Examples of the the word, inferior , in a Sentence Context

The word ( inferior ), is the 7073 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Jews an exceptional position among all other civilizations, defames them as an, inferior ,group and denies their being part of the nations" in which they reside. A
  2. He improved on the arching of his father's instruments, by and large they are, inferior ,and no match for the greatest maker of his day, Antonio Stradivari. Extant
  3. Then impressions. For example, the idea of the taste of an orange is far, inferior ,to the impression (or sensation) of actually eating one. Writing within the
  4. Or color ", and that the African race" were rightfully held and regarded as an, inferior ,and dependent race ". Alabama secessionist E. S. Margin warned that whites and
  5. More established NFL throughout its existence. Though downplayed by the NFL as, inferior , the AFL signed half of the NFL's first-round draft choices in 1960,including
  6. And" woman. " What is the position, you say, of " monsters "? And men of ", inferior ," races, like the Jeddah, Hottentot and the Australian Black fellow? There must
  7. As a religion. Racial antisemitism is the idea that the Jews are a distinct and, inferior ,race compared to their host nations. In the late 19th century and early 20th
  8. Has demonstrated extra-motor changes in the frontal lobes including the, inferior ,frontal gyrus, superior frontal gyrus, anterior cingulate cortex, and superior
  9. Foulard and the Prince de Line — were unanimous in thinking Abelian greatly, inferior ,to Adrian, but Abelian exercised a great influence both on his immediate
  10. Civil War. However, the ability of alcohol to relieve severe pain is likely, inferior ,to many analgesics used today (e.g. morphine, codeine ). As such, the idea of
  11. Often of rain, which is now endangered),or other low-quality wood, with, inferior , plastic ferrules. A quality cue can be expensive and may be made of exotic
  12. That make an effective low-level attack aircraft make for a distinctly, inferior ,air superiority fighter, and vice versa. Conversely, many fighter aircraft
  13. Alone should hold the much-coveted local offices, such as the judge of the, inferior ,court ad inspector of weights and measures. The populace now demanded its share
  14. The purple, were slain by it. His descendants in our day have become greatly, inferior ,to their grandfather's Anita excellence. " We know from Gilda's that he was of
  15. City Chiefs,35-10. The loss reinforced for many the notion that the AFL was an, inferior ,league. Packers head coach Vince Lombardi stated after the game," I do not
  16. Levy also cite Smith's view that a common street porter was not intellectually, inferior ,to a philosopher., and point to the need for greater appreciation of the public
  17. Of Nicaea, AD 787,recognized the right of abbots to ordain their monks to the, inferior ,orders below the diagonal, a power usually reserved to bishops. Abbots were
  18. Economic (Jew as banker, usurer,money-obsessed),* social (Jew as social, inferior ," pushy," vulgar, therefore excluded from personal contact),* ideological (
  19. Structure) variety analogous to diamond is called CBN. Its hardness is, inferior ,only to diamond, but its thermal and chemical stability is superior. The rare
  20. Chief Justice Roger B. Taney's decision said that slaves were" so far, inferior ,that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect ". Name "
  21. Part because they adopted a new kind of spear, the Iowa. Even so, forces with, inferior ,weapons have still emerged victorious at times, for example in the Wars of
  22. As part of the eugenics movement, which categorized non-"Europeans" as, inferior , It more specifically claimed that the" Nordic" Europeans were superior.
  23. Features but suffered poor reliability and ejection mechanism, as well as, inferior ,magazine capacity. Towards the end of the war, the Germans fielded the StG44
  24. Leaves, and yields a silk more durable and cheaper than mulberry silk, but, inferior , to it in fineness and gloss. This moth has been introduced to the eastern
  25. That the effect of an appeal to circuit court is to" annul the judgment of the, inferior ,tribunal as completely as if there had been no previous trial. "' The only
  26. Of shedding their own blood for African American slaves, whom they viewed as, inferior , Manning's research involved reading military camp newspapers and personal
  27. As the warden's theme music, seemingly to invoke the image of jealousy of the, inferior ,for his superior. In 2006,the movie Copying Beethoven referred to Salary in a
  28. Lato and Asparagaceae sense late. The 'lower Asparagus' typically have an, inferior ,ovary, whereas the 'core Asparagus' have reverted to a superior ovary. A
  29. In life, he became more convinced that" modern civilization" was actually, inferior ,or the same in morality than previous cultures. The journalist James Cameron
  30. Typically in anapestic tetrameter, though iambs are sometimes used to delineate, inferior ,arguments;: *episodes - sections of dialogue in iambic trimester, often in a
  31. S infantry to advance, have his cavalry attack and push back the numerically, inferior ,Julian horses, and then attack Caesar's infantry from behind. Caesar knew this
  32. To a superior ovary. A 2002 morphological study by Udall treated possessing an, inferior ,ovary as a synapomorphy of the Asparagus, stating that reversions to a
  33. Phrase to characterize Ernest Renan's ideas about how" Semitic races" were, inferior ,to" Aryan races. " These pseudo-scientific theories concerning race
  34. Nigeria. Acacia arabica is the gum-Arabic tree of India, but yields a gum, inferior ,to the true gum-Arabic. Medicinal uses Many Acacia species have important uses
  35. Term by direct elections. The president is authorized to form the Cabinet,an, inferior ,executive body, subordinated to him. The Cabinet of Azerbaijan consists
  36. That the pre-incarnate Jesus was a divine being created by (and therefore, inferior ,to) God the Father at some point, before which the Son did not exist. In
  37. Sympathetic. Perhaps the most difficult student, however,is the one with an, inferior ,education who believes he understands something when he does not. Augustine
  38. Upon by Speer's class-conscious mother, who felt that the Webers were socially, inferior ,(Weber's father was a successful craftsman who employed 50 workers). Despite
  39. Min vs. 45–60 min). Nevertheless, as a postsurgery painkiller, aspirin is, inferior ,to ibuprofen and has higher gastrointestinal toxicity. The maximum dose of
  40. Then widely, to the relative neglect of archery. Early firearms were vastly, inferior ,in rate-of-fire, and were very susceptible to wet weather. However, they had
  41. God did not always exist, but was created by—and is therefore distinct from and, inferior ,to—God the Father. This belief is grounded in the Gospel of John passage“ You
  42. The unique structure of the inflorescence (a iridium),the combination of an, inferior ,ovary and three stamens, and the common occurrence of unifacial leaves whereas
  43. Old Comedy an example for orators to study and follow, and he considered it, inferior ,in these respects only to the works of Homer. A revival of interest in the
  44. Fleshy leaves, usually large and attractive flowers, with six stamens and an, inferior ,ovary. The flowers are solitary or, more frequently, arranged in umbel late
  45. Signal-to-noise ratio of background-corrected signals is always significantly, inferior ,compared to uncorrected signals. It should also be pointed out that in LS AAS
  46. Advantage of the crisis to make money by selling contraband cigarettes and, inferior ,liquor. When the epidemic ends,Cottard's moods fluctuate. Sometimes he is
  47. Objectives; the optical as well as the actinic image is chromatically, inferior , but both lie in the same place; and consequently the best correction lies in F
  48. To be followed by the man who is quite unworthy even of them, and greatly their, inferior ,in point of talent --- I mean the stupid and clumsy charlatan Hegel. In his
  49. This is because abstract concepts elicit greater brain activity in the, inferior ,frontal gyrus and middle temporal gyrus compared to concrete concepts when
  50. Sensu strict is characterized by an umbel late inflorescence with an, inferior ,ovary. Two other groups have similar inflorescence but a superior ovary, and

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