Examples of the the word, theoretical , in a Sentence Context

The word ( theoretical ), is the 3439 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. History. He received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics" for his services to, theoretical ,physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric
  2. Of Bolus of Mendes (or Pseudo-Democritus) which aligned these recipes with, theoretical ,knowledge of astrology and the Classical elements. Between the time of Bolus
  3. Philosophy Ethics Aristotle considered ethics to be a practical rather than, theoretical ,study, i. e., one aimed at doing good rather than knowing for its own sake. He
  4. And was called on to give judgments and opinions on matters often unrelated to, theoretical ,physics or mathematics. (see main article) Einstein's views on religious
  5. Aspiration and special letters for KS and in, though one of the letters is, theoretical ,and not actually used. The Hindi alphabet must represent both Sanskrit and
  6. Overall description,i.e. the atomic orbital model, but it also provided a new, theoretical ,basis for chemistry (quantum chemistry) and spectroscopy. Since the Second
  7. For Aristotle," all science (Diana) is either practical, poetical or, theoretical ," (Metaphysics 1025b25). By practical science, he means ethics and politics;
  8. Medicine into two parts as he explains it throughout the first book: the, theoretical ,and the practical. The theoretical part consists of, but is not excluded to
  9. Greeted with Great British pomp, as if he were a head of state rather than a, theoretical ,physicist ", writes Isaac son. This included a cannon salute upon his arrival at
  10. And antimatter annihilating each other. Schuster's ideas were not a serious, theoretical ,proposal, merely speculation, and like the previous ideas, differed from the
  11. Mth Sunday 14 On This Day in Canada ---- Absolute zero is the, theoretical ,temperature at which entropy reaches its minimum value. The laws of
  12. Law, mathematical harmony is the key that binds all parts together: one, theoretical ,proposition from his work introduced the minor planetary aspects into astrology
  13. Inflation only results when the supply of money outpaces demand for money:: In, theoretical ,investigation there is only one meaning that can rationally be attached to the
  14. The semiconductor gallium nitride doped with antimony has been proposed on, theoretical ,grounds as being able to catalyze the splitting of water into H₂ and O2.
  15. First formulated as such in the Italian section of the First International. The, theoretical ,work of Peter Kropotkin and Enrico Latest took importance later as it
  16. And opposition to the Vietnam War; Marxism became an increasingly popular, theoretical ,approach in the discipline. By the 1970s the authors of volumes such as
  17. Of small-scale interrupted order associated with molecular matter. Rare and, theoretical ,forms While isotopes with atomic numbers higher than lead (82) are known to
  18. Quantum chemistry) and spectroscopy. Since the Second World War, both, theoretical , and experimental fields have advanced at a rapid pace. This can be attributed
  19. Also fled to America. Among them were Nobel laureates and professors of, theoretical ,physics. With so many other Jewish scientists now forced by circumstances to
  20. Considerations, such as symmetry and complexity, are used for analysis in, theoretical ,aesthetics. This is different from the aesthetic considerations of applied
  21. Ought to fulfill," recognizing equality of entitlement ". In chronological and, theoretical ,sense there are classical — those created throughout the 19th century — and
  22. All the major and minor subfields. Along with dividing up their project by, theoretical ,emphasis, anthropologists typically divide the world up into relevant time
  23. And Keating Labor Governments (1983–96),the Australian Democrats held a, theoretical ,balance of power in the Senate: the numbers were such that they could team with
  24. Of dairy products) Agricultural science: a local science Except, theoretical ,agronomy, research in agronomy, more than in any other field, is strongly
  25. Sardinia (who ruled Turin and the surrounding Piedmont region) for a chair of, theoretical ,physics, which was created especially for him. He taught in Turin during
  26. W outputs string x, then the concatenated string w is a description of x. For, theoretical ,analysis, this approach is more suited for constructing detailed formal proofs
  27. Politics and to escape the confines of ideology in general. Post-anarchism is a, theoretical ,move towards a synthesis of classical anarchist theory and poststructuralist
  28. And developments The majority of fields in physics can be divided between, theoretical ,work and experimental work, and atomic physics is no exception. It is usually
  29. Differential geometry. Cones has applied his work in areas of mathematics and, theoretical ,physics, including number theory, differential geometry and particle physics.
  30. Rigorous experimental methods of controlled scientific testing to verify, theoretical ,hypotheses and substantiate inductive conjectures. Other historians of science
  31. Some proposed mechanisms are: * Selective investment theory – a, theoretical ,proposal for the evolution of long-term, high-cost altruism * Sexual selection
  32. Goes in alternate cycles from an experimental observation, through to a, theoretical ,explanation followed by some predictions which may or may not be confirmed by
  33. Factions of anarchist thought is philosophical anarchism, which embodies the, theoretical ,stance that the state lacks moral legitimacy without accepting the imperative
  34. Of 128 bits. The block size has a maximum of 256 bits, but the key size has no, theoretical ,maximum. AES operates on a 4×4 column-major order matrix of bytes, termed the
  35. Most notably Rothbard, Friedman has never tried to deny the, theoretical ,cogency of the neoclassical literature on" market failure ", nor has he been
  36. Other towards the highest possible human virtue, the wisdom of an accomplished, theoretical ,or speculative thinker, or in other words, a philosopher. Politics In addition
  37. In On Christian Doctrine Augustine contrasts love and lust: Here we can see the, theoretical ,resolution of the struggle documented in Confessions: that proper love
  38. By poetical science, he means the study of poetry and the other fine arts; by, theoretical ,science, he means physics, mathematics and metaphysics. If logic (or "
  39. Narodnaya Volga) and, later,the Socialist-Revolutionary Party developed a, theoretical ,basis for a peasant movement, building a rich, well-developed humanistic
  40. Star in the night sky showing a small but discernible disk. For example, some, theoretical , Earth-like planet orbiting about 1.25 AU from Alpha Centauri A (so that the
  41. Interdisciplinary to the point of fragmentation, but still lacked a solid, theoretical ,basis. While not explicitly rejecting mentality history, younger historians
  42. Or peoples. The names and divisions are classification devices based on, theoretical ,perspectives, analytical methods and data available at the time of analysis and
  43. Then later; and: Even in the early days, Austrian economics was used as a, theoretical ,weapon against socialism and statist socialist policy. Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk, a
  44. The Australian National University, in which he received first class honors in, theoretical ,physics. Bridge completed a PhD at the Computer Sciences Laboratory of the
  45. By distributed. Net. AES has a fairly simple algebraic description. In 2002,a, theoretical ,attack, termed the" XSL attack ", was announced by Nicolas Courts and Josef
  46. Of ingredients and the quality of ingredients. What NASA actually is, in a, theoretical ,sense, is not discussed and given the Nātyashāstra's pithy wording it is
  47. As archetypes, the collective unconscious and with the collaboration of pioneer, theoretical ,physicist (and Nobel laureate),Wolfgang Pauli, synchronicity. Astrologers
  48. Previously shared. Subsequently, astrology suffered a decline in academic and, theoretical ,credibility. The 20th century brought renewed attention, partly through the
  49. Problem worth tackling and not only was he primarily responsible for the main, theoretical ,work within the Hut, but he also shared with Welshman and Keen the chief credit
  50. Explains it throughout the first book: the theoretical and the practical. The, theoretical ,part consists of, but is not excluded to, such things as: the causes of health

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