Examples of the the word, te , in a Sentence Context

The word ( te ), is the 6604 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Partial: Punjabi University. *Tarlochan Singh Bed, Dr. Gurkha Lip the Jana, te , Vikas. Partial: Punjabi University,1999. Geneva College is a Christian liberal
  2. Nominative: 猫 Nero ('cat' ); 手 the ('hand, paw '): Genitive: 猫の手 neon, te , ( 'cat's paw' ) It also uses the suffix -Na 〜な for adjectival noun; in some
  3. Hainan;: Ames sums must Greeks, kaip mes Pamela must Pardokon te imus;: Ne, te , wedde mus Bicycle;: Bet the passage mus mi WISPA Luna (Pita) A list of
  4. Around specific issues. Today the only recognizable parties are the Bostonian, te , Koaua Party, Maneaban the Maori Party, Maurin Kiribati Party and Tacoma Party.
  5. To Brisbane, Australia. Culture Songs (the Anne) and above all dances (, te , mwaie) are held in high regard. Music Kiribati folk music is generally based
  6. 1887–1956) *Points Tautvaišas (Lithuania, USA,1916–1980) *Jan Willem, te , Kolsté (Netherlands,1874–1936) *George Alan Thomas (Turkey, England
  7. Discuss the various strengths of consonants from" LE" through" DE" to ", te ,". But the focus of the te xt is for playing rapid no te s" similar to the Georgia
  8. And pronounced the same as свят –" world ". * (Te) –" they" became те (, te , ),the same as the second person direct object pronoun те –" you ". In spi te
  9. Piorum et::: :Aeolus minibus quar te r: :Sappho Ellis de popularizes: :ET, te , sonan te m genius are, ::: Arcade, plectro aura Davis, ::: :aura fugue male
  10. It: Original from kleengedichtjes (1860? ) Gig zest DAT ‘ t vlaamsch, te , niet zeal gain: ‘ t en zeal! Dat ‘ t Walsh gets zeal oven slain:
  11. Assesses (uses,2),Mississippi (Isis,2),hotshots (hots,2),Teeth (, te , 3),expressionlessness (ESS,3),phosphophorin (pho,3),( te a,3)
  12. Culture of life Culture of the Song Dynasty Cum hoc ergo proper hoc Cuba, te , ipsum Curie Curiosity Curious George Brigade Curry's paradox Curt John Ducats
  13. 13 (HT 13) is an example of an accounting te xt: ka-u-de-ta wine ideogram., te , Re-za 5½ te -ro2 56 te ak 27½ ku-dzu-ni 18 days-* ka-u-de-ta is followed by an
  14. For free and open elections. The executive branch consists of a president (, te , Bereti te nti),a vice president and a cabinet (the president is also chief of
  15. Natalie, Al limi te d and the series of De te ctive Extralarge). In the movie OGG a, te , domani a the dubber is Ferruccio Mendoza Spencer also wro te the comple te or
  16. S most significant student Matsubara Soon (1809–1899) taught a synthesis of, te , ( Shrine and Tomari- te ) and Shaolin (Chinese 少林) styles. Matsumura's
  17. Kata, te chniques,and principles that distinguished their local version of, te , from the others. Members of the Okinawan upper classes were sent to China
  18. Of this version of the sidekick. In Korean, yeop chai. In Okinawan, te , fighting,it is sometimes called a dragon kick. Some have called this sidekick
  19. Today the only recognizable parties are the Bostonian the Koala Party, Maneaban, te , Mauri Party, Maurin Kiribati Party and Tacoma Party. There is universal
  20. Of course, makes it clear how popular such poems were:: Admirer, O parties, te , non Cecilius ruins: quit tot scripture media rustiness.: I'm astonished
  21. Friend the lat te r exclaims JE sews, mon Cher AMI, | | tree here de, te , voir at which Panoramic observes C'est un Alexandria (" That's an alexandrine
  22. El),M (em),N (en),O (o),P (PE),Q (EU),R (er),S (BS),T (, te , ),U (u),V (ve),W (public ve),X (ix),Y (epsilon),Z (get)
  23. Lingua rivers" ) using" le re ". This is opposed to using ", te , che the Che" which is described as" harsh, barbarous and displeasing ". The
  24. Commoda tract emus primum community, quorum: hat minimum illus exit, ne, te , pulsare togas: audit, immo, etsi pulse, dissimulet NEC: audit excesses
  25. Greeks, kaip mes Pamela must Pardokon te imus;: Ne the wedge mus Bicycle;: Bet, te , passarge mus mi WISPA Luna (Pita) A list of monuments of Old Prussian *
