Examples of the the word, widow , in a Sentence Context

The word ( widow ), is the 6602 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Himself and underestimates Miss Marple's mental powers. A niece named Mabel, widow ,of the mysteriously dead Geoffrey Den ham, stars in the 1927 short story" The
  2. Where he was interred close to his parents. In May 2007 the executor of his, widow ,'s estate, French foreign minister Roland Dumas, was convicted of illegally
  3. The Lordship of Beirut. In Jerusalem, he saw Theodora Someone, the beautiful, widow ,of the late King Baldwin III and niece of the emperor Manuel. Although
  4. Figures, despite being little known outside specialized history. He and his, widow ,(who became queen regnant after his death) had a substantial impact on the
  5. 2007 – Jean-Pierre Tassel, French actor (b. 1932) * 2007 – Helen Walton, widow ,of Walmart founder Sam Walton (b. 1919) *2008 – John Mariano, American
  6. Body was dismembered, and he was quickly buried in an unmarked grave, while his, widow ,and two children fled the nation. Compare immediately reversed the
  7. The married couple, Roser Region and Père Mila. Rose Region was the wealthy, widow ,of Joseph Guardiola, an Indian, a term applied locally to the Catalans
  8. Rudolph Elton, British historian (d. 1994) * 1926 – Valerie Eliot, surviving, widow , and second wife of the Nobel prize-winning poet’T. S. Eliot. * 1926 – George
  9. Interested in" the widow ’s Guardiola" ( piggy bank),then in" Guardiola’s, widow ,". Saudi, a Catholic and a devotee of the Virgin Mary, planned for the Casey
  10. Soon an old friend of Nora's, Kristine Linde, arrives. She is a childless, widow ,who is moving back to the city. Her husband left her no money, so she has tried
  11. Gaels Calpurnia Peso and Lunatic Planning on the orders of Tiberius, as his, widow ,Agrippina the Elder returned to Rome with his ashes. Agrippina the Younger was
  12. International Airport) upon returning home from exile. His death thrust his, widow , Corazón Aquino, into the limelight and, ultimately,the presidency following
  13. Were delivered to his widow , a brief note was included reading" To the, widow ,of Lavoisier, who was falsely convicted. " About a century after his death, a
  14. And become the true father of King Arthur (Other does marry his brother's, widow , though). In Valerie Massimo Manfredi's The Last Legion, Aurelianus (here
  15. Holocaust survivor *1927 – Coretta Scott King, American civil rights activist;, widow ,of Martin Luther King, Jr. (d. 2006) * 1927 – Joe Oakley, American
  16. Years and a habitual bachelor) in 1109 to the ambitious Queen Errata of León, widow ,of Raymond of Burgundy, a passionate woman unsuited for a subordinate role. The
  17. Who was killed in the war, look after it. Following Kudashov's death, his, widow , took possession of the manuscript, but she never disclosed the fact of owning
  18. Published photograph exists before 1924. However, when Darnley died in 1927 his, widow ,presented the urn to the Marlene Cricket Club and that was the key event in
  19. Books When We Were Rather Older and Now We Are Sixty. After Milne's death, his, widow , sold the rights to the Pooh characters to the Walt Disney Company, which has
  20. 1954 – Frank-Michael Marczewski, German footballer * 1955 – Dimitri Liana, widow ,of the former Greek Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou *1957 – Aviva Chomsky
  21. People of the world. Anetholes was married three times. His first wife was the, widow ,of his patron Dramas by whom he had two sons: Archagathus and Anetholes, whom
  22. Cricket Club Museum at Lord's since being presented to the MCC by Bligh's, widow ,upon his death. Since the 1998–99 Ashes series, a Waterford Crystal
  23. Jim says a tender goodbye to Jenny, who,dressed in white, declares herself his, widow , He surrenders her to Billy, his last remaining companion from Alaska. When he
  24. His father's trade, but afterwards entered the army. In 333 BC he married the, widow ,of his patron Dramas, a distinguished and wealthy citizen. He was twice banished
  25. Swiss figure skating trainer (b. 1914) * 2003 – Genera Amman, American, widow , of Ted Amman (b. 1956) * 2003 – Imperil Argentina, Argentinian singer and
