Examples of the the word, noun , in a Sentence Context

The word ( noun ), is the 7075 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Describes the downfall of the Soviet Union. " The name comes from the Arabic, noun ,QA'Idaho, which means foundation or basis, and can also refer to a military base
  2. Anglia, a Germanic tribe mentioned in the Germania of Tacitus. The original, noun ,from which this adjective was produced has not been determined with confidence.
  3. Its semantic number when the subject of the verb is explicitly mentioned as a, noun , Numerals between three and ten show" chiasm" agreement, in that
  4. Of this sentence. The saying goes,'In the US of A there is no such thing as a, noun ,that can't be" versed" '. Compounds coined in the U. S. are for instance
  5. Of the verb" ἀλέξω" ( Alex)," to ward off, to avert, to defend" and the, noun ," ἀνδρός" ( Andres),genitive of" ἀνήρ" ( anger)," man ". It is an example
  6. People gather together to have a" discussion" ( another lexicalized verbal, noun ,). Another fairly common means of forming noun s is through one of a limited
  7. Born/woman (2010 est. ): country comparison to the world: 60 Nationality:, noun ,: American Samoan (s): adjective: American Samoan Ethnic groups Pacific
  8. Is style" color:/IN"> #008000">. In this sentence," the baby" is a free, noun , (The here is an auxiliary, which can be ignored for explanatory purposes. )
  9. Generally means U. S. citizen or national (see Names for U. S. citizens). The, noun ,is rarely used in American English to refer to people not connected to the
  10. With) as opposed to lecturing (to). This is unless talk is being used as a, noun ,; for example:" I'll have a talk with him" in which case this is acceptable
  11. Used in many languages for the objects of (some or all) prepositions. It is a, noun ,that is having something done to it, usually joined (such as in Latin) with
  12. Dialects have a complicated system of declining noun s, with six or seven, noun ,cases but no gender. In modern Armenian the use of auxiliary verbs to show
  13. The Form VIII verb" to cooperate, participate ", and in turn its verbal, noun ," cooperation, participation " can be formed. This in turn can be made into a
  14. To contexts like criticism. Dictionary definitions Wiktionary defines the, noun ,'artist' ( Singular: artist; Plural: artists) as follows: # A person who
  15. Line. The earliest attested form of the name is the Mycenaean Greek feminine, noun ,a-re-ka-sa-da-ra, ( transliterated as Alexandra),written in Linear B syllabic
  16. Diacritical signs are). Nunation () is the addition of a final to a, noun ,or adjective. The vowel before it indicates grammatical case. In written Arabic
  17. For example when an indirect object pro noun comes before a direct object, noun , for example,I'll write her a letter). In AME, write can be used
  18. Russian visit’ " to blame ". Description In the sentence I see the car,the, noun ,phrase the car is the direct object of the verb" see ". In English, which has
  19. The English gerund" meeting" ( similar to a verbal noun ) has turned into a, noun ,referring to a particular type of social, often work-related event where people
  20. To refer to people not connected to the United States. The adjective and, noun , denoting a U. S. national, estadounidense (United States person),derives
  21. In English, anime,when used as a common noun , normally functions as a mass, noun ,(for example:" Do you watch anime? "," How much anime have you collected? "
  22. For the past and non-past stems, active and passive participles, and verbal, noun , These are referred to by Western scholars as" Form I "," Form II ", and so
  23. Colony. ) In AME, the word transport is mainly used only as a verb, seldom as a, noun ,or adjective except in reference to certain specialized objects, such as a tape
  24. Of defective verbs,e.g. Irma! " Throw! ". ) *The entire indefinite, noun ,endings -in -UN (with nu nation) are left off. The ending -an is left off of
  25. A value of 1. It was derived from the Phoenician letter Clef. In English the, noun ,alpha is used as a synonym for" beginning ", or " first" ( in a series)
  26. Root and refers to a particularly clear and correct mode of speech. The plural, noun ,refers to the Bedouin tribes of the desert who resisted Muhammad, for example
  27. In BRE to say opposite to as an alternative to opposite of when used as a, noun , the only form normally found in AME. The use of opposite as a preposition (
  28. Inflection, however,preserves several types of inherited stem classes. The, noun ,may take seven cases, nominative,accusative, locative, genitive,dative
  29. May or may not consider this anime. In English, anime,when used as a common, noun , normally functions as a mass noun (for example:" Do you watch anime? ","
  30. Pro noun s and enclitics. Enclitic pro noun s are attached to the end of a verb, noun ,or preposition and indicate verbal and prepositional objects or possession of
  31. Turn can be made into a Nisha adjective" socialist ", from which an abstract, noun ," socialism" can be derived. Other recent formations are" republic" ( lit. "
  32. Was an American singer" or" the American President gave a speech today. " In, noun ,form, it generally means U. S. citizen or national (see Names for U. S.
  33. Grammatical cases (nominative, accusative,and genitive also used when the, noun ,is governed by a preposition); three numbers (singular, dual and plural);
  34. India belonging to the Arab" ( ar-ba-a-a being an adjectival Nisha of the, noun ,Arab). Muslim but non-Arab people, who are about 80 percent of the world's
  35. Area, even Aphrodite Area. In the Iliad, the word ares is used as a common, noun ,synonymous with" battle. " This ambivalence is expressed also in the god's
  36. Etymology The word" axiom" comes from the Greek word (axioms),a verbal, noun ,from the verb (Ohioan),meaning" to deem worthy ", but also" to require "
  37. In both dialects but appears to be more common in British usage. * The, noun ,opportunity can be followed by a verb in two different ways: opportunity plus
  38. Energetic). There are also two participles (active and passive) and a verbal, noun , but no infinitive. The past and non-past paradigms are sometimes also termed
  39. You collected? "). However, in casual usage the word also appears as a count, noun , Anime can also be used as a supportive adjective or classifier noun (" The
  40. Foothill, flatlands,badlands, landslide (in all senses),overview (the, noun ,), ). Many compound noun s have the form verb plus preposition: (in English
  41. After death, in connection with which he wrote of" purgatorial flames ". The, noun ," purgatorial" ( Latin: place of cleansing) is used for the first time to
  42. Sentence (2),style" color:"baby/IN"> #d30000">"baby" does not appear as a free, noun , Instead, it appears as the lexical suffix style" color:/IN"> #d30000"> which
  43. By which, for example, the English gerund" meeting" ( similar to a verbal, noun ,) has turned into a noun referring to a particular type of social, often
  44. A lexical suffix that means water in a general sense, but it may not have any, noun ,equivalent referring to water in general and instead have several noun s with a
  45. Specification of the subject under discussion. The word can be used as both a, noun ,and an adjective. In adjectival use, it is generally understood to mean" of or
  46. As a count noun . Anime can also be used as a supportive adjective or classifier, noun ,(" The anime" ). Synonyms English-speakers occasionally refer to anime as "
  47. Abiotic stress is especially harsh. The accusative case (abbreviated) of a, noun ,is the grammatical case used to mark the direct object of a transitive verb.
  48. His vehicle is the ram. Etymology The word Agni is Sanskrit for" fire" (, noun ,), cognate with Latin GNIS (the root of English ignite),Russian огонь (
  49. Script. Walter Burke rt notes that" Ares is apparently an ancient abstract, noun ,meaning throng of battle, war. " The adjectival epithet Arabs was frequently
  50. Of the word 'hear '; its basic conjugation is 'he hears '. If the subject is a, noun , suffixes are not added to the verb: 'the woman hears '. Adjectives are derived

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