Examples of the the word, detainee , in a Sentence Context

The word ( detainee ), is the 6592 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Senior al-Qaida planner. Fonda conducted the interview in person with both the, detainee ,and KSM. The detainee and KSM detailed how the 9/11 attacks were planned and
  2. At a camp in Wyoming – which provided redress of $20,000 for each surviving, detainee , totaling $1.2 billion dollars. The question of to whom reparations should be
  3. Container, which was procedure for dealing with a potentially dangerous, detainee ,associated with a terrorist organization. While bound to the stretcher his
  4. Office of Innocence * The Tyrant's Novel (2003),an Australian immigration, detainee ,tells his story * The Widow and Her Hero (2007),the effect of war on those
  5. 1760.61 United States dollars on 26 July 2000 via Western Union.:" The, detainee , while in Germany, wired 9/11 hijacker Marian al-Sheikh who was in the United
  6. Each application was rejected by United States Department of State.:" The, detainee ,attempted to enroll in the Florida Flight Training School, where 9/11 hijacker
  7. On an operation involving aircraft by Abu Has, a senior al-Qaida planner. The, detainee , Mohamed Atta, and IAD Jar rah subsequently met with Asama bin Laden about the
  8. Was closed, Hinds argues that" in the history of New Jersey, no woman pretrial, detainee ,or prisoner has ever been treated as she was, continuously confined in a men's
  9. Details for the" 9/11 hijackers" while they were in the United States and the, detainee ,served as an al-Qaida Europe based liaison.:" The detainee was identified in a
  10. Deposit for flight training.:" IAD Jar rah repeatedly attempted to assist the, detainee ,'s travel to the United States and enrollment in the Florida flight training
  11. Pakistan said he had information that bin Laden was in Afghanistan in 2009. The, detainee ,said that in January or February (of 2009) he met a trusted contact who had
  12. States and the detainee served as an al-Qaida Europe based liaison.:" The, detainee ,was identified in a videotape of potential suicide operatives.:" The detainee
  13. While they lived in Hamburg, Germany during the late 1990s and early 2000. The, detainee , Alta and Sherri are known to have lived at or frequented on particular address
  14. Value President Bush personally used Abu Zubaydah’s perceived“ value” as a, detainee ,to justify the use of the CIA's harsher interrogation techniques as well as
  15. Year. All three could possibly impact the detention center, as well as how any, detainee ,future or present will be held by the United States. While mandating the
  16. Fonda conducted the interview in person with both the detainee and KSM. The, detainee ,and KSM detailed how the 9/11 attacks were planned and executed during the
  17. To delay trials indefinitely. Subarticle 4 states that all basic rights of a, detainee ,can be limited in the interest of his detention. *Null Pena sine Pravda leg
  18. A young Ir gun member. The Ir gun made good on a threat they made and after the, detainee ,was beaten, Irgun members kidnapped British officers and beat them in public.
  19. The United States and enrollment in the Florida flight training center.:" The, detainee ,attempted to enroll at the Florida-based aviation language school.:" The
  20. About the plan. Following the meeting,al-Qaida began arrangements for the, detainee , Mohamed Atta and IAD Jar rah to receive pilot training. The detainee handled
  21. Flight Training School, where 9/11 hijacker IAD Jar rah was a student. The, detainee ,put down a 2,350 United States dollars deposit for flight training.:" IAD
  22. To obtain approval from the judge within a certain time limit, but deny to the, detainee ,access by his own initiative until that limit has been reached. Subarticle 3
  23. Attempted to enroll at the Florida-based aviation language school.:" The, detainee , while in Germany, wired 9/11 hijacker Marian al-Sheikh, who was in the United
  24. Was recovered during a raid in Saudi Arabia in 2004. The diary details the, detainee ,'s involvement in the 11 September 2001 terrorist plot and subsequent attack.
