Examples of the the word, bath , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bath ), is the 3446 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 109 campsites with conventional full utility hookups,3 beaches for swimming, bath ,houses, a boat launch, and 75 picnic sites. A covered pavilion within the
  2. Of Bologna, where on 30 April in the spring of 534/535 she was murdered in her, bath , The letters of Cassiodorus, chief minister and literary adviser of Amalasuntha
  3. At the behest of his mother, Helena. Faust was left to die in an over-heated, bath , Their names were wiped from the face of many inscriptions, references to their
  4. Cold room),terrarium (warm room) and calcium (hot room). The, bath ,was built during the reign of Emperor Caracalla in the 3rd century AD to honor
  5. Of bath , he likes. If he wants, it will be a cold bath ; and if he wants a hot, bath , it will be hot ". Bede also describes hot bath s in the geographical
  6. The emperor Constantine I rebuilt much of the city and erected a new public, bath , In 406 John Chrysostom, archbishop of Constantinople, ordered the destruction
  7. Wars in which Spain remained neutral. Particularly remarkable are the famous, bath ,house Las Arenas, the building hosting the Rectorship of the University of
  8. Named Sinatra Doctrine in 1989. A Annmarie (; also known as a water, bath ,in English, or ) is a French term for a piece of equipment used in science
  9. Two part" developed" dyes used to dye cotton with dark colors. The initial, bath ,imparts a yellow or pale chartreuse color, This is after treated with a sulfur
  10. Of AME may say I'll go take a bath , BrE speakers would say I'll go and have a, bath , (Both can also use the form to go to instead suggest that the action may
  11. Become haunted—a story seemingly confirmed by the sound of Senex singing in his, bath , Erroneous immediately determines to have a soothsayer come and banish the
  12. Used in words like car, bath ,ask, father and pass. So the words like trap and, bath ,wouldn't have the same vowel (see Trap– bath split). **However, words like
  13. Every man can have the kind of bath he likes. If he wants, it will be a cold, bath ,; and if he wants a hot bath , it will be hot ". Bede also describes hot bath s in
  14. To the accounts given by Pindar and the tragedians, Agamemnon was slain in a, bath ,by his wife alone, a blanket of cloth or a net having first been thrown over
  15. A frog's heart (innervated with its vagus nerve attached) in a saline, bath , and left in the solution for some time. The solution was then used to bath e a
  16. Romans Among the Romans, ball games were looked upon as an adjunct to the, bath , and were graduated to the age and health of the bath ers, and usually a place (
  17. Textiles, and today sell food products. Debut Bath The Debut Bath is a Turkish, bath ,(Haman). It is not known when exactly it was constructed. At one point, it
  18. Over an estimated; among the few structures still extant today are a ruined, bath ,and gymnasium complex and a recently uncovered stadium. Including the once
  19. To suggest that the action may fail, as in He went to take/take a bath , but the, bath ,was full of children. ) Similarly, to come plus bare infinitive is acceptable
  20. And plus bare infinitive. Thus, where a speaker of AME may say I'll go take a, bath , BRE speakers would say I'll go and take a bath . (Both can also use the form
  21. Towards. * The sound, an open unbounded vowel, is used in words like car, bath , ask, father and pass. So the words like trap and bath wouldn't have the same
  22. Into a regularly shaped body in order to calculate its density. While taking a, bath , he noticed that the level of the water in the tub rose as he got in, and
  23. Facilities include a large area cleared and zoned for swimming with complete, bath ,house facilities nearby. There is a water-skiing area that is cleared and
  24. First album" My Heart" in nearly 2 decades. Or mechanical stirrer 16: Cooling, bath , Distillation is a method of separating mixtures based on differences in their
  25. Shaped guitar. Mayotte! Lollipop referenced Reason in a chapter about a, bath ,house. The music video for the single" From a Distance" off of the Bicycles &
  26. Cow reclining by a stream, or the tip of a peasant's hat are all caught in a, bath ,of yellow ocher light. The richly varnished medium refracts the rays of light
  27. One side, placed back to back. A detached building belonging to each contains a, bath ,and a kitchen. One of these diminutive convents is appropriated to the" oblate
  28. Dire need of a bath . Taking the bait, Senex instructs Hysteria to draw him a, bath ,in the long-abandoned house of Erroneous. But while this is happening, Erronius
  29. Graveyard found in May 2007. The population of Ephesus also had several major, bath ,complexes, built at various points while the city was under Roman rule. The
  30. That caused him to itch horribly. The only relief he could get was in his, bath ,over which he improvised a desk to write his list of suspect
  31. Go to instead suggest that the action may fail, as in He went to take/have a, bath , but the bath was full of children. ) Similarly, to come plus bare infinitive
  32. And demanded he be handed over. Vocals managed to convince Minos to take a, bath ,first, where Vocals' daughters killed Minos. In some versions, Daedalus
  33. Boasting of his hunting prowess and a Hellenistic Actaeon glimpsing Artemis ', bath , Lacy identifies the site of Actaeon's transgression as a spring sacred to
  34. A split axle three speed gear intended for use with bicycles equipped with oil, bath ,chain guards. The original BSA 3 speed hub gear had been made under license from
  35. Onto him, then suggests that the road trip has left Senex in dire need of a, bath , Taking the bait, Senex instructs Hysteria to draw him a bath in the
  36. Form a natural pool where the natives and tourist come to enjoy a nice cool, bath , The principal rivers flowing westward into the Caribbean are the Layout and the
  37. There are also assist devices available that can help you drive, getting a, bath , dressing and also in housekeeping labors. Occupational therapy can help you do
  38. To produce an opacity suggestive of true marble, the statues are immersed in a, bath ,of water and heated gradually—nearly to the boiling-point—an operation
  39. And were fortified with towers at regular intervals. Remains of an ancient, bath ,and gymnasium complex can be found within this area; this building is locally
  40. The Byzantines. It is located in the Plus quarter of the city. Roman Bath This, bath ,has all the typical features of a classical Roman bath : a Frigidaire (cold
  41. And men may go there to bath e at any time, and every man can have the kind of, bath ,he likes. If he wants, it will be a cold bath ; and if he wants a hot bath , it
  42. And James A. Johnson was the first hotel in the world to feature a private, bath ,in each room. The H. H. Richardson Complex, originally the New York State
  43. One account states that 8 August 634 was a cold day and when Abu Bakr took a, bath , he caught a chill. Another account indicates that, about a year before, along
  44. Process. The open, bath -type Annmarie heats via a small, hot-water tub (or ", bath ,"),and the vapour-type Annmarie heats with scalding-hot steam. Culinary
  45. Disease outbreaks, or as a means of slaughter more humane than the electric, bath , Argon's relatively high density causes it to remain close to the ground
  46. Appeared in some newspapers. The alternate strip, a joke about Hobbes taking a, bath ,in the washing machine, has circulated around the Internet. ) Treasuries
  47. One breathes, in one's nostrils, in one's eyes, in the water of the morning, bath ,(though not in the drinking-water, for that is brought in bottles from
  48. Drag on the engine even though the engagement may not be as smooth as the oil, bath ,versions, and the clutch plates can wear more rapidly. Ducati also extensively
  49. City. Roman Bath This bath has all the typical features of a classical Roman, bath ,: a Frigidaire (cold room),terrarium (warm room) and calcium (hot room
  50. Between the British Received Pronunciation and American pronunciation of, bath ,and dance. In the United States, only eastern New England speakers took up this

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