Examples of the the word, remedy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( remedy ), is the 3443 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For World War I. The Selective Service Act of 1917 was carefully drawn to, remedy ,the defects in the Civil War system and—by allowing exemptions for dependency
  2. Defects of the military system that he had inherited and implemented changes to, remedy ,them. Alfred's military reorganization of Wessex consisted of three elements:
  3. And consequential damages. Incidental losses include the costs needed to, remedy ,problems and put things right. The largest element is likely to be the
  4. Of" at infinity" meaningful, if we restrict to working in affine space. The, remedy ,to this is to work in projective space. Projective space has properties
  5. Belongs to a higher order of abstraction than Elizabeth herself. Korzybski's, remedy ,was to deny identity; in this example, to be aware continually that" Elizabeth
  6. That there were few" books of wisdom" written in English. Alfred sought to, remedy ,this through an ambitious court-centred program of translating into English
  7. A jabbering station could continue to disrupt the entire network. The eventual, remedy ,for this was a return to the original store and forward approach of bridging
  8. Have medicinal effects. In Ayurvedic medicine, Acacia militia is considered a, remedy ,that is helpful for treating premature ejaculation. A 19th century Ethiopian
  9. Consumption of fresh, warm camel feces has been recommended by Bedouins as a, remedy ,for bacterial dysentery; its efficacy (probably attributable to the antibiotic
  10. Beginning half an hour after consumption, and peaking after two hours. The, remedy ,also has cardiovascular effects, moderately increasing both heart rate and
  11. The Corn Laws) and the resultant influx of cheaper wheat into Britain, would, remedy , the suffering in Ireland caused by the Great Famine in Ireland caused by the
  12. A loved one. Where a wrongful death statute exists, the compensation or other, remedy ,available is limited to the remedy specified in the statute (typically, an
  13. Of accumulation by a reversal of the policy of monopoly. The Anarchistic, remedy ,was still applicable. " But, Tucker argued," Today the way is not so clear.
  14. Communication. There are cryptography applications that can serve as a, remedy ,to one or more of the above. For example, Virtual Private Networks or the Tor
  15. Used in liniments for bruises and sprains. Bay leaf has been used as a herbal, remedy ,for headaches. It contains compounds, called parthenolides, which have proven
  16. Back (" remand" or" remit" ) to the lower court for further proceedings to, remedy ,the defect. In some cases, an appellate court may review a lower court decision
  17. Slight imperfection, and as he thought himself the Supreme God, he attempted to, remedy ,this by sending a Messiah. To this Messiah, however,was actually united Jesus
  18. Statute exists, the compensation or other remedy available is limited to the, remedy ,specified in the statute (typically, an upper limit on the amount of damages)
  19. Languages. There are examples of films which have been reshot or reanimated to, remedy ,this problem. The dubbing of many television series is often criticized: the
  20. Carried aboard and no supplies were reaching the ships from the shore. To, remedy ,this, Brueys sent foraging parties of 25 men from each ship along the coast to
  21. Civil Rights Act provided a, remedy ,for intentional race discrimination in employment by private employers and
  22. Is only a judgment that grants money damages or some other kind of equitable, remedy ,such as restitution or a permanent injunction. Criminal cases may lead to fines
  23. And that the latter therefore practiced the drinking of Christian blood as a, remedy , At Losing (Basin, today Period, Slovakia ), it was charged that a
  24. Must be attended with inevitable ruin and misery. Society provides a, remedy ,for these three inconveniences. By the conjunction of forces, our power is
  25. Injury of justice, the interested parties, and the dignity of the Holy See. To, remedy ,this and to restore the old established chancery style, the Pope selected out
  26. Skill in diseases to be called and insisted that they give him some purgative, remedy , " Neither they nor Latin doctors could help, and he died on July 11, 1174.
  27. Had meant not the blood of any Christian, but that of Jesus—the only true, remedy ,for all physical and spiritual suffering. Thomas did not mention the name of
  28. Restitution. Doyle and Wright define restitutionary damages as being a monetary, remedy ,that is measured according to the defendant's gain rather than the plaintiff
  29. Act without going to court. The prerequisites to open the public law, remedy ,are listed in § 40 I Vigo. Therefore, it is necessary to have the existence of
  30. Only injunctive relief (a court order requiring the public accommodation to, remedy ,violations of the accessibility regulations) and attorneys' fees, and does
  31. A case, only the application may be ruled unconstitutional. Historically,the, remedy ,for such violations have been petitions for common law writs, such as quo
  32. That cymbals distorted sound and affected the spectrum of sound at playback. To, remedy ,the situation, drummers were often asked to play the content of the cymbals
  33. A letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer explaining why, and how he will, remedy ,the situation. The handing over of monetary policy to the Bank of England had
  34. Claim is brought (the defendant (s) ) that entitles the plaintiff (s) to a, remedy ,(either money damages or injunctive relief). For example, the Federal Rules
  35. Producer, he was unhappy with Quinn's work and tried unsuccessfully to, remedy ,the situation. