not been
  33. Claim exists between Israel and the New Testament Church. This is, expressly ,denied by Covenant Theologians who claim the existence of a relationship via “
  34. Although they may not be openly displayed. These same commodities are, expressly ,forbidden to Muslims. As another example of this, sharia law in present-day
  35. To the rank of an agrarian was combined with the motion e tribe, it was always, expressly ,stated. #The fourth punishment was called referred in aeration or facere clique
  36. They were hit into the crowd and lost, and many clubs employed security guards, expressly ,for the purpose of retrieving balls hit into the stands—a practice unthinkable
  37. Measures (BIPM),which maintains the International System of Units (SI), expressly , prohibits the use of SI prefixes to denote binary multiples, and recommends the
  38. Church. In newer church sanctuaries, the baptismal font may be designed to, expressly ,allow for baptism by immersion. Anglicans baptize by submersion, immersion
  39. Contrast, considered permissible any practices that the New Testament did not, expressly ,forbid. After the division, Disciples churches used" Christian Church" as the
  40. Fables from the Jessica in verse for a Hellenistic Prince" Alexander," he, expressly ,stated at the head of Book II that this type of" myth" that Aesop had
  41. Cultural and linguistic unity. Prussia instituted primary school reforms, expressly ,to teach a unified version of the national language," Hochdeutsch ". One
  42. By 1984 my own Synapse II for flute and computer—the first piece ever composed, expressly ,for such a setup. A major challenge was finding the right software constructs
  43. Emphasized in The Federalist that this New York constitutional provision, expressly ,made the common law subject" to such alterations and provisions as the
  44. Heart and blood of these children, since their law in this matter precisely and, expressly ,forbids Jews to sacrifice, eat,or drink the blood, or to eat the flesh of
  45. The 11th century. The Code of Justinian (lib. i. tit. iii. De EP. leg. XL. ), expressly ,subordinates the abbot to episcopal oversight. The first case recorded of the
  46. Furthermore, arbitration agreements can only bind parties who have agreed, expressly ,or impliedly to arbitrate. Arbitration cannot bind nonsignatories to an
  47. Social status Egyptian society was highly stratified, and social status was, expressly ,displayed. Farmers made up the bulk of the population, but agricultural produce
  48. Of the work. Hence, the public domain in books whose privilege had expired was, expressly ,recognized. Three states had already enacted copyright statutes in 1783 prior
  49. Black music still found adherents. Notable among African American entertainers, expressly ,rejecting this view was Jackie Wilson, who argued," A lot of people have
  50. Made illegal (the new Italian state had adopted a French legal code which, expressly ,forbade the practice). In 1878,Pope Leo XIII prohibited the hiring of new

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