Examples of the the word, terrific , in a Sentence Context

The word ( terrific ), is the 6599 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Found the best musical of the Broadway season ... it's that sloppy, vulgar, terrific , tribal love rock musical Hair. " A reviewer from Variety, on the other hand
  2. To carry on. Reception F&SF reviewer Charles de Lint praised the novella as" a, terrific ,story, highlighting King's gift for characterization and his sheer narrative
  3. One of its ill effects is to make the young people regard all literature as a, terrific ,nag or scold. Independently of this, a strong drive has been going on to
  4. Calling it a" blazing, cinematic comic book, full of virtuoso movie making, terrific ,momentum, solid performances and a compelling story ... Schwarzenegger is
  5. My bill, it was the funniest show on the air. The characters, I thought, were, terrific , Now, that influenced greatly what we did with The Flintstones ... The
  6. It was a good script, so he auditioned for the lead. Duchovny's audition was ", terrific ,", though he had talked rather slowly, and while the casting director of the
  7. And sympathy. " In the Esquire review, Tom Carson called her performance ", terrific , " For her work, she won the Best Actress Silver OMB category award at the
  8. The violently unpleasant effect, while baroque does. Expressionism throws some, terrific ," Fuck you’s, baroque doesn't. Baroque is well-mannered. " Visual artists Some
  9. Could not wound his sacred body. The two rivals encountered each other in a, terrific ,battle. Though Odin and Thor and the rest of the gods fought for Balder us, he
  10. New York Times called it" a half- terrific revival of Mr. Stoppard's entirely, terrific ,Arcadia ", noting that" several central roles are slightly miscast ", and "
  11. A much heavier explosion amidships. Immediately afterwards, she blew up with a, terrific ,explosion, the masts collapsing inwards and the smoke hiding everything. During
  12. Of the United Nations. On the afternoon of April 12,Roosevelt said," I have a, terrific ,pain in the back of my head. " He then slumped forward in his chair
  13. Two new additions to the cast, Jayne Houdyshell and Mary Beth Pal, are, terrific , This production has taken on the glint of crystalline sharpness. " Critical
  14. For 1,882 yards,15 touchdowns, and only 4 interceptions. He was also a, terrific ,rusher, gaining 343 yards and 2 touchdowns on 41 carries. Dallas also had an
  15. And it is complex. You talk about complex situations; they have done a, terrific ,job. I know there are some people who think it’s taken too long and I
  16. Been excellent singers, and divesting the fables respecting them of all their, terrific ,features, he supposes that by the charms of music and song they detained
  17. Up to an unworthy image of herself ". Marlin felt that Mendes directed with ", terrific ,visual flair ", saying his minimalist style balanced" the mordant and bright "
  18. Should begin. At length Aaron, weary of delay, attacked,only to encounter a, terrific ,storm which greatly damaged his ships. The Battle of Large (October 1263)
  19. A thin, dark line with a blob at one end, shooting through the water at such a, terrific ,speed it hardly seemed likely that anything alive could go at such a pace ... I
  20. High into the room, toward an opening at the top of the laboratory. Then a, terrific ,crash of thunder, the crackling of Frankenstein's electric machines, and the
  21. The airship passed over Barnett Light, New Jersey at 10:00 pm as wind gusts of, terrific ,force struck its massive airframe. The airship was being flown into an area of
  22. While other-colored Keeshonden can have, terrific ,conformation, they are not allowed to be shown in the show ring. Colored
  23. A telegram to Al:" She can't sing, she can't act, she can't talk,She's, terrific , " She was offered a standard contract by MGM, and left school for Hollywood in
  24. If they were kept short," the impact after about an hour and a half would be, terrific ,". Since the title of Pileggi's book had already been used for a TV series and
  25. Hoped, but probably did not believe, if the Americans could be dealt such, terrific ,blows early in the war, they might be willing to negotiate an end to the
