Examples of the the word, chill , in a Sentence Context

The word ( chill ), is the 6595 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To produce a child. Dauphine In 1536,Henry's older brother, Francis,caught a, chill ,after a game of tennis, contracted a fever, and died, leaving Henry the heir.
  2. It seemed, into his music. The blues possessed him like a 'lowdown shaking, chill ,' and the spellbound audience saw the very incarnation of the blues as, head
  3. Michael Faraday discovered that compressing and liquefying ammonia could, chill ,air when the liquefied ammonia was allowed to evaporate. In 1842,Florida
  4. And acid house, one could often hear songs from the original hippie era in the, chill ,out rooms at raves. In the UK, many of the well-known figures of this movement
  5. A parody song with lyrics," …city of Venice; Right by Matt's house, you can, chill ,if you're homeless. " *Wipe out (2008) - season ending episode was filmed at
  6. He arrives in full mourning and announces Ernest's death in Paris of a severe, chill , a story undermined by Algernon's presence in the guise of Ernest. Gwendolen
  7. Can produce powerful, gusting winds and heavy rain. Factoring in the wind, chill , the felt air temperature in winter can fall below freezing,0 °C (32 °F)
  8. Events at these venues often have ample room for amusement rides, open air ", chill ,out" areas and food stalls. Several amusement parks have hosted dance party
  9. Funk Theory for Obsessive. Through the 1990s he was a regular DJ in the, chill ,out room at Return to the Source parties in London, around the UK and abroad.
  10. Get back to kind of just being creative again. Right now we are going to be just, chill ,out and then probably start up again in, I’d say, March or April, and start
  11. While protecting the underside from short-term weather extremes such as wind, chill , This creates a sheltered environment for bacterial and algal colonies. When
  12. Pressing work duties that require his attention. Then Niggle himself catches a, chill ,doing errands for Parish in the rain. Eventually, Niggle is forced to take his
  13. Been associated with melancholy. The possibilities of summer are gone, and the, chill ,of winter is on the horizon. Skies turn gray, and many people turn inward, both
  14. Its unusual choice of mascot, to imply that the rum could ward off the coldest, chill , In 2000,the Bundaberg Rum company and distillery were sold to British company
  15. Wires and other things in the shadows),and otherwise adding to the overall, chill ,of Gojira's nighttime attacks. Two years later, Toho would film Roman in color
  16. Studio in the basement. The first floor has always been an office and, chill ,out area, while a room upstairs is used for song mixing. The band have recorded
  17. Countryside. On one of these expeditions he became soaked and caught a, chill ,which developed into pneumonia. He was taken to Uxbridge Cottage Hospital where
  18. Rate of. The January average is, though lows at times reach, not including wind, chill , and highs may soar above. July averages, although heat waves accompanied by
  19. High winds, ice,snow, or heavy rains. A" Silver Thaw" can result and wind, chill ,equivalents can slide well under. Such an event was recorded on November 28
  20. And 1 days with wind chill s below, and respectively. The lowest recorded wind, chill ,was on January 8,1968. Freezing rain is also relatively common, even relative
  21. Of master and sage: After attaining half the measure of his father's life, chill ,fate took him. After consoling his fate by the science of numbers for four
  22. Was out there. It was thirty below zero - probably ninety below with the wind, chill ,factor. I had hiked into White Sides from a different, harder way than usual
  23. Lost control of the white horses that drew the chariot. First, the Earth grew, chill ,as Phaeton flew too high and encountered the celestial scorpion, its deadly
  24. And men in trenches. A thermos of beef tea was the favored way to fend off the, chill ,of winter matches for generations of Scottish and English football enthusiasts;
  25. Whiskey, but is allowed in American blends. Chill filtration Whiskey is often ", chill ,filtered ": chill ed to precipitate out fatty acid esters and then filtered to
  26. Him but when you reached out to grab him your hands felt nothing, maybe just a, chill , He had the strongest danger radar of anyone on the ice. ” Gordie Howe once
  27. The first round. The 49ers then traveled to Chicago's Soldier Field, where the, chill ,factor at game time was 26 degrees below zero. The Las Vegas line at game time
  28. That 8 August 634 was a cold day and when Abu Bakr took a bath, he caught a, chill , Another account indicates that, about a year before, along with some other
  29. Some critics further characterize the marks as a misuse of trademark law to, chill ,competition. History Growth in diversity For the first two decades of their
  30. Dungeons,“ without exclaiming, ‘ How these antique towers and vacant courts/, chill ,the suspended soul, till expectation wears the cast of fear! ” English scholar
  31. Santa Barbara, tells of the plight of European peasants during the 1300 to 1850, chill , : famines, hypothermia,bread riots, and the rise of despotic leaders
  32. 400 bottles. Wine refrigerators are not ideal for aging, but rather serve to, chill ,wine to the perfect temperature for drinking. These refrigerators keep the
  33. Bath for cooling substances. In Italy, such a solution was used to, chill ,wine and cakes. During the first half of the 19th century, ice harvesting
  34. Father of children. If rich and childless: Valletta and Paris begin to feel a, chill , the entire portico: is clothed with vows posted-up in the prescribed way:
  35. Heat pump-based systems. These systems have the disadvantage that they can not, chill ,below or even near the temperature of the deeper underground, so they only work
  36. Conditions are suitable, then by far the most energy-efficient way to, chill ,air, is to pump up the coldness of groundwater or from underground soil or
  37. Most whiskey are bottled this way, unless specified as un chill filtered or non, chill ,filtered. This is done primarily for cosmetic reasons. Un chill filtered whiskey
  38. Ammonia-based refrigeration systems with the D and F reactors to further, chill ,the river water before its use as reactor coolant. Another difficulty the
  39. Outdoor activities are severely curtailed by heavy rain, snow and the wind, chill , forecasts can be used to plan activities around these events, and to plan
  40. Developed edema. The empress fell ill on 24 November 1780,ostensibly of a, chill , Her physician Dr. Stork thought her condition serious. By 28 November, she
  41. Referred to as summer quilts. They were not made for warmth, only to keep the, chill ,off during cooler summer evenings. African-American quilts African-American
  42. He never married and lacked a hostess whose charm could substitute for his, chill , His allies were annoyed by his constant intrigues. He kept secret his beliefs
  43. I had been playing too much prior to that, so I thought,'I've really got to, chill ,out and play half as many notes '. When you play less,it's more
  44. Having been posted to Limerick in late 1918,he" woke up with a sudden, chill , which I recognized as the first symptoms of Spanish influenza. "" I decided
  45. Along with KL Tower and Petronas Twin Towers at night. If you need to dine and, chill , this is highly recommended with friendly staff and great ambience. Overnight
  46. Gazpacho may also be served with ice cubes if it has not had enough time to, chill ,before serving. Variations Gazpacho recipes can vary greatly in terms of
  47. Outdoor activities are severely curtailed by heavy rain, snow and the wind, chill , forecasts can be used to plan activities around these events, and to plan
  48. November 28, 2006. Outside air temperatures of were accompanied by winds. Wind, chill ,equivalents reached according to NOAA. On February 1,1989,the high
  49. By the hour to sailors and their lady companions. Beatty died after catching a, chill ,as pallbearer at the funeral of his old commander Admiral Bellicose. He had been
  50. And use that coldness directly (without a heat pump compressor) to, chill ,indoor air. Unless next to open water, they require a high initial investment:

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