Examples of the the word, throne , in a Sentence Context

The word ( throne ), is the 7069 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Which, according to contemporary notions, would imply pretensions to the, throne ,(cf. 2 Samuel 16:21ff. ). Abner was indignant at the rebuke
  2. Her legacy near the end of his reign, possibly in retaliation for usurping his, throne , Around 1350 BC, the stability of the New Kingdom was threatened when Amenhotep
  3. Encyclopedia, an Allocation is a solemn form of address or speech from the, throne ,employed by the Pope on certain occasions. It is delivered only in a secret
  4. Around 1279 BC, Ramesses II, also known as Ra messes the Great, ascended the, throne , and went on to build more temples, erect more statues and obelisks, and sire
  5. b. 1897) *1958 – Otto Witty, German acrobat and claimant to the Albanian, throne ,(b. 1868) *1965 – IKEA Amato, Japanese politician (b. 1899) *1982 – Joe
  6. Sindh, and Kashmir. He installed a puppet emperor, Alamgir II, on the Mughal, throne , and arranged marriages for himself and his son Timur into the imperial family
  7. Edmund de la Pole,3rd Duke of Suffolk, Yorkist pretender to the English, throne ,(b. 1471 or 1472) *1524 – Pierre Terrain, seigneur de Bayard, French soldier
  8. The eastern part of Persia in 1722 with his brother Mahmud, and trodden the, throne ,of the Persian Safavid's. In around 1731,Nader Shah Afghan, the new ruler of
  9. The way for its leader, Michael VIII Palaiologos, to ultimately usurp the, throne ,of the Empire of Nicaea. *1537 – The Honorable Artillery Company, the oldest
  10. From Byzantium (probably around 445),Bled died. Attila then took the, throne ,for himself, becoming the sole ruler of the Huns. Solitary kingship In 447
  11. An ethnic Greek. He was born at Hajioglupazari, in Debra. He succeeded to the, throne ,in 1703 on the abdication of his brother Mustafa II (1695–1703). Nevşehirli
  12. Children. Aegis thus successfully murdered Atreus and restored his father to the, throne , Aegis thus took possession of the throne of Mycenae and ruled jointly with
  13. Atreus and restored his father to the throne . Aegis thus took possession of the, throne ,of Mycenae and ruled jointly with Theses. During this period Agamemnon and
  14. That, while dying, Darius had named him his successor to the Achaemenid, throne , Alexander, now considering himself the legitimate successor to Darius, viewed
  15. A child. Resale proved incompetent, and in 511 king Theodoric assumed the, throne ,of the kingdom ostensibly on behalf of Malaria -- Heather uses the word "
  16. And further isolated him from his biological father and succession for the, throne ,in every way possible. For instance, in 51,Agrippina ordered the execution of
  17. Of power Alexander began his reign by eliminating any potential rivals to the, throne , He had his cousin, the former Mynas IV, executed,as well as having two
  18. That she, along with Claudius, was the martial leader and bowed before her, throne ,with the same homage and gratitude as he accorded the emperor. In 50,Agrippina
  19. From Kandahar to Kabul in 1776. After Timur Shah's death in 1793,the Duran, throne ,was passed down to his son Haman Shah followed by Mahmud Shah, Shuja Shah and
  20. Nile concludes in a British victory. *1830 – Charles X of France abdicates the, throne ,in favor of his grandson Henri. *1869 – Japan's samurai, farmer,artisan
  21. Student. Mohammed Zahid Shah, Nadir Shah's 19-year-old son, succeeded to the, throne ,and reigned from 1933 to 1973. Until 1946 Zahid Shah ruled with the assistance
  22. He did not possess the sobriquet" Pius" until after his accession to the, throne , Almost certainly, he earned the name" Pius" because he compelled the Senate
  23. Olympus; deeming him ugly and deformed. His revenge was to trap her in a magic, throne , and then to demand Aphrodite's hand in return for Hera's release. Hephaestus
  24. Consul 16 BC) ). He was adopted by Claudius in AD 50 as official heir to the, throne , He was the only child of Agrippina the Younger through her first marriage to
  25. The stability of the New Kingdom was threatened when Amenhotep IV ascended the, throne ,and instituted a series of radical and chaotic reforms. Changing his name to
