Examples of the the word, printable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( printable ), is the 7071 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. International standard ECMA-94. Introduction While the bit patterns of the 95, printable , ASCII characters are sufficient to exchange information in modern English, most
  2. Letter is directly coded in the cell containing the letter and that all the, printable ,ASCII characters can be represented in a single cell. All 256 (28) possible
  3. Assigned glyph, many computer equipment vendors used it as an additional, printable ,character (often an all-black" box" character useful for erasing text by
  4. Or C strings. ASCII printable characters Codes 0x20 to 0x7E,known as the, printable ,characters, represent letters, digits,punctuation marks, and a few
  5. Two content transfer encoding to enable transmission of non-ASCII data: quoted, printable ,for mostly 7 bit content with a few characters outside that range and base64
  6. Range is all supported in Mac Roman. DOS had code page 850,which had all, printable ,characters that ISO-8859-1 had (albeit in a totally different arrangement)
  7. Ending with the null character are known as ASCII, ASCIIZ or C strings. ASCII, printable ,characters Codes 0x20 to 0x7E,known as the printable characters, represent
  8. Interconnect and http://www.iso.ch/iso/en/CatalogueDetailPage. CatalogueDetail?, printable ,true&CSNUMBER 29270 ISO/IEC 15852:1999,MUMPS Windowing Application Programmers
  9. It to a backspace. But because its code is in the range occupied by other, printable ,characters, and because it had no official assigned glyph, many computer
  10. Or graphic characters, except perhaps for the" space" character (see ASCII, printable ,characters). History Procedural signs in Morse code are a form of control
  11. Macintosh ", replaced the generic currency sign ¤ with the euro sign €. The few, printable ,characters that are in ISO 8859-1 but not in this set are often a source of
  12. WYSIWYG format. Each page for printing has trim sizes (edge of paper) and a, printable ,area if bleed printing is not possible as is the case with most desktop
  13. And fairly safe to assume Windows-1252,which is similar to ISO-8859-1 but has, printable ,characters in place of some control codes. The consequence of choosing
  14. Keys also varies between systems. Control characters are often rendered into a, printable ,form known as caret notation by printing a caret (^) and then the ASCII
  15. By utilizing the eighth bit in an 8-bit byte to allow positions for another 96, printable , characters. Early encoding were limited to 7 bits because of restrictions of
  16. Enter" ). Many keyboards include keys that do not correspond to any ASCII, printable ,or control character, for example cursor control arrows and word processing
  17. For various Latin-derived alphabets. The ISO/IEC 8859-n encoding only contain, printable ,characters, and were designed to be used in conjunction with control characters
  18. Composition, editing,formatting, and possibly printing) of any sort of, printable ,material. Word processor may also refer to a type of stand-alone office machine
  19. cake's surface. Many bakeries now carry these types of decorations, which are, printable ,using edible inks and dedicated ink jet printers. Edible ink printing can be
  20. More flexibility in naming, extended the character type to allow ISO-8859-1, printable , characters,added the nor operator, etc. Minor changes in the standard (2000
  21. To control non-printing operations were transmitted in exactly the same way as, printable ,characters by sending control characters with defined functions (e.g., the
  22. Type is" NONE" for PCM audio data. The compression type is accompanied by a, printable ,name. Common compression types and names include, but are not limited to: The
  23. If the document lacks a byte-order mark, the fact that the first non-blank, printable ,character in an HTML document is supposed to be < (U+003C) can be used to
  24. An 8-bit extension of the 7-bit ASCII character space from 0x20 to 0x7F (the, printable ,characters and the space) and eight of the control characters. The allowed
  25. Phonetic Alphabet (TAMPA) is a computer-readable phonetic script using 7-bit, printable , ASCII characters, based on the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). It was
  26. Characters normally. For example, the sequence of code 27,followed by the, printable ,characters" 2; 10H ", would cause a DEC VT-102 terminal to move its cursor to
  27. Now mostly obsolete) that affect how text and space is processed; 94 are, printable ,characters, and the space is considered an invisible graphic. History The
  28. Digits, punctuation marks, and a few miscellaneous symbols. There are 95, printable , characters in total. Code 0x20,the space character, denotes the space between
  29. Leg of the 360° Tour, the band invited fans to wear masks of Sub Kyi's face (, printable ,from their website) during the song" Walk On ". * The Lady Of Burma, a play
  30. Codes. The consequence of choosing incorrectly is that characters outside the, printable ,ASCII range (32 to 126) usually appear incorrectly. This presents few
  31. The SVG Print specification (still a Working Draft) contains guidelines for, printable ,SVG 1.2 and SVG Tiny 1.2 documents. Although not directly comparable to SVG
  32. Computers for presentation and consists of pictures pieced together from the 95, printable , ( from a total of 128) characters defined by the ASCII Standard from 1963 and
  33. Precise syntax. Informally, each line of text in the header that begins with a, printable ,character begins a separate field. The field name starts in the first character
  34. Busy beaver functions: # Σ (n, m ): the largest number of non-zeros, printable ,by an n-state, m-symbol machine started on an initially blank tape before
  35. From the common character encoding known as ASCII. Specifically, the 7-bit, printable , characters,excluding space, from decimal 33 '! ' Through 126 '~ ',94 in total
  36. Angle and high contrast and color gamut. Polymer LEDs have the added benefit of, printable ,and flexible displays. Sleds have been used to make visual displays for
  37. Rarely used, the concept of sending device-control information intermixed with, printable ,characters is so useful that device makers found a way to send hundreds of
  38. Godzilla video art gallery; Film facts; Trivia game; DVD-ROM (Screensavers, printable ,art gallery, web access),alternatively spelled Godzilla vs. King Isidora, is
  39. Of a number of name/value pairs attached to a file. Names are null-terminated, printable ,character strings of up to 256 bytes in length, while their associated values
  40. Such as the Zero-width non-joiner). Other characters are printing, printable , or graphic characters, except perhaps for the" space" character (see ASCII
  41. The non-MIME client won't know how to interpret. Similarly, if the quoted, printable ,transfer encoding (see below) is used, the ASCII part of the message will be
  42. SUB) was intended to request a translation of the next character from a, printable ,character to another value, usually by setting bit 5 to zero. This is handy
  43. Media (such as sheets of paper produced by typewriters) can transmit only, printable ,characters. However, on MS-DOS systems with files opened in text mode," end of
  44. Was needed, but the use of full UTF-8 (Unicode) was not practical. All the, printable ,characters from both ISO/IEC 8859-1 and ISO/IEC 8859-15 are also found in
  45. Decimal) for control characters: codes originally intended not to represent, printable ,information, but rather to control devices (such as printers) that make use
  46. Supporting the original PDF, which eventually became the de facto standard for, printable ,documents on the web (a standard web document). Adobe's PDF specifications
  47. Per linear inch). A typical 8.5 × 11 sheet of paper has margins, reducing the, printable ,area to 8.0 ×, or 84 square inches. 84 sq/in × 90,000 dots per sq/in 7,560,000
  48. GRAPHIC to describe a dumb graphics and text representation of displayable or, printable ,information * LOGICMODEL to describe the logic-simulation model of the cell *
  49. The attached stencil forms open areas of mesh that transfer ink or other, printable ,materials which can be pressed through the mesh as a sharp-edged image onto a
  50. The ciphertext produced by most digital steganography methods, however,is not, printable , Traditional digital methods rely on perturbing noise in the channel file to

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