Examples of the the word, facilities , in a Sentence Context

The word ( facilities ), is the 6600 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In operations countering terrorist activities and defense of strategic, facilities ,(such as nuclear power plants and major industrial facilities ),assisting the
  2. Of strategic facilities (such as nuclear power plants and major industrial, facilities ,), assisting the security forces in proliferation of weapons of mass
  3. Is routinely performed in many nuclear physics-related laboratories and, facilities , like particle accelerators, nuclear power stations and nuclear weapons as a
  4. Plant, with the promise of 2,700 permanent jobs. When ThyssenKrupp's new, facilities ,reach full production capacity, Alabama is expected to become the third largest
  5. Districts. A number of the global automotive companies have production, facilities ,in Ankara, such as the German bus and truck manufacturer MAN AG. Ankara is also
  6. The Xerox Alto. Xerox granted Apple engineers three days of access to the PARC, facilities ,in return for the option to buy 100,000 shares (800,000 split-adjusted shares
  7. Performed by unskilled individuals, with hazardous equipment, or in unsanitary, facilities , Abortion, when performed in the developed world in accordance with local law
  8. The CERN findings by producing approximately 100 antihydrogen atoms at their, facilities , The antihydrogen atoms created during PS210 and subsequent experiments (at
  9. And many cities lack wastewater treatment facilities . Furthermore,the, facilities ,that are in place are often ineffective; for example, weak piping networks mean
  10. Has 20 airports, but there are no developed public-access airports or landing, facilities , Thirty stations, operated by 16 national governments party to the Antarctic
  11. Into varying states of disrepair: according to those reports,21 of the 22, facilities , built for the games had either been left abandoned or are in a state of
  12. Is now a viable means for amateur astronomers not aligned with major telescope, facilities ,to partake in research and deep sky imaging. This enables anyone to control a
  13. Rather than being treated in one of the state's community based treatment, facilities , The Supreme Court decided under Title II of the ADA that mental illness is a
  14. Collectivised, and a massive industrialization drive launched. Oil extraction, facilities ,were nationalized. This was especially beneficial to the leadership after the
  15. Federal highways) cross south of Babelsberg: B 16,B 299 and B 301. Public, facilities ,Schools Babelsberg has a Grundschule (primary school) and Hauptschule (open
  16. The land was used for parks, senior citizens' homes, theaters,other public, facilities , and waterways without much planning. Over the years, several canals have been
  17. Structure). There will be additional buildings such as an auditorium, R&D, facilities , a fitness center and a dedicated generating plant as primary source of
  18. Of runtime efficiency, but can often be compiled efficiently. It also includes, facilities ,to help program verification. For these reasons, Ada is widely used in critical
  19. And visual impairments. Spell assist programs and voice-recognition, facilities ,are also bringing the text reading and writing experience to the wider public.
  20. Were predominantly Americans and, more importantly, operated out of port, facilities ,throughout the United States. Olmstead, Commissioner,Georgia Department of
  21. Operated by 16 national governments party to the Antarctic Treaty, have landing, facilities ,for either helicopters and/or fixed-wing aircraft; commercial enterprises
  22. Stay awake late into the night, running experiment after experiment in rented, facilities ,at his boarding house. Keeping up" night owl" hours, he worried that his work
  23. Of instructions is harder to decipher from the code itself. Wise use of these, facilities ,can greatly simplify the problems of coding and maintaining low-level code. Raw
  24. Is overseeing the post-Olympics management, development and conversion of these, facilities , some of which will be sold off (or have already been sold off) to the
  25. 2003. Anti-abortion violence In a number of cases, abortion providers and these, facilities ,have been subjected to various forms of violence, including murder, attempted
  26. Address updates after program modifications. Most assemblers also include macro, facilities ,for performing textual substitution—e. g., to generate common short sequences
  27. Rules. The agreement now is a blueprint for all stadiums and other public, facilities ,regarding accessibility. Paralyzed Veterans of America (or“ PVA” ) v.
  28. Large cities in the world and is a center of bicycle culture with good, facilities ,for cyclists such as bike paths and bike racks, and several guarded bike
  29. Were 51 hospitals in the country, including a military hospital and specialist, facilities , The most common causes of death are circulatory disease followed by cancerous
  30. Was lost and to take steps to prevent the senseless destruction of production, facilities , both in occupied territories and in Germany. He carried out his opposition to
  31. A national leader in health education, research,and resources. Many notable, facilities ,include the Foothills Medical Center, the Peter Lockheed Center, Rockyview
  32. Produced by the Ataturk Forest Farm and Zoo in the Nazi district, and by other, facilities ,in the Almeida, Çubuk and Salazar districts. A number of the global
  33. Sold off (or have already been sold off) to the private sector, while other, facilities ,are still in use just as during the Olympics, or have been converted for
  34. To encourage businesses to relocate, expand,and more currently to retain, facilities ,in a community An amateur (French amateur" lover of ", from Old French and
  35. Reynold of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers authorizes the construction of, facilities ,that would house the" Development of Substitute Materials" project, better
  36. Of the most important clubs in Greek sports and having many sports, facilities , The city has also served as a host of several sports events of international
  37. Of dereliction, with several squatter camps having sprung up around certain, facilities , and a number of venues afflicted by vandalism, graffiti or strewn with rubbish
  38. Connections to water pipelines, and many cities lack wastewater treatment, facilities , Furthermore, the facilities that are in place are often ineffective; for
  39. Democrats passed Jim Crow laws, including racial segregation in public, facilities , to restore white supremacy in the society. In 1875,the state passed the
  40. These claims, however,are disputed and likely to be inaccurate, as most of the, facilities ,used for the Athens Olympics are either in use or in the process of being
  41. Then, else,while, for,and so on. However, Ada also has many data structuring, facilities ,and other abstractions which were not included in the original ALGOL 60,such
  42. Output. Steel producers Nu cor, SSAB, ThyssenKrupp,and U. S. Steel have, facilities ,in Alabama and employ over 10,000 people. In May 2007,German steelmaker
  43. Jamming in the studios at Real World, musician Peter Gabriel's recording, facilities ,in Wiltshire, England,the diverse group of musicians recorded the basis of
  44. Architects elect to move into real estate (property) development, corporate, facilities , planning,project management, construction management, interior design or other
  45. Disability in regard to the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities , or accommodations of any place of public accommodation by any person who owns
  46. And/or fixed-wing aircraft; commercial enterprises operate two additional air, facilities , Helicopter pads are available at 27 stations; runways at 15 locations are
  47. Supervision in daily living,46 % needed specialist residential provision from, facilities ,specializing in ASD with a high level of support and very limited autonomy, and
  48. The ADA's authority to cyberspace, where entities may not have actual physical, facilities ,that are required to comply. National Federation of the Blind v. Target
  49. Recent data released by CERN states that, when fully operational, their, facilities , are capable of producing antiprotons per minute. Assuming a 100 % conversion of
  50. Isolation Garments (Big) which were worn until they reached isolation, facilities ,onboard the Hornet. Additionally, astronauts were rubbed down with a

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