  26. Department of Veterans Affairs to parallel the Wicca pentacle granted to the, widow ,of Patrick Stewart in 2006. Polish Ásatrú, Universalism and racialism Some
  27. Publication of the Satin memoirs was canceled at the request of Samutin's, widow , who stated that the memoirs were in fact dictated by the KGB. The book became
  28. Inhalation with burns contributing. In later lawsuits brought by Gus Grissom's, widow ,Betty Frisson there were claims the astronauts had lived longer than NASA
  29. Sold the rights to his music, and disappeared. *Mrs. William Hastings is the, widow ,of the chief engineer at the Twentieth Century Motor Company. Her husband quit
  30. A (brevet lieutenant-colonel). In 1927,he met and married Elizabeth Carver, widow ,of Oswald Carver, Olympic rowing medalist who was killed in the First World War
  31. Married the queen, whose high standing arose not only from being the king's, widow ,but also from being the most prominent member of the remaining Tepid nation
  32. Engineer (b. 1913) *2006 – Nina Schenck Grain von Stauffenberg, German, widow , of Claus Schenck Graph von Stauffenberg (b. 1913) *2010 – Mike Cellar, Cuban
  33. By the French government. When his private belongings were delivered to his, widow , a brief note was included reading" To the widow of Lavoisier, who was falsely
  34. d. 2010) * 1926 – Jürgen Boltzmann, German theologian *1928 – Leah Rabin, widow ,of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin (d. 2000) * 1928 – Monty Sunshine
  35. Pharisaic opposition to Antaeus continued with his marriage to his brother’s, widow , which was forbidden by Torah law. Furthermore, Jannaeus established himself as
  36. Were married on October 20, 1945 – Gustav was 38,and Aurelia was a 23-year-old, widow , with a son, Meinhard. According to Schwarzenegger, both of his parents were
  37. In Nashville in 1788,he lived as a boarder with Rachel Shockley Donelson,the, widow ,of John Donelson. Here Jackson became acquainted with their daughter, Rachel
  38. Settlement, such as food stamps, public assistance, and government pensions. A, widow ,of a Vietnam veteran who died of Agent Orange exposure would only receive $3700
  39. S death in 1976 his office continued to operate under the direction of his, widow , Elissa, completing works already to some extent designed. These works include
  40. In Tyre on August 29, 1167. During this time the queen dowager, Baldwin III's, widow ,Theodora, eloped with her cousin Androids to Damascus, and Acre reverted
  41. Him until their father remarried in 1819. Thomas Lincoln's new wife was the, widow ,Sarah Bush Johnston, the mother of three of her own children. Lincoln became
  42. The Gothic king. With the connivance of the queen. Helices then married the, widow , but the two were forced to escape to Byzantine Ravenna, taking with them the
  43. Was accused of using magic to gain the attentions (and fortune) of a wealthy, widow , He declaimed and then distributed a witty tour de force in his own defense
  44. Victor Bouchard, Quebec pianist and composer (d. 2011) *1928 – Ethel Kennedy, widow ,of Robert F. Kennedy *1930 – Nicholas Brady, American political figure,68th
  45. Against the putative father for a contribution. Any woman who is single,a, widow , or a married woman living apart from her husband, may make an application for
  46. July 1741 at the age of 63,of" internal infection ", in a house owned by the, widow ,of a Viennese saddle maker. On 28 July he was buried in a simple grave at the
  47. And composer (b. 1868) *1930 – Colima Wagner, daughter of Franz Liszt and, widow ,of Richard Wagner (b. 1837) *1946 – Noah Beery, Sr., American actor (b. 1882
  48. Poignant coda; immediately following the assassination of John F. Kennedy, his, widow , told Life magazine that JFK's administration reminded her of the" one brief
  49. And told him that he had been carried off by the Fairies. Having left his, widow ,expecting a child, the specter of Kirk told Graham that he would appear at the
  50. Completely conquered by Abu Bakr Inhuman, who took the defeated chief's, widow , Hainan, as a wife. In 1061,Abu Bakr Inhuman made a division of the power he

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