Examples of the the word, caption , in a Sentence Context

The word ( caption ), is the 6593 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. On the proton's lifetime pretty much rules out minimal SU (5). , caption ," Proton Decay. These graphics refer to the X bosons and Higgs bosons. " Widths
  2. Worldwide in cities including Seville. Graffiti artist John Fewer, called ", caption ,writer to the urban environment, adman for the opposition" by writer Lucy
  3. 25 March 2010 Channel 4 HD appeared on Free view channel 52 with a place holding, caption , ahead of a commercial launch on 30 March 2010,coinciding with the commercial
  4. Been celebrated for the first time in 1920 by General Josef Haller. , caption ," Before, during,and after the war" widths" 180px" heights" 150px" per row
  5. Includes a case of a lung contusion resulting from a hit to the shoulder. The, caption ,to Figure 4-40 (p. 149) says,“ The pulmonary injury may be the result of a
  6. Primarily known for his works in the American magazine Rolling Stone. , caption ," Notable Columbia University Students" widths" 160px" heights" 160px "
  7. Of Mexican history and house some of the best food in the world. , caption ," Landmarks" widths" 100px" heights" 100px" per row "/JJ"> 6"> File: Xochipilli.
  8. Emblazoned with Earnhardt's face were quickly printed up, brandishing the, caption ," It Hurt So Good. " Earnhardt led most of the race and looked to have victory
  9. For items such as Mediterranean seashells and flint from Syria. , caption ," Artifacts" widths" 220px" heights" 150px" per row "/JJ"> 3"> Image:
  10. Involved in the American Civil War as it unfolded. Confederate flags, caption , widths " 140px" heights" 100px" per row "/JJ"> 4"> File: CSA FLAG
  11. To the hydroxyl group, and,for this structure,6 isomers exist. , caption ," Representative are compounds" per row "/NP"> 5"> File: toluene. SVG|Toluene File
  12. Film the footage of the fight scene is frozen at the critical moment, and a, caption ,appears onscreen marking this as the instant of the actor's injury and the
  13. Elements ** align (Deprecated. Use CSS instead. ) attribute on legend and, caption ,elements ** align (Deprecated. Use CSS instead. ) and bicolor (Deprecated.
  14. Found in magazines, generally consist of a single drawing with a typeset, caption ,positioned beneath or (much less often) a speech balloon. Newspaper
  15. Elephant on its back being dragged along the ground by another elephant, with a, caption ,stating that elephants lacked knees. News In April 2008,four men in Naples
  16. Output into news programs without payment or permission, as only a, caption ,indicating the originating broadcaster is required. Fair dealing allows
  17. This stresses the execution and the disposal of the saint's remains. , caption ," Biographical sequence from Aliens Cathedral" widths" 100px "/NP"> per row="7">
  18. Its flights, while Hercules stands at the turn of the stairs. Gallery, caption ," Ancient interpretations" per row 5 widths" 167px" heights "/NP"> 150px"> File:
  19. Dynastic historiography on structure, method,order of arrangement, sequence, caption , and commentary back to the pre-Qin era. With Tongan, literally "
  20. Farts is a web comic consisting of selected or original ASCII art with an added, caption , often offensive. The first" fart ", as individual comics are called, is dated
  21. Included a reprint of an artist's conception of the Brooklyn Bridge with the, caption ," Proposed bridge across the Straits of Mackinac ". The idea of the bridge was
  22. Of True Experiences magazine showed a smiling and wholesome Monroe beside a, caption ,that read," Do I look happy? I should — for I was a child nobody wanted. A
  23. Techniques are available to increase contrast or label a sample. , caption ," Four examples of transilumination techniques used to generate contrast in a
  24. Lower Bavaria () per row" 4" widths" 67" heights" 72 ", caption ," Coat of/NP"> Arms"> File: Happen_Oberbayern. SVG|Upper Bavaria File: Happen Bemire
  25. Puts the correct one on (But not until after he displays the" Please Wait ", caption ,). Also is a deleted scene where Galahad meets Dingo, during which she breaks