  25. Even when the interrogation team had reported to Cheney's office that their, detainee ," was compliant" ( meaning the team recommended no more torture),the VP's
  26. For the writ to be sought by a person other than the prisoner is that the, detainee ,might be held incommunicado. Most civil law jurisdictions provide a similar
  27. In Palestine, such as the liberation of interned immigrants from the Atilt, detainee ,camp, the bombing of the country's railroad network, and sabotage raids on
  28. Involvement in the 11 September 2001 terrorist plot and subsequent attack. The, detainee ,is listed as a" highly professional jihadist" along with" 9/11 hijackers "
  29. Judah (born 1975),Algerian footballer *Abdul Nair (Guantánamo, detainee ,874) (born 1981),Afghan *Abdul Passion Amorous (born 1987),Togolese
  30. Torture),the VP's office ordered them to continue the enhanced methods. The, detainee ,had not revealed any alpha'ida-Baghdad contacts yet. This ceased only after In
  31. In fact the Court only found a state guilty of torture in 1996 in the case of a, detainee ,who was suspended by his arms whilst his hands were tied behind his back. Since
  32. Substantial likelihood is more clear. However, in order to not limit potential, detainee ,'s freedoms too much it is characterized by the time limit of near future. "
  33. Judge for anyone detained; this judge has the power to order the release of the, detainee , like in the common law habeas corpus doctrine. In fact all relevant laws order
  34. States dollars on 25 September 2000 via Western Union.:" In June 2002,the, detainee ,was personally interviewed by Your Fonda, an investigative journalist for
  35. Al-Shibh (, ; also transliterated as bin Al-Shabab) (born May 1,1972) is a, detainee ,at Guantánamo Bay and stands accused of being a" key facilitator for the
  36. To banning capital punishment for EU member states, the EU has also banned, detainee ,transfers in cases where the receiving party may seek the death penalty. Among
  37. States 2708.33 United States dollars on 13 June 2000 via MoneyGram.:" The, detainee , while in Germany, wired 9/11 hijacker Marian al-Sheikh, who was in the United
  38. Term arrests of the graffiti artists. During one of these incidents, Major,a, detainee ,at a police station in Łódź, proclaimed,in reference to the Marxist and
  39. For the detainee , Mohamed Atta and IAD Jar rah to receive pilot training. The, detainee ,handled administrative details for the" 9/11 hijackers" while they were in
  40. Members might be overwhelmed with their duties (e.g. keep watch of a backseat, detainee ,while RM interviews a victim). They are identified by the wording of 'RCMP
  41. Linking Iraq and alpha'Ida. So furious was this effort that on one particular, detainee , even when the interrogation team had reported to Cheney's office that their
  42. Immigration records indicate that from November 1999 through February 2000,the, detainee , Mohamed Atta, Marwan al-Sheikh and IAD Jar rah all traveled from Germany to
  43. Is where bin Laden is hiding. In the first week of December 2009,a Taliban, detainee ,in Pakistan said he had information that bin Laden was in Afghanistan in 2009.
  44. Detainee was identified in a videotape of potential suicide operatives.:" The, detainee ,attempted to obtain a United States visa on four occasions from May 2000 to
  45. In a poor bargaining position to decline the American request. He wrote:" The, detainee ,transfer deal comes at a time when generous U. S. financial aid and economic
  46. To court transcripts and evidence from United States v. Zacharias Moussaka,the, detainee ,was closely associated with three of the hijackers responsible for the" 9/11 "
  47. And give reasons for his detention. The court must immediately release the, detainee ,unless it is satisfied that he is being held lawfully. The full text of the
  48. La de Enjuiciamiento Criminal (Penal procedure code) (article 520.2),the, detainee ,has to be informed about the charges that lead to his detention, as well as the
  49. Town. Leon Golub's Interrogation III (1981),depicts a female nude, hooded, detainee , strapped to a chair, her legs open to reveal her sexual organs, surrounded by
  50. Executing an operation for the liberation of interned immigrants from the Atilt, detainee ,camp for Jewish illegal immigrants. In the Black Shabbat, a massive British

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