  26. Aristotle. In 336 BC he succeeded his father Philip II of Macedon to the, throne ,after Philip was assassinated. Philip had brought most of the city-states of
  27. Emperor Justin I names his nephew Justinian I as co-ruler and successor to the, throne , *1293 – Robert Winchelsea leaves England for Rome, to be consecrated as
  28. Qualmish both contested this succession. Alp Asian defeated Qualmish for the, throne ,and succeeded on 27 April 1064 as sultan of Great Seljuk, and thus became sole
  29. Governorship of German Soon after the accession of Muhammad Shah Qatar to the, throne ,of his grandfather, Fath Ali Shah, the Imam Hasan Ali Shah was appointed
  30. From Pompeii, believed to be a copy of a lost work by Applies. File: Ludovic, throne ,Altemps Inv8570. JPG|The Ludovic Throne (460 BC?) is believed to be a
  31. Entered an extended period of unrest which lasted until Leovigild assumed the, throne ,in 568. His ability as a king In religion Alaric was an Arian, like all the
  32. Adopting Nero, began to favor Britannic us, and started preparing him for the, throne , This was the motive that is claimed by many that Agrippina needed to eliminate
  33. Female pharaoh Hatshepsut used such propaganda to legitimize her claim to the, throne , Her successful reign was marked by trading expeditions to Punt, an elegant
  34. Before the book begins and role play the Elder Americas as they vie for the, throne ,; or to populate Amber from scratch with a different set of Elder Americas. The
  35. Suleiman. A half-brother of Ahmed, Jahja, resented his accession to the Ottoman, throne ,in 1603,and spent his life scheming to become Sultan. In the earlier part of
  36. By Haulage). Suleiman in Qualmish was the son of the contender for Arslan's, throne ,; he was appointed governor of the north-western provinces and assigned to
  37. And grandeur express the authority of a world where Jove is very much in his, throne , Examples of revolutionary art in conjunction with cultural/political movements:
  38. Roman matron to have more than one child from her family to reign on the Roman, throne , Apart from being the late maternal grandmother of Nero, she was the late
  39. Legitimate successor to Darius, viewed Bess us as a usurper to the Achaemenid, throne , and set out to defeat him. This campaign, initially against Bess us, turned
  40. We have little detail. We do know that he was not expected to succeed to the, throne ,after his brother king Ages II, largely due to the fact that he was crippled
  41. His generals, Attalus. This marriage made Alexander's position as heir to the, throne ,less secure, since if Cleopatra Eurydice bore Philip a son, there would be a
  42. Into an insurrection in front of which the sultan was forced to give up the, throne , Ahmed voluntarily led his nephew Mahmud I (1730–54) to the seat of
  43. 1904) *1940 – Jean d'Orleans, duc de Guise, Orleanist pretender to the French, throne ,(b. 1874) *1942 – George Edward Alexander Windsor, Duke of Kent (b. 1902)
  44. Was held by the rebellious sons of Shula al-Saltana, a pretender to the Qatar, throne , The area was also frequently raided by the Afghans. Hasan Ali Shah managed to
  45. Player * 1960 – HRH Prince Philippe, Duke of Brabant, heir to the Belgian, throne ,*1962 – Suit Bindrakhia, Punjabi Bhangra singer * 1962 – Naval El Moutawakel
  46. Of poisoned mushrooms at a banquet, thus enabling Nero to quickly take the, throne ,as emperor. Accounts vary wildly with regard to this private incident and
  47. Of exploration. *1513 – Edmund de la Pole, Yorkist pretender to the English, throne , is executed on the orders of Henry VIII. *1671 – Peter Risk, the Croatian
  48. Theodoric in 526. Wacho's death in about 540 brought his son Kalahari to the, throne , but as the latter was still a minor the kingdom was governed in his stead by
  49. S maternal second cousin) or Britannic us (Claudius' biological son) on the, throne , Tacitus claims that Nero considered poisoning or stabbing her, but felt these
  50. Of the Archbishop of Canterbury, there is a threefold en throne ment, once in the, throne ,the chancel as the diocesan bishop of Canterbury, once in the Chair of St.

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