  26. A fact which was heavily foreshadowed before. That night, Valjean has a, terrific ,struggle within himself, but finally decides to go to the trial and reveal his
  27. Project was generally mixed-to-negative, although Ryan was praised for her ", terrific ," performance. Also in 2009,Ryan guest-starred on the seventh season of Curb
  28. The violently unpleasant effect, while baroque does. Expressionism throws some, terrific ," Fuck you’s, baroque doesn't. Baroque is well-mannered. " Development
  29. Reveals the scope of films for imaginative excursion ... Fantasia ... is simply, terrific , " Peyton Boswell, an editor of the publication Art Digest, called it" an
  30. House on Cameron Street in Alexandria, Virginia,both because there were then, terrific ,local schools there and because several members of her extended family lived
  31. That he knocked the boy off a scaffold to the ground," upon which he fell with, terrific ,Violence ". Blake beheld more visions in the Abbey, of a great procession of
  32. Random. The film is infuriating, and will win no prizes. But it does have some, terrific ,jokes. " The Big Lebowski currently has a rating of 80 % on Rotten Tomatoes (
  33. Worker art critic Peter Schjeldahl said of Rockwell in Partners:“ Rockwell is, terrific , It’s become too tedious to pretend he isn’t. ” Rockwell's Breaking Home Ties
  34. Walker to celebrate his 70th birthday, which was recorded and constitutes a, terrific ,souvenir of the indestructible, indeed almost supernatural Melchior in full
  35. Leading the league in stolen bases while hitting over .300 and providing, terrific ,play in left field. The additions of rookie shortstop Luis Patricio in 1956 and
  36. Intellect, wit,rhythm and high spirits. A masterpiece of musical comedy ... a, terrific ,show. " Robert Coleman, New York Daily Mirror. *" Fine, handsome,melodious
  37. Praised the film and wrote that it" has the resonance to stand not just as a, terrific ,cartoon but as an emotionally pungent movie ". Rolling Stone film critic Peter
  38. XTR Prod camera was not only sufficient to air in high definition, it " looked, terrific , " The Academy Award-winning Leaving Las Vegas (1995) was shot on 16 mm. For
  39. Cast it yet. " It's a project I'm very fond of," added Rosenberg. " It's a, terrific ,book and plans are in the works to make that movie. Delilah ended the decade by
  40. About Iraq's weapons of mass destruction before the war? Knight Rider and its, terrific ,reporters Warren Strobe and Jonathan Landry. ". On June 21, 2006,United
  41. In the Ayurveda, two contrary sets of attributes for both malignant or, terrific ,(Sanskrit:) and benign or auspicious (Sanskrit:) forms can be found
  42. His status. In the episode, Tom Clancy referred to the Beefeaters as," Just a, terrific ,a bunch of guys ". * Clancy received the Alfred Thayer Mahan Award for Literary
  43. wasn't so keen on it. He said" When the man (W. C. Fields) is funny he is, terrific ,... but the story is makeshift, the other characters are stock types, the only
  44. In large part to McBride's promotional efforts, the Cleveland area showed, terrific ,support for the Browns from the moment they were created. The team saw a
  45. Boutique Stewart Mason in his All music review of the album described it as a ", terrific ,album" and a" fascinating, underrated release "," every bit the equal of
  46. Clash of personalities, well,probably that may be it because Peter did have a, terrific ,fan club, you know, compared to the others ". Interviewer:" Too good-looking
  47. Cobb answered" You can't beat the Babe. Ruth is one of the few who can take a, terrific ,swing and still meet the ball solidly. His timing is perfect. No one has the
  48. Gortschacher's book on Little Magazine Profiles ... shows ... that there was a, terrific ,dearth of magazines during the 50s—an impoverishment of openings which
  49. An invention into reality is not always a swift or a direct process, even for, terrific ,inventions. It took centuries for some of Leonardo da Vinci's inventions to
  50. And weather favored Nonage, for about midday the stifling heat gave way to a, terrific ,thunderstorm. As the Magaña samurai sheltered from the rain Nonage deployed

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