Examples of the the word, thirty , in a Sentence Context

The word ( thirty ), is the 3428 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The work in front of him at any one time). The Gulag Archipelago has sold over, thirty ,a million copies in thirty -five languages. It was based upon Solzhenitsyn's own
  2. Alexander did not dare offer resistance, and was glad to purchase even a, thirty ,days' truce by the delivery of the prisoners. And this victory was closely
  3. And he determined that he would pursue his younger interests until the age of, thirty ,and then give himself to serving humanity, with Jesus serving as his example.
  4. Entire population is housed inside one giant structure consisting of more than, thirty ,levels, each of which are several stories high and contain a number of
  5. Hatch Mental Hospital in New Southgate where she remained until her death, thirty ,years later. In September 1930,Crowley was in Lisbon to meet the poet Fernando
  6. And Jane Marple, respectively. Both books were sealed in a bank vault for over, thirty ,years and were released for publication by Christie only at the end of her life
  7. Historian of the 3rd century, who wrote in Greek * Lucius Alliance, one of the, thirty ,tyrants under the Roman Empire * Alliance Mencius, ancient Greek physician
  8. Examination reveals the occasional loan word from a local language. A group of, thirty ,Aramaic documents from Bactria have been discovered, And an analysis was
  9. Gnostic Catholic Canon Missal. The Hymn to Pan would be read at his funeral, thirty ,four years later. Certain Termites regularly perform the Gnostic Mass to this
  10. Later to comment. In 1918,he met Dorothy Busy, who was his friend for over, thirty ,years and who would translate many of his works into English. In the 1920s
  11. As the essential characteristics of the Pahlavi writing system. A group of, thirty ,Aramaic documents from Bactria have been recently discovered. An analysis was
  12. Smith, a surgeon and Oxford Group member who was unable to stay sober. After, thirty ,days of working with Wilson, Smith drank his last drink on June 10, 1935,the
  13. Of Athenian life. Although democracy predated Athenian imperialism by over, thirty ,years, they are sometimes associated with each other. For much of the 5th
  14. To a barracks at the age of seven to train for being a soldier. At the age of, thirty ,they were released from the barracks and allowed to marry and have a family.
  15. In which she struggled desperately to hang on to life, she died, aged just, thirty , Over Christmas, Anne caught influenza. Her symptoms intensified, and in early
  16. Supervisory) jurisdiction over the Province of Canterbury, which encompasses, thirty ,of the forty-four dioceses of the Church of England, with the rest falling
  17. Exposing several unrelated secrets along the way, sometimes over the course of, thirty ,or so pages. The murders are often extremely ingenious, involving some
  18. Mountain ranges up to away. Ceremonial Infrastructure - Great North Road: the, thirty ,foot wide highway One of the most fascinating and intriguing aspects of
  19. Has been sustained and rapid, averaging about 8 percent per annum for over, thirty ,years, while the take from wild fisheries has been essentially flat for the
  20. Fissure near the northeastern edge of the acropolis. This fissure extended some, thirty ,five meters to a bed of soft marl in which a well was dug. An elaborate set of
  21. Privately in a series of twenty to forty private lessons which may last from, thirty ,minutes to an hour. Its principles have also been adapted to be taught in
  22. Had lost his second wife in the previous year, married Beatrice D'Ester who was, thirty ,years younger than himself. Because of the new marriage, his relationship with
  23. Was only 25 when he started working at the Rosedale Della Pietà. Over the next, thirty ,years he composed most of his major works while working there. There were four
  24. Like his mother, neither he nor Christine sought a divorce for the next, thirty ,years, and it was only in 1997 that they formally divorced; Cockburn married
  25. The Propagate on the celestial hierarchy; St. Basil's treatise on virginity;, thirty ,nine discourses of St. Efren the Syrian, and many other works of the Fathers
  26. S older sister, Rita,was married to tennis player Sancho Gonzales, some, thirty , years her senior. In 1995,when Gonzales died in Las Vegas, Andre paid for the
  27. Quotes league officials as stating that AFL" Legacy" gear made up twenty to, thirty ,percent of the league's annual $3 billion merchandise income. Fan favorites
  28. A position as a captain on a ship with cargo unrelated to slavery, when at, thirty ,years old, he collapsed and never sailed again. Olney curate Working as a
  29. Lands. Recreating the Ford into a standing army, ringing Wessex with some, thirty ,garrisoned fortified towns, and constructing new and larger ships for the royal
  30. Alexandros),was a king of Macedon, a state in northern Greece. By the age of, thirty , he had created one of the largest empires in ancient history, stretching from
  31. Offering opportunity for black players. While the NFL was still emerging from, thirty ,years of segregation influenced by Washington Redskins' owner George Preston
  32. Then 2 metric tons. Since the first discovery in 1884,fossils of more than, thirty ,individuals have been recovered, providing scientists with a more detailed
  33. It was publicly screened in New York in 2005 for the first time in over, thirty ,years. After his June 3,1968,shooting, a reclusive Warhol relinquished his
  34. Becoming the center of Greek culture. There he is said to have remained for, thirty ,years. Pericles learned to love and admire him, and the poet Euripides derived
  35. Miami Beach, Florida,has a large collection of art-deco buildings, with some, thirty ,blocks of hotels and apartment houses dating from the 1920s to the 1940s.
  36. Events which are referred by Herodotus to the year before Marathon, viz. the, thirty ,years that were to elapse between the dedication of the precinct to Abacus and
  37. And Peloponnesian Leagues signed a peace treaty, which was set to endure for, thirty ,years. It only lasted until 431 BC, when the Peloponnesian War broke out. Those
  38. Therefore discard Luke ". The Gospel of Luke also states that Jesus was" about, thirty ,years old" during the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar. Tiberius
  39. Military reorganization of Wessex consisted of three elements: the building of, thirty ,fortified and garrisoned towns (Burns) along the rivers and Roman roads of
  40. Went to help her aunt with the teaching at the school. A tiny, neat woman, aged, thirty , she was well-read and intelligent. Her strong Methodist faith immediately
  41. For the 2004 semi-final of the Eurovision Song Contest, staged in Istanbul, thirty ,years after ABBA had won the contest in Brighton, all four members of ABBA
  42. Court case of North Carolina v. Alford (1970). Alford was sentenced to, thirty ,years in prison, after the trial judge in the case accepted the plea bargain
  43. Advice of the Delphic oracle that they should desist from attacking Regina for, thirty ,years, and content themselves meanwhile with dedicating a precinct to Abacus
  44. Some limitations on who could hold office. Age restrictions were in place with, thirty ,(and in some cases forty) years as a minimum, rendering something like a
  45. Add to quantum mechanics" hidden variables" to enforce determinism. However, thirty ,years later, in 1964,John Bell found a theorem involving complicated optical
  46. Kurosawa and the wonderful world he created. " Filmography On home video All, thirty ,films directed by Kurosawa are available on DVD worldwide, most of them from
  47. The People) as they were manned by a subset of the citizen body, those over, thirty , But crucially citizens voting in both were not subject to review and
  48. The study of philosophy and any of the sciences except medicine, by one under, thirty ,years of age, met with the approval of Ben Are. Accordingly, Ben Are
  49. v. 89). As the final victory of Athens over Regina was in 458 B. C.,the, thirty ,years of the oracle would carry us back to the year 488 BC as the date of the
  50. The Moon and fired its service propulsion engine to enter lunar orbit. In the, thirty ,orbits that followed, the crew saw passing views of their landing site in the

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