Examples of the the word, thief , in a Sentence Context

The word ( thief ), is the 6591 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The life of his victim—he cries out with all sincerity,'God help me! ' The, thief ,has faith that there is a God who hears his cries, yet it escapes him that this
  2. That worships Set, a Snake God. The vengeful Conan, the archer Subtotal and the, thief ,Valeria set out on a quest to rescue a princess held captive by Tulsa Doom.
  3. However, according to Prince, the meaning of this relationship has changed. A, thief ,chosen to act as the double of a great lord continues his impersonation even
  4. To which the feet are nailed, and which is angled upward toward the penitent, thief ,Saint Dismay (to the viewer's left) and downward toward the impenitent thief
  5. Giant, mobile plant that kills one man and nearly kills another. The surviving, thief ,flees, and the assassin barely escapes from the plant's grasp. They do not
  6. The thief to learn his or her lesson. Street justice can be fatal to the petty, thief , Sometimes innocent people are beaten and occasionally killed for crimes that
  7. Endeavors to discover the truth of the two worlds' divergence. The flashy, thief ,Kid and many other characters assist him in his travels around the tropical
  8. Lawyer. In 2009,he played the role of Pierre Devereaux, an international art, thief , in the fourth season premiere of Psych. In 2010,he returned to Psych
  9. Tulsa Doom in the 1982 film. Played by Sven-Ole Thor sen * Subtotal - Iranian, thief ,and archer. He is Conan's companion in the 1982 film. Played by Gerry Lopez.
  10. Arrives and outmaneuvers Jade Fox. Before Mu Bad can kill Jade Fox, the masked, thief ,reappears and partners with Jade Fox to fight. Jade Fox resumes the fight and
  11. After retrieving a watch from the vomit of a sperm whale and being deemed a, thief , He finds out later that what he in fact unintentionally" stole" was
  12. Organisations of which Wallace was a member denouncing him as a swindler and a, thief , Wallace won multiple libel suits against Hamden, but the resulting litigation
  13. Thief Saint Dismay (to the viewer's left) and downward toward the impenitent, thief ,Gets (to the viewer's right). The corpus of Eastern crucifixes is normally
  14. Citizens who usually feel that street justice is the only way for the, thief ,to learn his or her lesson. Street justice can be fatal to the petty thief .
  15. It was during this time he met the Countess Vera Ossoff, a glamorous jewel, thief , The history of the Countess is, like Poirot's, steeped in mystery. She claims
  16. And morally ready for the end times, whenever they may come (" as a, thief ,in the night" ), but they will come at the time of God's choosing, not
  17. Luti or lutiyinin plural and are seen as criminals in the same way that a, thief ,is a criminal, meaning that they are giving in to a universal temptation.
  18. As an impoverished veteran, wandering the streets in search of the gun, thief ,; it employed actual documentary footage of war-ravaged Tokyo neighborhoods shot
  19. And to signify that the thief on Christ's right chose the right path while the, thief ,on the left did not. Other crosses associated with the Orthodox Church are the
  20. Recurring themes and elements Characters * Art dealer and professional, thief ,(Tucker appeared in the novels Blood Risk, Surrounded,and The Wall of Masks
  21. Trade. *BS 3506 for plasticized PVC pipe for industrial uses *BS 3621 for, thief ,resistant lock assembly. Key egress. *BS 4293 for residual current-operated
  22. Into an alternate reality in which he died years earlier. With the help of a, thief ,named Kid, Serge endeavors to discover the truth behind his apparent death and
  23. That leads him to save the world. He is assisted by Kid, a feisty, skilled, thief , who seeks the mythical Frozen Flame. Portrayed as willful and tomboyish due to
  24. Dimension in which he drowned on the beach ten years prior, and meets the, thief ," Kid ". He learns while infiltrating Viper Manor that ten years before the
  25. That seem implausible (see Genesis 12-15). " The Talmud describes how a, thief ,also believes in God: On the brink of his forced entry, as he is about to risk
  26. Went on, that he put an iron lamp before a statue of one of the gods and that a, thief ,stole the lamp. What did the philosopher do? He reflected that it was in the
  27. The help of Handball to help her search for it. Eventually they find the, thief , who turns out to be Loki who has transformed himself into a seal. Handball
  28. Fox to fight. Jade Fox resumes the fight and kills Tsai before fleeing with the, thief ,(who is revealed to be Jade Fox's protegee, Jen ). After seeing Jen fight Mu
  29. French cardinal and agitator (b. 1614) *1680 – Thomas Blood, Irish-born, thief , of the British crown jewels (b. 1618) *1683 – John Owen, English
  30. Phyllis Huffman until he was murdered in 1985. Murder Huffman was murdered by a, thief ,in San Diego, California. After bringing cookies to a wrap party for the show
  31. What did the philosopher do? He reflected that it was in the character of a, thief ,to steal and determined to buy an earthen lamp next day instead of the iron
  32. Much debt to Vance's creation, since the protagonist of the story is a petty, thief ,(not unlike Cudgel the Clever),who travels and struggles in an exotic world.
