Examples of the the word, mushroom , in a Sentence Context
The word ( mushroom ), is the 7072 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Research since the 1960s,where most modern medical studies concern the use of, mushroom ,extracts, rather than whole mushroom s. Only a few specific mushroom extracts
- Identification to genus can often be accomplished in the field using a local, mushroom ,guide. Identification to species, however,requires more effort; one must
- As this hot vapor cloud expands, it rises and cools much like the archetypal, mushroom ,cloud generated by large nuclear explosions. In large impacts, the expanding
- In Western Germany, which there means a normal schnitzel served with dark, mushroom ,sauce. An effort has been made to preserve this cultural East German heritage
- Of mushroom s, in the Auricles, are common fungi like the common fairy-ring, mushroom ,(Erasmus creates),shiitake, enoki, oyster mushroom s, fly avarice, and
- The standard for the name" mushroom " is the cultivated white button, mushroom , Vagarious Bosporus; hence the word" mushroom " is most often applied to those
- Mushrooms for consumption are known as mycologists, Toxic mushroom s Many, mushroom ,species produce secondary metabolites that can be toxic, mind-altering
- Used in German referring to mushroom s, poisonous or not. The term ", mushroom ," and its variations may have been derived from the French word Mouscron in
- In rock, gravel or coarse sand. An advantage of a deadweight anchor over a, mushroom ,is that if it does become dragged, then it continues to provide its original
- Modulate immune system responses and inhibit tumor growth. Some medicinal, mushroom ,isolates that have been identified also show cardiovascular, antiviral
- Aspergillus Midland, mold subject of genetics studies: * Copious cigars, mushroom ,(genetic studies of mushroom development, genetic studies of meiosis): *
- Such as Danny Staples, identify ambrosia with the unnameable hallucinogenic, mushroom ,Manila mascara:" it was the food of the gods, their ambrosia, and nectar was
- Use locally grown fungi, such as trough (truffle),champion de Paris (, mushroom ,), chanterelle of grille (chanterelle),pleurae (en quite) (oyster
- Force. The disadvantage of using deadweight anchors in conditions where a, mushroom ,anchor could be used is that it needs to be around ten times the weight of the
- Subject of genetics studies: * Copious cigars, mushroom (genetic studies of, mushroom ,development, genetic studies of meiosis): * Eurosport crass - orange bread
- Discriminatory laws and racial violence aimed at African Americans began to, mushroom ,in the United States. These discriminatory acts included racial
- Such as a hideous disproportionate ape-like creature with head shaped like a, mushroom , recalling the suggested references of mushroom clouds. In the end, the
- And premature destruction is the evolution of chemicals that render the, mushroom ,inedible, either causing the consumer to vomit the meal (see emetics),or to
- Was shown as a still photograph followed by images of nuclear explosions and, mushroom ,clouds. The campaign advertisement ended with a plea to vote for Johnson
- Is that in 1983 unsigned artist Billy Bragg drove to the Radio 1 studios with a, mushroom ,biryani and a copy of his record after hearing Peel mention that he was hungry
- Classifications, not all members of the order Auricles produce, mushroom ,fruit bodies, and many other killed fungi, collectively called mushroom s, occur
- An electric light, and resealed it. In the 1920s it was rumored used for both, mushroom ,growing and bootleg whiskey stills even though there was no access into the
- States. One such ritual is the Nevada ceremony. A practitioner of traditional, mushroom ,use is the shaman and Chandra (priest-healer).
- Species of Psilocybin, paddy straw mushroom s, shaggy manes, etc. An atypical, mushroom ,is the lobster mushroom , which is a deformed, cooked-lobster-colored
- Tradition believes that the Buddha consumed some sort of truffle or other, mushroom , These may reflect the different traditional views on Buddhist vegetarianism
- Is the cultivated white button mushroom , Agaricus Bosporus; hence the word ", mushroom ," is most often applied to those fungi (Basidiomycota, Agaricomycetes) that
- Mushrooms that are used or studied as possible treatments for diseases. Some, mushroom ,materials, including polysaccharides, glycoproteins and proteoglycans, modulate
- Action. Medicinal mushroom s like Shiitake, Lingzhi mushroom s, the Turkey tail, mushroom , Vagarious plaza, Chaga (Connotes Obliques) and Mai take have shown some
- Their presence, shape,and size is often used to verify the identification of a, mushroom , People who collect mushroom s for consumption are known as mycologists, Toxic
- Order Auricles, whose type genus is Vagarious and type species is the field, mushroom , Vagarious campers. However, in modern molecularly-defined classifications
- Are sometimes difficult to interpret, since gill attachment may change as the, mushroom ,matures, or with different environmental conditions. Microscopic features A
- At the other end of the shank to lay it down before it becomes buried. A, mushroom ,anchor will normally sink in the silt to the point where it has displaced its
- Are not plants and do not undergo photosynthesis. The standard for the name ", mushroom ," is the cultivated white button mushroom , Agaricus Bosporus; hence the word "
- Be used is that it needs to be around ten times the weight of the equivalent, mushroom ,anchor. Screw anchors can be used to anchor permanent moorings, floating
- Building in New York City at dusk. The film Eat consists of a man eating a, mushroom ,for 45 minutes. Warhol attended the 1962 premiere of the static composition by
- Glass) in the desert wide. The shock wave was felt over away, and the, mushroom ,cloud reached in height. It was heard as far away as El Paso, Texas,so Groves
- To species, however,requires more effort; one must remember that a, mushroom ,develops from a button stage into a mature structure, and only the latter can
- Moves one or more anchors will be aligned to resist the force. Mushroom The, mushroom ,anchor is suitable where the seabed is composed of silt or fine sand. It was
- Paddy straw mushroom s, shaggy manes, etc. An atypical mushroom is the lobster, mushroom , which is a deformed, cooked-lobster-colored parasitized fruit body of a Russia
- This if it becomes buried. Consequently, deadweight anchors are used where, mushroom ,anchors are unsuitable, for example in rock, gravel or coarse sand. An
- It was equipped with a 1.5 ton example. It is shaped like an inverted, mushroom , the head becoming buried in the silt. A counterweight is often provided at the
- With head shaped like a mushroom , recalling the suggested references of, mushroom ,clouds. In the end, the filmmakers eventually settled on a dinosaur-like
- The way that gills attach to the top of the stalk is an important feature of, mushroom ,morphology. Mushrooms in the genera Vagarious, Amanita, Lepiota and Gluteus
- Of concrete) resting on this seabed. Semi-permanent mooring anchors (such as, mushroom ,anchors) and large ship's anchors derive a significant portion of their
- Food pairing affinities with Pilot noir and go well with dishes like salmon, mushroom ,based dishes and greens like chard and radicchio. Light bodied Merlot's can go
- Friday the 13th film series, Jason Voorhees, uses a machete on his victims. A, mushroom ,is the fleshy, spore-bearing fruiting body of a fungus, typically produced
- Similarity to Vagarious or their place Auricles. By extension, the term ", mushroom ," can also designate the entire fungus when in culture; the phallus (called a
- Serbia. In all likelihood, they did not anticipate that their little war would, mushroom ,into world war. Others in the government and some on the Black Hand Executive
- And brand name products, as well as newspaper headlines or photographs of, mushroom ,clouds, electric chairs, and police dogs attacking civil rights protesters.
- Yeast (used in brewing and baking): * Schizophyllum commune - model for, mushroom ,formation.: * Schizosaccharomyces pom be, fission yeast, ( cell cycle, cell
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