Examples of the the word, lamb , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lamb ), is the 6594 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Toys to play out a bizarre nativity scene in which a Dale exterminates a tiny, lamb ,and a tyrannosaurus Rex. Two purple toy dales are also seen in the background
  2. Of such a time and describes it in Ethnic terms:: :The wolf will dwell with the, lamb ,; the leopard will lie down with the young goat; the calf, and the young lion
  3. By German sausage makers () with natural casings derived from pork, sheep or, lamb ,intestine. Among the most popular and most common are the Bratwurst, usually
  4. Saved in the operation. Many of the dogs were deceptively sold to consumers as, lamb ,meat, since lamb meat cost more than dog meat yielding higher profits.
  5. Including organ meats, chicken feet, duck tongue, snakes,and snails. However, lamb ,and goat is rarely eaten, unlike in cuisines of Northern or Western China. Many
  6. To the National Agricultural Statistics Service USDA report," All sheep and, lamb ,inventory in the United States on July 1,2005,totaled 7.80 million head,2 %
  7. And vegetables, a moderate amount of wine and fat-rich animal products such as, lamb , and goat cheese. However, the Cretan diet consisted of fewer fish and wine
  8. Development. Making cloning mammals highly inefficient (Dolly was the only, lamb ,that survived to adulthood from 277 attempts). Wilmot, who led the team that
  9. Many of the dogs were deceptively sold to consumers as lamb meat, since, lamb , meat cost more than dog meat yielding higher profits. Characterization In 1986
  10. Salmon, lobster,mussels and trout. With a large sheep population, Achill, lamb ,is a very popular meal on the island too. Furthermore, Chill has a big
  11. Sweetbread),and other parts of the animal are enjoyed. In Patagonia, lamb ,and Cheviot (goat) are eaten more frequently than beef. Whole lamb s and goats
  12. Generally as" are" or" kale," the spice is a popular ingredient in curried, lamb , mutton, and chicken stew. Often prepared with coconut milk and accompanied by
  13. Righteousness he judges and makes war. " Rev 19:11 We now see Christ, not as a, lamb , but as a warrior, ready to make war against the forces of evil. There is a
  14. Total number of sheep deaths in 2004 comprised 2.22 % of the total sheep and, lamb ,population in the United States. According to the National Agricultural
  15. Typically associated with this region. As far as meat is concerned, mutton and, lamb , together with wild boar and venison all make up highly appealing dishes. Also
  16. Such as pictures of Islamic rugs and Arabic writing. Another difference is that, lamb ,and mutton dishes are more commonly available than in other Chinese restaurants
  17. But some are made from other materials such as polyurethane, polyisoprene, or, lamb , intestine. A female condom is also available, most often made of nitrite. As a
  18. And the following ingredients are added, in turn, on top of this bed: beef, lamb , pork, chicken,chorizos (pork sausages),potatoes, sweet potatoes, apples
  19. Per tonne delivered to Stanley ". An increasing number of farmers are supplying, lamb ,to the Falkland Islands Meat Company. The abattoir received export
  20. Be ritually pure in order to" eat the Passover" refers to eating the Passover, lamb , not to the public offerings made during the days of Unleavened Bread. In the
  21. And basmati rice, cheese and salsa with Spanish rice, or spiced ground, lamb ,and capers rolled with Greek-style rice and grape leaves (resembling
  22. Later). In Greece the traditional meal is malaria, a hearty stew of chopped, lamb ,liver and wild greens seasoned with egg-and-lemon sauce. Traditionally, Easter
  23. On the afternoon of Nisan 14. The scriptural instructions specify that the, lamb ,is to be slain" between the two evenings ", that is, at twilight. By the Roman
  24. Lamb. One interpretation of the Gospel of John is that Jesus, as the Passover, lamb , was crucified at roughly the same time as the Passover lamb s were being slain
  25. Turnips, ). In Libya, it is mostly served with meat, specifically beef, lamb , or camel. In Tripoli and the western parts of Libya, but not during official
  26. May be a new batch without yeast—as you really are. For Christ, our Passover, lamb , has been sacrificed "; this refers to the Passover requirement to have no
  27. English food include the Sunday roast, featuring a roasted joint, usually beef, lamb ,or chicken, served with assorted boiled vegetables, Yorkshire pudding and gravy
  28. Dried and smoked, such as country (smoked pork loin),charcoal-grilled, lamb , Bourbaki (pork and chicken cooked over charcoal),and Shelia (minced
  29. A single very long noodle. Chuanr (Chinese: 串儿, Yang you Chuan, or, lamb , kebabs,is particularly popular. Beef noodle soup Beef noodle soup (Refer to
  30. Of salty side dishes. * Margarita, is the traditional Easter soup made with, lamb ,offal and thickened with avgolemono. * Pastas, a tripe soup, surprisingly
  31. 13:6-10) ###Another beast appears, but from the earth, having two horns like a, lamb ,and speaking like a dragon. He directs people to make an image of the beast
  32. First. Then comes the chairman (a kind of spiced sausage made with pork or, lamb ,and placed between two slices of bread),and lastly meat such as Amado de IRA
  33. Of plains buffalo (bison) for the consumer market. Sheep for wool and, lamb ,are also raised. Wheat and canola are primary farm crops, with Alberta leading
  34. Club serves a camel burger, as this allows the meat to be mixed with beef or, lamb ,fat, improving both the texture and taste. In Karachi, Pakistan the exclusive
  35. Source of phone gas),BUF (beef),Beau (veal),port (pork),Agnes (, lamb ,), mouton (mutton),lapin (rabbit),Camille (quail),coeval (horse)
  36. Raven uttered no cries" and" the lion killed not, the wolf snatched not the, lamb , unknown was the kid-killing dog, unknown was the grain devouring boar ".
  37. Cuisine Chinese curries (咖哩, gā LI) typically consist of chicken, beef,fish, lamb , or other meats, green peppers, onions,large chunks of potatoes, and a variety
  38. Mostly spicy with harissa sauce, it is served with almost everything, including, lamb , beef, camel,and poultry. Fish couscous is Tunisian specialty, it can be also
  39. Northern and southern Chinese Islamic cuisine despite both utilizing mutton and, lamb , Northern Chinese Islamic cuisine relies heavily on beef, but rarely ducks
  40. To have no yeast in the house and to the allegory of Jesus as the Paschal, lamb , One interpretation of the Gospel of John is that Jesus, as the Passover lamb
  41. Ahi tuna, opakapaka (snapper) with passion fruit, to Hawaiian island-raised, lamb , beef and aquaculture products such as Molokai shrimp. Includes a broad variety
  42. Monosyllablic words with the b final and immediately preceded by an m, such as, lamb ,and bomb; a few are examples of etymological spelling to make the word more
  43. Fish often is used for the traditional main course, but richer meat such as, lamb ,is increasingly served. In Germany, France and Austria, goose and pork are
  44. Food. * Leftist: literally meaning" in the style of the Clefts ", this is, lamb ,slow-baked on the bone, first marinated in garlic and lemon juice, originally
  45. The meat and custard layered inside hollowed, sauteéd eggplants. * Oven-baked, lamb ,with potatoes (Αρνί στο φούρνο με πατάτες). One of the most common" Sunday "
  46. Is widely practiced. Pork is the most common meat, followed by chicken and, lamb , Oriental dishes such as moussaka, gyuvech, and baklava are also present.
  47. And street vendors in Flushing, Queens that specialize in items such as Bing, lamb ,Chuan, soft tofu, and side dishes typical of Halal eateries in China. In
  48. Influences from Central Europe. Typical meat dishes include primarily beef and, lamb , Some local specialties are CECAP, burek, dolma, sarma, pilaf,goulash, ajvar
  49. The Middle East and Mediterranean there is a common thread marking the use of, lamb , olive oil, lemons,peppers, and rice. The vegetarianism practiced in much of
  50. The chi-rho monogram, the dove (symbolic of the Holy Spirit),the sacrificial, lamb ,(symbolic of Christ's sacrifice),the vine (symbolizing the necessary

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