Examples of the the word, prose , in a Sentence Context

The word ( prose ), is the 6605 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Semantics" and have to be expressed in ambiguity-prone natural language, prose , and then implemented in compilers as ad hoc code attached to the formal
  2. A point often lost sight of because most English bibles render everything in, prose , Poetry was also the reason John never directly quoted the older prophets. Had
  3. Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia *1953 – Mark Duty, American poet and, prose ,writer *1955 – Mel Tango, Filipina television personality and broadcast
  4. 1190–1192 in the Kingdom of Jerusalem. The Itineraries Aegis Ricardo, a Latin, prose ,narrative of the same events apparently compiled by Richard, a canon of Holy
  5. Because he innovated it, but because his Histories are the earliest surviving, prose ,to describe it in any detail. He defines it carefully, mentioning the previous
  6. To perfection the human condition allows. Her book, which is largely written in, prose , frequently breaks into poetry or jubilation, much like Revelation itself. The
  7. Themes Wollstonecraft did not employ the formal argumentation or logical, prose ,style common to 18th-century philosophical writing when composing her own works
  8. Was written by a Canterbury monk named Osborn, at Lanfranc's request. The, prose ,version has survived, but the Life is very much a hagiography: many of the
  9. Physical processes. His major contribution to history was writing the oldest, prose ,document about the Universe and the origins of life; for this he is often
  10. A Doll's House (; also translated as A Doll House) is a three-act play in, prose ,by the Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. It premiered at the Royal Theatre in
  11. His life that his biggest inspiration was Kerouac's concept of" spontaneous, prose ,". He believed literature should come from the soul without conscious
  12. Mondays. The following year, Miller revised A View from the Bridge as a two-act, prose ,drama, which Peter Brook directed in London. In June 1956,Miller left his
  13. Ritual Romanus (1621) by Peter Audi, the first writer of original Albanian, prose ,and poetry, an apology for George Cast riot (1636) by Frank Bard hi, who also
  14. Be classed into three accepted levels of Turing machine description:::" ..., prose ,to describe an algorithm, ignoring the implementation details. At this level we
  15. S Lenses is widely considered to be a masterpiece, and a landmark in French, prose , When commenting on one particular section (Thought #72),Sainte-Beuve
  16. Only. In one of these the writing is prose , in the other a combination of, prose ,and alliterating verse. The latter manuscript was severely damaged in the 18th
  17. Given to an infant on the cutting of the first tooth. In the 12th century Eddie, prose ,Gylfaginning Sorry Sturgeon relates it as the first of a series of abodes in
  18. Shrine, which was located south of the high altar. A Life of Saint Ælfheah in, prose ,and verse was written by a Canterbury monk named Osborn, at Lanfranc's request
  19. Directly in her poems, were not concerns shared by her sisters. Anne's subtle, prose ,has a fine ironic edge; her novels also reveal Anne to be the most socially
  20. Story of Civilization series, hailed it as" the most eloquent book in French, prose , " In Lenses, Pascal surveys several philosophical paradoxes: infinity and
  21. Grenades, Swiss Protestant clergyman (b. 1540) *1667 – Jeremy Taylor, Irish, prose , writer and bishop (b. 1613) *1686 – Louis Hamburg, French historian (b.
  22. Exists B (B \in A \land \not \exist C (C \in A \land C \in B) )). Or in, prose ,:: Every non-empty set A contains an element B which is disjoint from A. Two
  23. Apuleius (; sometimes called Lucius Apuleius; c. 125 – c. 180) was a Latin, prose ,writer. He was a Berber, from Madras (now M'Daourouch, Algeria ). He studied
  24. To God, and finally a response from God. The book is a didactic poem set in a, prose ,frame. The over-riding and oft-asked question asked in the book of Job is,"
  25. His arguments made the letters ripe for public consumption, and influenced the, prose ,of later French writers like Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Wide praise
  26. Strong psychological suspense, developed from the deliberately slow pace of her, prose , Twice, the murderer surprisingly turns out to be the unreliable narrator of
  27. Included lives of the abbots of Wear mouth and Narrow, as well as verse and, prose ,lives of Saint Cuthbert of Lindisfarne, an adaptation of Pauli nus of Nola's
  28. The translation of the Bible into the language: the Yeshiva and the masterful, prose ,and poetry of Efren the Syrian. Middle Syriac, unlike its forebear, is a
  29. And publishing markets. A novella is a term sometimes used for fictional, prose ,typically between 17,500 and 40,000 words, and a novelette between 7,500 and
  30. We do not need to mention how the machine manages its tape or head. "::" ..., prose ,used to define the way the Turing machine uses its head and the way that it
  31. Has come down to us in two manuscripts only. In one of these the writing is, prose , in the other a combination of prose and alliterating verse. The latter
  32. Of their obtaining the pot from the giant Ymir is told in Hymiskviða. The, prose ,introduction to Lokasenna and Snorri's list of Jennings state that Ægir is
  33. The list when the process is complete. (Quasi-)formal description: Written in, prose ,but much closer to the high-level language of a computer program, the following
  34. Return from Babylon of Antaeus' brother. The rest of for.350 was paraphrased in, prose ,by the historian/geographer Strabo. Many fragments were supplied in quotes by
  35. 1931 Nash repented 33 years after his calumny, penning in 1964 the following, prose ,poem to the Dean of Bronx Community College:: I can't seem to escape: the sins
  36. Separate sources were combined to form for.350,as mentioned above, including a, prose ,paraphrase from Strabo that first needed to be restored to its original meter
  37. He also developed literary skills to write poetry in English. ' His Nemesis,a, prose ,tragedy in four acts about Beatrice Hence, partly inspired by Percy Bessie
  38. On nature. " Therefore his texts would be amongst the earliest written in, prose , at least in the Western world. By the time of Plato, his philosophy was almost
  39. Language and rhetoric *Argument (literature),a brief summary, often in, prose , of a poem or section of a poem or other work *Argument (linguistics),a
  40. To public recitations. However, virtually all major works of Greek and Latin, prose ,possessed such clause; and some scholars have rejected the identification of
  41. Sniff of that prose , and you'd say,'Why,that's a Burroughs. ' ": :- on the, prose ,of William S. Burroughs in Here to Go: Planet R-101 (Interviews with Terry
  42. Classical Period and is read today as one of the greatest masters of French, prose , His use of satire and wit influenced later polemicists. The content of his
  43. Eight two-part short stories, a series of contemplative" miniatures" or, prose ,poems, a literary memoir on his years in the West (The Grain Between the
  44. It also is by Alfred. In fact, he writes in the prelude that he first created a, prose ,work and then used it as the basis for his poem Meters of Boethius, his
  45. The word is attested in Herodotus, who wrote some of the first surviving Greek, prose , but this may not have been before 440 or 430 BC. We are not certain that the
  46. Nobel laureate. He won his Nobel Prize in Literature for notable impact his, prose ,works and poetic thought had on English, French,and other national literatures
  47. A simple algorithm, which can be stated in a high-level description English, prose , as: High-level description: # Assume the first item is largest. # Look at each
  48. Good everyday words, run the literary rot right through them. One sniff of that, prose ,and you'd say,'Why,that's a Burroughs. ' ": :- on the prose of William S.
  49. West," published in 1961,is considered by many Derleth 's finest work. This, prose ,meditation is built out of the same fundamental material as the series of Sac
  50. Writing in the St. Louis Dispatch concluded," Delete has achieved a kind of, prose ,equivalent of the Spoon River Anthology. " In the same year, Evening in Spring

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