  26. In the Punjabi language): *Turbans (G. B.) Singh. Gurkha Lip the Jana, te , Vikas. Chandigarh: Punjab University,1950. *Ishtar Singh Tag, Dr. Gurkha
  27. It la te r developed into a folk religion with many deities. The Tao, te , Ching by Lao Tau rarely speaks of a personal or creator God. Its central focus
  28. Kicks in Muay Thai are known as the this (li te rally" foot jab" ) and the,the, chiang (kicking upwards in the shape of a triangle cutting under the arm and
  29. Worldwide. History Okinawa Kara te began as a common fighting sys te m known as, te , ( Okinawan: ti) among the Pectin class of the Ryukyuan. Af te r trade
  30. From Heraclitus appears in Plato's Cra te rs twice; in 401’d as: Ta onto genie, te , panta Kai Megan Ogden"All things move and nothing remains still"and in 402,a
  31. Sometimes used with the similar to English to,e.g. " He is diet mobility, te , begrijpen" →" It is not difficult to understand. " The few verbs with s te ms
  32. With the divine law: AHIMA — 'no harm' — for Buddhist and Hindu faiths; DE or, te , — 'virtuous action' — in Daoism; and any of numerous practices of peace and
  33. の to make the genitive case. For example:: Nominative: 猫 Nero ('cat' ); 手, te , ( 'hand, paw '): Genitive: 猫の手 neon the ('cat's paw' ) It also uses the
  34. And plural vo te s) as a general-purpose second-person pronoun, combined with, te , ( from TU) as the critic object pronoun. The form o senior is sometimes used
  35. Maharajah Racial is assassina te d in Colombo. *2007 – ¿POR Que no, te , callas? Incident between King Juan Carlos of Spain and Venezuela's president
  36. The Second World War, Māori were discouraged from speaking their own language (, te , reo Māori) in schools and workplaces, and it exis te d as a community language
  37. Verbs come af te r any te nse/mood/aspect particles (like pa to mark negation, or,the, to explicitly mark past te nse, or app to mark progressive aspect),see comes
  38. Is a human"/"they are humans "; but: (EN) ember ago" I am a human ", (,the, ) ember vary" you are a human ", mi embark varying" we are humans ", ( ti)
  39. Tallest, became the highest peak, and his brothers crea te d the A Tritium o, te , Moana, the Southern Alps. The NGA Oahu, the main WWI (tribe) of New Zealand
  40. In Dutch infinitives also end in -en (Bergen — to say),sometimes used with, te , similar to English to,e.g. " He is diet mobility the bedridden" →" It is
  41. Secondary School adop te d David Beatty's coat of arms," Non-Vi Used ARTE" and, te , colours as the official school colors. Styles *1911–19 June 1914: Rear-Admiral
  42. Miami (a te acher claimed by Mario Hanna). In addition to the three early, te , styles of kara te a fourth Okinawan influence is that of Kan bun Delhi (
  43. Antiphon that begins:" Total punch BS, Maria,et macular originals non est in, te ," (You are all beautiful, Mary,and the original stain of sin is not in you.
  44. P, p (PE); Q (chip); R, r,(re / er); S’s (see / BS);, ș (SE); T, t (, te , ); Ț, ț (Te); U, u (u); V, v (ve); W (double ve); X, x (ICS); Y (i
  45. Of the Solomon Islands, and further to Brisbane, Australia. Culture Songs (, te , anene) and above all dances (the made) are held in high regard. Music
  46. Lip the Vikas. Partial: Punjabi University,1995. *Tartar Singh Dacha. Gurkha, te , Hindi the Tamra. 1948. *Tiara Singh Adam, Prof. Gurkha Lip the Itches.
  47. At all than with the method. The Māori Language Commission (Te Laura Whirl i, te , Reo Māori) advoca te s that macrons be used to designa te long vowels. The use of
  48. Phoebes had not yet: The Lament of the Nymph) Antonietta by Puccini # Perch, te , n fungi, o Filled? (Why do you run away, Phyllis?) Anonymous madrigal # Non
  49. 1971) (Satan FS-271) With Kaygısızlar / Les Tigris * Film mile Burbage / JE, te , Retrouverais (1972) (Satan FS 279) With Curtain Ensures * Plum Allah'IN
  50. The unaccen te d one is a critic; examples are the Spanish critics de, se, and,the, ( a preposition and two personal pronouns),versus the stressed words DE, sé

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