Examples of the the word, intersection , in a Sentence Context

The word ( intersection ), is the 6601 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In gauge. The northern rail line out of Santiago is now disused past the, intersection ,with the Valparaíso line. Until there it is used nearly exclusively for freight
  2. States that if a hexagon is inscribed in a circle (or conic) then the three, intersection ,points of opposite sides lie on a line (called the Pascal line). Pascal's
  3. Of Alexander (SOMA) and the Ptolemies in one ring-fence, near the point of, intersection ,of the two main streets. #The Museum with its famous Library and theater in
  4. Lines equally divided by a vertical line, capped with a semicircle at the, intersection ,of the bottom-most horizontal line and the single vertical line. Below these
  5. Quotients by group actions and developing formal grounds for natural, intersection ,theory and deformation theory lead to some further extensions. Most
  6. A, the power set P (A) is a Boolean algebra under the operations of union and, intersection , Ordered pairs and Cartesian products Intuitively, an ordered pair is simply a
  7. Geometry simpler and sharper: For example,Bézout's theorem on the number of, intersection ,points between two varieties can be stated in its sharpest form only in
  8. Of recreation within several parks on the lake shores. Austin is located at the, intersection ,of four major ecological regions, and is consequently a temperate-to-hot green
  9. Antonia, and the Florentine palazzo occupied by Apple Bank for Savings. At its, intersection ,with 78th Street, Broadway shifts direction, to continue directly uptown
  10. Set S forms a Boolean algebra with the two operations ∨: ∪ (union) and ∧: ∩ (, intersection ,). The smallest element 0 is the empty set and the largest element 1 is the set
  11. A single equation usually gives a surface, and a curve must be specified as the, intersection ,of two surfaces (see below),or as a system of parametric equations. The
  12. k) contains f (k+1) which is also an element of S. So f (k+1) is in the, intersection ,of f (k) and S. This contradicts the fact that they are disjoint sets. Since
  13. Of A or of B or of both (see axiom of union). It is denoted by A ∪ B. The, intersection ,of A and B is the set of all objects which are both in A and in B. It is
  14. Mall of" The Boulevard" that became the spine of the Upper West Side. At the, intersection ,of Columbus Avenue and West 65th Street, Broadway passes by the Juilliard
  15. Angle between the intersecting line and the line that goes through the point of, intersection ,and is normal to the plane. *If a straight transversal line intersects two
  16. Yoga of the Grothendieck–Riemann–Rock theorem (K-theory, relation with, intersection ,theory). #Schemes. #Topoi. #Étale cohomology including dyadic cohomology.
  17. Distant objects: with a finite height of incidence h*) the same distance of, intersection , and the same sine ratio as to one neighboring the axis (u* or h* may not be
  18. With Biarritz, Anglet and surrounding villages. The city is near the, intersection ,between the A63 autoroute between Bordeaux and the Spanish border and the A64
  19. Chemicals, and Big Lots, The address system begins its numbering at the, intersection ,of Broad and High, with numbers increasing in magnitude with distance from
  20. Aberrations; i.e. there are chromatic differences of the distances of, intersection , of magnifications, and of monochromatic aberrations. If mixed light be
  21. With an angle of aperture smaller than u* would not have the same distance of, intersection ,and the same sine ratio; these deviations are called zones, and the constructor
  22. To determine the chromatic aberration (for instance, that of the distance of, intersection ,) for a fixed position of the object, and express it by a sum in which each
  23. Center, over the wall of the then-single-deck bleachers, and to the, intersection , some from home plate. As impressive as Ruth's 1921 numbers were, they could
  24. Transitive relation over X containing R. This can be seen to be equal to the, intersection ,of all transitive relations containing R. * Transitive reduction: R −, defined
  25. A conic section in space, given one focus (the sun) and the conic's, intersection ,with three given lines (lines of sight from the earth, which is itself moving
  26. Were also introduced. Road network In medieval times Brussels stood at the, intersection ,of routes running north-south (the modern Rue Hate/Hoogstraat) and east-west
  27. Closed forms a Boolean algebra with the operations ∨: ∪ (union) and ∧: ∩ (, intersection ,). * If R is an arbitrary ring, and we define the set of central idempotent by
  28. Angle) is defined to be the angle between the tangents at the point of, intersection , Various names (now rarely, if ever, used ) have been given to particular
  29. By a line perpendicular to them, but with the semicircle at the top of the, intersection ,; the third, sixth and ninth of these lines are marked with a cross where they
  30. SpaceX is compact. # Any collection of closed subsets of X with the finite, intersection ,property has nonempty intersection . # X has a sub-base such that every cover of
  31. That this may simply create a bottleneck at York Street, the next at-grade, intersection , until that too is upgraded. The York Street phase is currently at the review
  32. Proof for the accountability of the real numbers is described at finite, intersection ,property. Minimal model of set theory is countable If there is a set which is a
  33. The Casa Grande Device in measuring the Liquid Limit of a soil sample *Conical, intersection ,of two potential energy surfaces of the same spatial and spin symmetries
  34. Reflexive relation over X containing R. This can be seen to be equal to the, intersection ,of all reflexive relations containing R. * Reflexive reduction: R ≠, defined as
  35. Are known as" Atlanta. " Atlanta began as a settlement located at the, intersection ,of two railroad lines, and it was incorporated in 1845. Today, the city is
  36. The ten most congested segments of interstate highway in the United States. The, intersection ,of I-85 and I-285 in Orville—officially called the Tom Moreland Interchange
  37. Set of discontinuities and continuous points – the continuous points are the, intersection ,of the sets where the oscillation is less than ε (hence a Go set) – and gives
  38. A study of combinatorial designs, which are collections of subsets with certain, intersection ,properties. Block designs are combinatorial designs of a special type. This
  39. National Register of Historic Places: *George C. Edwards Stadium – Located at, intersection ,of Bancroft Way and Fulton Street on University of California, Berkeley campus
  40. Of closed subsets of X with the finite intersection property has nonempty, intersection , # X has a sub-base such that every cover of the space by members of the
  41. Used worldwide by sociologists and community development practitioners. At the, intersection ,between community development and community building are a number of programs
  42. In Washington Heights. At this point, Broadway becomes part of US 9. The, intersection ,with Saint Nicholas Avenue at 167th Street forms Mitchell Square Park. Broadway
  43. Its asymptote at most at n−2 other points, by Bézout's theorem, as the, intersection ,at infinity is of multiplicity at least two. For a conic, there are a pair of
  44. Point the Four Corners, together with Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. At this, intersection , it is possible to stand in four states at once. Climate The climate of
  45. Generalized and for many practical questions like deformation theory and, intersection ,theory, this is often the most natural approach. One can extend the
  46. Lines, corresponding (as well as alternate) angles at the two points of, intersection ,are equal in size; adjacent angles are supplementary (that is, their measures
  47. The Mormon or LDS Church),known as the Manhattan New York Temple. At the, intersection ,with 72nd street, the triangle of tiny Verdi Square is surrounded by several
  48. Combination thereof. Older avionics required a pilot or navigator to plot the, intersection ,of signals on a paper map to determine an aircraft's location; modern systems
  49. And the public in 1857 and finally completed in 1861. It is located at the, intersection ,of Broad and High Streets in downtown Columbus. Founded in 1975,The Jefferson
  50. To the axiom of regularity; that is, every element of S has a non-empty, intersection ,with S. We define a binary relation R on S by ARB: \Leftrightarrow b \in S \cap

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