Examples of the the word, clergy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( clergy ), is the 7070 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the apostolic successions of the bishops, and therefore the rest of the, clergy , of the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Assyrian,Old Catholic, and some
  2. Doctrine and practice. Following the passing of the 1604 Canons, all Anglican, clergy ,had to formally subscribe to the Articles. Today, however,the articles are no
  3. Of the apostolic successions of the bishops, and therefore the rest of the, clergy , of the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Assyrian,Old Catholic (Union of
  4. A country firmly established, Afonso II endeavored to weaken the power of the, clergy ,and to apply a portion of the enormous revenues of the Roman Catholic Church to
  5. Declaring this to be a civil rather than an ecclesiastical matter,the, clergy ,left the matter to the tsar's own decision. At noon on 24 June, the temporal
  6. And practice became particularly divisive during the 19th century when some, clergy ,were disciplined and even imprisoned on charges of ritual heresy while, at the
  7. Administration of the diocese of Annotation Italy. Archbishop Honorary, his, clergy , and part of the laity accompanied the vicarious Italian to find a safe haven in
  8. Founded about AD 1105,and it very soon spread widely. As an order of regular, clergy , holding a middle position between monks and secular canons, almost resembling
  9. The flesh and to have seduced married women … " Despite his piety he taxed the, clergy , which they naturally opposed. As William says," he was a man of wisdom and
  10. Be obliged to view Anglican and Church of Scotland archbishops, bishops,and, clergy ,as part of the laity and therefore" lacking the ordained authority to preach
  11. Their Arian beliefs on their North African Nicene subjects, exiling Nicene, clergy , dissolving monasteries, and exercising heavy pressure on non-conforming
  12. 12th-century Church of Wales::" for a bad custom has prevailed amongst the, clergy , of appointing the most powerful people of a parish stewards, or,rather
  13. Her distress was caused, at least in part, by conflict with the local Anglican, clergy , Charlotte was sufficiently concerned about Anne's illness to notify Patrick
  14. Of Sultan, says that Sultan was elected freely and unanimously by the, clergy ,and people. For whatever reason, Ealdred gave up the see of Worcester in 1062
  15. Over rituals in Ásatrú. Several groups, most notably the Troth have organized, clergy ,programs. However, there is no universal standard for the Goal amongst
  16. Woods of Being, and they made an agreement which ensured the privileges of the, clergy , In the autumn of the year, he also met with Duke Frederick II of Austria and
  17. And reorganization of the English church, with an emphasis on reforming the, clergy ,and on the tradition of learning that Bede had begun. Ebert was devoted to
  18. During Edward the Confessor's reign, attempting to discipline and reform the, clergy , He held a synod of his clergy shortly before 1066. After the death of Edward
  19. Eventual founder of the Methodist Church, had encouraged Newton to go into the, clergy , Watts was a pioneer in English hymn writing, basing his on the Psalms. The
  20. Still alive),but was unable to resolve the related schism within the Orthodox, clergy ,until 1310. Androids II was also plagued by economic difficulties and during
  21. His kingship include: representatives of the commons, besides the nobility and, clergy , were involved in governance; the end of preventive arrests such that
  22. On the city's population; the Patriarch of Aquila Pauli nus fled with his, clergy ,and flock to the island of Grade in Byzantine-controlled territory. From
  23. To their own use the possession of all the lands, leaving only to the, clergy ,the altars, with their tenths and oblations, and assigning even these to their
  24. Within the family of the Emperor, the Imperial nobility, and higher-ranking, clergy , in the end it was Trinitarianism which prevailed in the Roman Empire at the
  25. State religion either as a republic or as a kingdom. In the 20th century,the, clergy ,of all faiths was weakened under the monarchy, and ultimately eradicated during
  26. Of his people. If the Christian faith fell into ruin in his kingdom, if the, clergy ,were too ignorant to understand the Latin words they butchered in their offices
  27. Be something very special and of utmost importance. Vestments are worn by the, clergy , sung settings are often used and incense may be used. Nowadays, in most
  28. His monastery that has led him to be designated the" patron saint of regular, clergy ," Much of Augustine's later life was recorded by his friend Presidium, bishop
  29. Hungary and later he was also obliged to confirm the special privileges of the, clergy , During his long reign, the central power and royal authority potentially
  30. Resolution, and meets. The council consists of representative bishops, clergy , and laity chosen by the thirty-eight provinces. The body has a permanent
  31. Which were heretical. The Arians appealed to many high level leaders and, clergy ,in both the Western and Eastern empires. Although the western Emperor Gratin
  32. Service, by contrast, is usually a more formal liturgy celebrated by, clergy ,in distinctive vestments and may be almost indistinguishable from a Roman
  33. He built and embellished churches in his diocese, and worked to improve his, clergy ,by holding a synod which published regulations for the priesthood. Some sources
  34. Not extended the status of privileged communication, such as that enjoyed by, clergy ,and lawyers, to AA related communications between members. Spirituality The
  35. Reign, attempting to discipline and reform the clergy . He held a synod of his, clergy ,shortly before 1066. After the death of Edward the Confessor John of Worcester
  36. Several traits. First, and most obviously, nearly all were members of the, clergy , This was simply because few people outside the parochial schools had the
  37. And" validity" of the sacraments. Regular sacraments are performed by, clergy ,of the Catholic Church while sacraments performed by schismatics are considered
  38. Properly solemnize matrimony. In most cases, deacons minister alongside other, clergy , Laity All baptized members of the church are called Christian faithful, truly
  39. Of the despoliation of the Roman aristocracy is a subject of heated debate. The, clergy ,was also greatly affected. The Lombards were mostly pagans, and displayed
  40. Connection with the monastic system, as to the principal of a body of parochial, clergy ,; and under the Carolingian's to the chief chaplain of the king, or military
  41. Consisting of three houses of laity (usually elected parish representatives), clergy , and bishops. National, provincial,and diocesan synods maintain different
  42. At three-year intervals. The council consists of representative bishops, clergy , and laity chosen by the thirty-eight provinces. The body has a permanent
  43. Was unique in that he shared many of his own experiences from the pulpit; many, clergy ,preached from a distance, not admitting any intimacy with temptation or sin. He
  44. Adherents of Arianism throughout his dominions, especially among the higher, clergy , In this contested state of religious opinion, two leaders of the Arians
  45. Affected. The Lombards were mostly pagans, and displayed little respect for the, clergy ,and Church property. Many churchmen left their sees to escape from the Lombards
  46. Orthodox churches recognize the validity of the apostolic succession of the, clergy ,of the Protestant denominations, in large measure because of their theology of
  47. Byzantine emperor 713–715 Roman Catholic Popes Other Christian saints and, clergy ,*Anastasios of Antioch (disambiguation),multiple people *Saint Anastasios of
  48. Normalized, but despite its far larger population size, the Catholic, clergy ,chose to place its episcopal see of the city in the nearby provincial town of
  49. Of Locum, who still carries a pastoral staff, takes precedence over all the, clergy ,of Hanover, and was ex officio a member of the consistory of the kingdom. The
  50. Of prelates, senators,ministers and other dignitaries on 13 June 1718. The, clergy , for their part, declared the Service Alexei," ... had placed his Confidence

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