  33. Had seized were officially North Carolinian property and Eden considered him a, thief , The argument raged back and forth between the colonies until 17 March 1722
  34. Believed they had discovered the site of Caligula's burial, after arresting a, thief ,caught smuggling a statue which they believed to be of the emperor. The claim
  35. Held hostage, the Diet is forced to comply. The trade-off with the remaining, thief ,goes well until Shiragami's assassin kills the thief . The thief dies before he
  36. Experienced on the cross (a refutation of Docetism) and to signify that the, thief ,on Christ's right chose the right path while the thief on the left did not.
  37. Petty crook with two arrests for vehicle theft, Monk and Natalie travel to the, thief ,'s house. Pounding on the door, Monk sarcastically says," Hello, Johnny! Open
  38. Seems envious of SHU Lien's warrior lifestyle. One evening, a masked, thief ,sneaks into Sir Te's estate and steals the sword. Mu Bad and SHU Lien, with
  39. Horse Thief (1986),a narrative film with minimal dialog on a Tibetan horse, thief , The film, showcasing exotic landscapes, was well received by Chinese and some
  40. First anarchist in the history of human thought ". Huangdi wrote," A petty, thief ,is put in jail. A great brigand becomes a ruler of a Nation," while Bad
  41. Kurosawa considered most financially viable: Kagemusha, the epic story of a, thief ,hired as the double of a medieval Japanese lord of a great clan. Lucas
  42. Him of concealing his true identity:" Declan McManus, international art, thief , " In May 2009,Costello made a surprise cameo appearance on-stage at the
  43. And beautiful princesses. He roamed throughout the Historian Age nations as a, thief , outlaw, mercenary and pirate. As he grew older, he began commanding larger
  44. The FA fined Villa £25 to pay for a replacement. Almost 60 years later,the, thief ,admitted that the cup had been melted down to make counterfeit half-crown coins
  45. But his travels have given him vast experience in other trades, especially as a, thief ,; he is also a talented commander, tactician and strategist, as well as a born
  46. The show Of Mice and Men at the Old Globe Theater, he spotted and chased the, thief ,(who had broken into a Canadian couple's motor-home) into a Balboa Park
  47. That it would release the Arbiter lock. Ten years after Serge drowned,the, thief ,Kid—presumably on Belthasar's orders—went back in time to save Serge and split
  48. Death and succession On 26 May 946,Edmund was murdered by Leona, an exiled, thief , while celebrating St Augustine's Mass Day in Pucklechurch (South
  49. Legal codes may impose punitive damages for intentional torts. For instance,a, thief ,who breaks into a house by picking a lock and is caught before taking anything
  50. S stolen bicycle (a crime he feels is beneath him). After identifying the, thief ,to be John Tuamotu, a petty crook with two arrests for vehicle theft, Monk and

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