Examples of the the word, cabinet , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cabinet ), is the 3429 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Directed primarily against the old Constitution. Therefore, on 13 September the, cabinet ,dismissed Count Dealer von Inside, followed by Bernhard von Linden.
  2. Accordance with her own interests, but to the surprise and indignation of the, cabinet ,of Saint Petersburg he confined himself to acting the part of" honest broker "
  3. In parliament and usually hold elected seats within it concurrent with their, cabinet ,positions. The bicameral National Assembly of Belize is composed of a House of
  4. 1967 and was amended in 1989 and 2003. The head of government is the premier. A, cabinet ,is nominated by the premier and appointed officially by the governor. The
  5. Announced he had a new plan for southern Reconstruction. Discussions with his, cabinet ,revealed Lincoln planned short term military control over southern states
  6. But in 1952,when General Motors president Charles E. Wilson, nominated for a, cabinet ,post, told Congress" ... what was good for the country was good for General
  7. Resigning as Secretary of State, played a leading role in the new unofficial, cabinet , At the first Democratic National Convention, privately engineered by members
  8. His Prime Minister, Sergei Stephen, and for the fourth time fires his entire, cabinet , *2006 – At least 21 suspected terrorists were arrested in the 2006
  9. And conducts affairs of state with the cabinet . The prime minister and the, cabinet ,are responsible to the Parliament. Elections must be held at least every five
  10. The Premier's arrest for drunk driving in Maui and the resignation of various, cabinet ,ministers because of conflict-of-interest allegations. A Christmas Eve raid on
  11. Thus removing the president's previous unlimited power to remove any of his, cabinet ,members at will. Years later in the case Myers v. United States in 1926,the
  12. From their respective offices and Alexander had difficulty in forming a new, cabinet , Alexander's mother also opposed the marriage and was subsequently banished
  13. Certain influence over him, that he adopted a more hostile attitude towards the, cabinet ,of Berlin, and even then he confined himself to keeping many
  14. Led by Royal Maitland and was replaced by Hart who formed a coalition, cabinet ,made up of five Liberal and three Conservative ministers. A referendum on
  15. Means a" box" or container. Ark may refer to: Religion * Ark (synagogue),a, cabinet ,used to store a synagogue's Torah scroll * Ark of the Covenant, the
  16. Peasant Party. Julia Mani (1873–1953) was prime minister with an agrarian, cabinet ,from 1928 to 1930,but the Great Depression made proposed reforms impossible.
  17. Accordions use a musical keyboard similar to a piano, at right angles to the, cabinet , the tops of the keys inward toward the bellows * 6-plus-6-accordions use a
  18. Of the majority party in the House and conducts affairs of state with the, cabinet , The prime minister and the cabinet are responsible to the Parliament.
  19. Appeared publicly during the Franco-Prussian War, when the Tsar supported the, cabinet ,of Berlin and the Service did not conceal his sympathies for the French. It
  20. By the Governor of Alabama. Other members of executive branch include the, cabinet , the Attorney General of Alabama, the Alabama Secretary of State, the Alabama
  21. This time, the Petticoat affair caused further resignations from Jackson's, cabinet , leading to its reorganization as the" Kitchen Cabinet ". Martin Van Buren
  22. In the Solar System. * 1989 – Maui Midoriyama becomes Japan's first female, cabinet ,secretary. *1991 – Belarus gains its independence from the Soviet Union * 1991
  23. Humanism" through" collective thinking. " In 1941,through connections to the, cabinet ,of Vichy France president Philippe Petain (specifically, French industrial
  24. Sharon agreed to forfeit the post of Defense Minister but stayed in the, cabinet ,as a Minister without Portfolio. Sharon's resignation as Defense Minister is
  25. To re-election for an additional four-year term, and appoints his or her own, cabinet , Executive branch Legislative branch The bicameral National Congress (
  26. A screening at the White House, for then-President Wilson, members of his, cabinet , and their families. Wilson was reported to have said about the film," It is
  27. Castillo, he summoned Precedes Mateo Sagas ta, the Liberal leader, to form a new, cabinet , Death and impact In November 1885,Alfonso died, just short of his 28th
  28. Before turning over the White House: Lincoln did not show the pledge to his, cabinet , but asked them to sign the sealed envelope. While the Democratic platform
  29. S Office, has resulted in charges only for ministerial aides, although key, cabinet ,members from the time have since resigned. The case, currently in preliminary
  30. Ulysses S. Grant. He brought leaders of various factions of his party into his, cabinet ,and pressured them to cooperate. Under his leadership, the Union took control
  31. Expected victory within 90 days. Twice a week, Lincoln would meet with his, cabinet ,in the afternoon, and occasionally Mary Lincoln would force him to take a
  32. Thursday in November of that year to be a day of Thanksgiving. Administration, cabinet ,and Supreme Court appointments 1861–1865 ID "/IN"> cabinet "> = Lincoln's
  33. And the Law on Mineral Resources. The Council of Ministers,Armenia's, cabinet , includes a minister of the environment. However, no comprehensive
  34. Revealed its new anti-hijacking policy. The policy came into force after the, cabinet ,committee on security (CCS) approved it. The main points of the policy are *
  35. That the Derive was obliged to consult the British consul on such issues as, cabinet ,appointments. In January 1894 Abbas, while on an inspection tour of Egyptian
  36. That month, Lincoln discussed a draft of the Emancipation Proclamation with his, cabinet , In it, he stated that" as a fit and necessary military measure, on January 1
  37. Verb in British civil service convention, perhaps to emphasize the principle of, cabinet ,collective responsibility. Compare also the following lines of Elvis Costello
  38. Traditional leaders are limited by custom and law. Current Cabinet Botswana's, cabinet ,is headed by the President, who is also head of government. Source:
  39. Problems, his term was plagued by multiple corruption scandals that rocked his, cabinet , forcing some members to resign their posts. In 2006 Lula regained part of his
  40. Liked party by Sharon's main rival, Binyamin Netanyahu, who had left the, cabinet ,to protest Sharon's withdrawal from Gaza. The measure was an attempt by
  41. Lettermen was sworn in. On 2010,Lettermen again offered the resignation of his, cabinet ,to the king after one of the coalition partners, the Opened, withdrew from the
  42. By a governor general who acts on the advice of the prime minister and the, cabinet , | | Legislative branch Antigua and Barbuda elects on national level a
  43. Professors. Not always does history repeat itself, however,because this time a, cabinet ,minister was able to convince the Emperor to exempt Cauchy from the oath.
  44. The most seats in the House of Assembly. Executive power is exercised by the, cabinet , selected by the prime minister and drawn from his supporters in the House of
  45. Him to command of all forces around Washington, to the dismay of all in his, cabinet ,but Seward. Two days after McClellan's return to command, General Robert E.
  46. Government demanded its resignation and called for new elections. A caretaker, cabinet ,appointed by the President served until pre-term parliamentary elections in
  47. Prime minister). Executive power rests with the Council of Ministers (, cabinet ,). The Chairman of the Council (prime minister) is appointed by the president
  48. Occupy the presidency from 1964 until 1985,but most of the officers who held, cabinet ,posts during that time were from the army. In 1997 the army totaled 200,000
  49. Lincoln's gradual plan, which was enacted by Congress. When Lincoln told his, cabinet ,about his proposed emancipation proclamation, Seward advised Lincoln to wait
  50. Kingdom, she is represented in Belize by the Governor-General. However,the, cabinet , led by the Prime Minister of Belize, who is head of government, acting as

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