Examples of the the word, cliff , in a Sentence Context
The word ( cliff ), is the 6587 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Is made of unconsolidated sediment it will erode at a much faster rate then a, cliff ,made of bedrock. (Easter brook 1999). *A Natural arch is formed when a sea
- And then glide down, or may ascend in updrafts created by the wind against a, cliff ,or other terrain. Migration generally takes place during the daytime, when
- Only one lane in some places, in one area, actually cut into the side of a, cliff ,so that the cliff roofs over it). The most important east-west road across the
- The rock apart, breaking it down. Sediment deposited by waves comes from eroded, cliff ,faces and is moved along the coastline by the waves. Sediment deposited by
- Norway celebrated with a world record with 53 Base jumpers jumping from a, cliff ,Fatalities BASE jumping is one of the world's most dangerous recreational
- Don stretching as far as Fraser burgh; to the south of the Dee are steep rocky, cliff ,faces with only minor pebble and shingle beaches in deep inlets. A number of
- In some places, in one area, actually cut into the side of a cliff so that the, cliff ,roofs over it). The most important east-west road across the Andes is the road
- Met a monk, Romanus of Subrace, whose monastery was on the mountain above the, cliff ,overhanging the cave. Romanus had discussed with Benedict the purpose which had
- A cliff channel light and shadow markings onto two spiral petroglyph on the, cliff ,wall, marking the solstices, equinoxes and the lunar standstills of the 18.6
- The Sun Dagger site by Anna Softer. Three large stone slabs leaning against a, cliff ,channel light and shadow markings onto two spiral petroglyph on the cliff wall
- Slope material will fall. The fallen debris accumulates at the bottom of the, cliff ,and is eventually removed by waves. *A wave-cut platform forms after erosion
- Despite its relative inaccessibility, Rawlinson was able to scale the, cliff ,and copy the Old Persian inscription. The Elam ite was across a chasm, and the
- Video to no video at all or lock up. This phenomenon is known as the digital, cliff ,effect. For remote locations, distant channels that, as analog signals, were
- As the marine tunnels, not from Folkestone. The platform at the base of the, cliff ,was not large enough for all the drives and, despite environmental
- He was then able to find an enterprising local boy to climb up a crack in the, cliff ,and suspend ropes across the Babylonian writing, so that papier-mâché casts of
- A description of some long-lost ancillary monuments at the base of the, cliff , including an altar to" Herakles ". What has been recovered of them, including
- Le Château d'Antoine d'Abbasid. The castle was built between 1864 and 1879 on a, cliff ,by the Atlantic Ocean, and was designed by Violet Le Due in the Neo Gothic
- North of Copenhagen. It is located in the middle of a sculpture garden on a, cliff ,overlooking Öresund. The museum is included in the Patricia Schultz book 1,000
- Had tried to mug him. Travelling to China, Crowley soon fell down a forty foot, cliff ,; finding himself unscathed, he believed that he was being protected for some
- With one obstacle (use) like a jump, a fence, a difficult turn, a gorge,a, cliff ,(often more than 10 meters high) and more. Uvyrdslåm was a trail with several
- Served the culture of the Phoenicians. For the Hellenes, high on the, cliff ,a temple was built, which became a worship site devoted to Aphrodite, in her
- By the undercutting of overhanging slopes which leads to increased stress on, cliff ,material and a greater probability that the slope material will fall. The
- Is approximately 15 meters high by 25 meters wide and 100 meters up a limestone, cliff ,from an ancient road connecting the capitals of Babylonia and Media (Babylon
- Following morning with a broken neck. Some texts have said that he fell off a, cliff , Although there is no cliff at the site where his body was found there is a
- And at Mesa Verde, the best known site for this large number of well-preserved, cliff ,dwellings, housing,defensive and storage complexes were built in shallow caves
- Time. Gently sloping wave-cut platforms develop early on in the first stages of, cliff ,retreat. Later the length of the platform decreases because the waves lose
- A collection of slightly calcareous dark mud stones, about old. This vertical, cliff ,was composed of the calcareous reefs of the Cathedral Formation, which probably
- Prey on foot. During one such chase he was badly injured when he tumbled from a, cliff , lying unconscious for about a day. (His prey had cushioned his fall, sparing
- Caused by a fall from a hotel balcony. Other historians said he fell from a, cliff , an account carried in a local paper. Pushmataha died of croup, even though the
- Named High Cliff, between Castle and St Genus, is the highest sheer-drop, cliff ,in Cornwall at. However, there are also many extensive stretches of fine golden
- Near the terraced road leading to the Temple, situated on the top of the, cliff , several houses built in a row dating to the Hellenistic period have been
- Have been a far denser concentration of their populations. Mug House, a typical, cliff ,dwelling of the period, was home to around 100 people who shared 94 small rooms
- To create a vast nature reserve in the Great Plains area * Buffalo jump,a, cliff ,used historically by Native American people to kill American bison * Buffalo
- To her family, though not before telling her a legend of a man who jumped off a, cliff ,to make his wishes come true. Because the man's heart was pure, he did not die
- Marked contrast to earlier constructions and villages on top of the mesas,the, cliff ,dwellings at Mesa Verde reflected a region-wide trend towards the aggregation
- Neck. Some texts have said that he fell off a cliff . Although there is no, cliff ,at the site where his body was found there is a very steep rocky embankment -
- Arrows. For a large catch, a whole village would drive a herd of deer off a, cliff ,and club them to death. Religion The Ainu are traditionally animists, believing
- Was blown across the Martian Lake (the Sea of Azov) into Scythia near the, cliff ,region (today's southeastern Crimea). After learning the Scythian language
- South side of the island. A Million dollar villas are being developed along the, cliff ,sides of south Bali, commanding panoramic ocean views. Foreign and domestic (
- Cut the rock into gravel and loaded it onto barges located at the base of the, cliff ,atop the pass's waters. The quarried rock was then taken by barge to the
- The dragon, but Beowulf is mortally wounded. Beowulf is buried in Peatland on a, cliff ,overlooking the sea, where sailors are able to see his cumulus. The dragon's
- In the Dolomites. * In 1966,Michael Polka and Brian Schubert jumped from the, cliff ," El Capitan" in Yosemite Valley. * On 9 November 1975,the first person to
- Farming millet, giving rise to the Jihad culture. At Damien in India,3,172, cliff , carvings dating to 6000-5000 BC have been discovered" featuring 8,453
- With an 250 m (820 ft) cliff -face, located near Come Martin Bay. Its sister, cliff ,is the 218 m (716 ft) Little Hangman, which marks the western edge of coastal
- As part of the nautical marking system. Inversely, they are used on land as sea, cliff ,warnings in rugged and hilly terrain in the foggy Fare Islands. In the
- Culture is perhaps best known for the stone and adobe dwellings built along, cliff ,walls, particularly during the Pueblo II and Pueblo III eras. Adobe structures
- Anasazi) residents of Chico Canyon cut large ramps and stairways into the, cliff ,rock to connect the roadways on the ridge tops of the canyon to the sites on the
- Accepted. Air pockets in an incoming wave are forced into cracks in the, cliff ,being eroded, then the force of the wave compresses the air pockets until the
- Removed by waves. *A wave-cut platform forms after erosion and retreat of a sea, cliff ,has been occurring for a long time. Gently sloping wave-cut platforms develop
- Before the deposition of the Burgess Shale. This would have left a steep, cliff , the bottom of which would be protected, because the limestone of the Cathedral
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