  26. Of Hercules 2. JPG|Hercules sculpture in Behest, Iran carved 139 BCE, caption ," Modern interpretations" per row 5 widths" 167px" heights "/NP"> 150px"> File:
  27. Number of power line crossings have also been built across the river. , caption ," Bridges over the Yangtze" style" border: 1px solid light gray; display:
  28. Caption on the Mint 400 motorcycle race held there. What was to be a short, caption ,quickly grew into something else entirely. Thompson first submitted to Sports
  29. Showing a partially-unwrapped Baby Ruth in front of the Wrigley ivy, with the, caption ," The official candy bar of Major League Baseball, and proud sponsor of the
  30. Or effects Trees In 1933 the Daily Mirror showed a picture with the following, caption ,'This queerly-shaped tree-trunk, washed ashore at Foyers may, it is thought, be
  31. With posters that showed British warplanes bombing Rouen and the ominous, caption ,:" They Always Return to the Scene of Their Crimes. " The resistance emphasized
  32. Advantage of an assignment by Sports Illustrated to write a 250-word photograph, caption ,on the Mint 400 motorcycle race held there. What was to be a short caption
  33. Operators sometimes played an animated sequence of piranhas munching under that, caption ,in situations where the Twins were scoring runs playing" small ball ", and the
  34. In Conrad's checklist were Angela Dorian, Miss September 1967 (with the, caption ," SEEN ANY INTERESTING HILLS & VALLEYS? ") and Reagan Wilson, Miss October
  35. Widths" 225px" heights" 170px" per row" 3 ", caption ," Differences between crochet and/JJ"> knitting"> File: Crochet-round. JPG|Most
  36. Board of Directors adopted charters. Former corporate officers Logos, caption ," Past" widths "/NP"> 110px"> File: Nokia logo (1865). SVG |
  37. Even this as Moses gives the signal for the trap to be sprung. Scene 20 A, caption ,advises that, after Jim’s death, increasing hostility among the city’s various
  38. And another prisoner in the GULAG, splitting trees in the snow. In the, caption , Pasternak says," I won the Nobel Prize for literature. What was your crime? "
  39. Whereas \script style\math bf is the unit-vector perpendicular to the plane (see, caption ,at right),then the orientation of C is chosen so that a vector
  40. Usual ". The dark visions depicted in these prints are partly explained by his, caption ," The sleep of reason produces monsters ". Yet these are not solely bleak in
  41. Head; 'soft spot' of a newborn) widths 60px heights 60px per row 7, caption ,"/NP"> Chakras"> File: Tuladhar. SVG|Tuladhar File: Swadhisthana. SVG|Swadhisthana
  42. Agent in traditional Chinese medicine called Shi GAO. Gallery, caption ," Unusual gypsum specimens from around the world" widths" 220px" heights "
  43. Nationally on February 20, 1941,and included a picture of the vehicle with the, caption ,:: LAWMAKERS TAKE A RIDE-With Senator Meade, of New York, at the wheel, and
  44. Nations General Assembly, which adopted a series of resolutions under the, caption ," Question of the Comoran Island of Mayotte ", opining that Mayotte belongs to
  45. Out an old comic book in which Captain America is shown to be Steve Rogers. A, caption ,in the final panel says this story was a test to see if readers would like
  46. Feathery patterns of frost found on Windows on cold mornings. Gallery, caption ," Frost" widths" 180px" heights" 120px" per row "/JJ"> 4"> Image: Frost on a
  47. Appeared on I've Got a Secret dressed up as Harp; his secret was shown in a, caption ,reading" I'm actually Chico Marx. " Filmography Films with the Four Marx
  48. Date; and If an affidavit is notarized or authenticated, it will also include a, caption ,with a venue and title in reference to judicial proceedings. In some cases, an
  49. Are reprinted, Jim Davis discusses the genesis for this series of strips. His, caption , in its entirety states: One of the recurring storylines involves Garfield
  50. His manager); photos showing Lead Belly's hands playing the guitar (with the, caption ," these hands once killed a man" ); Texas Governor Pat M. Jeff; and the "

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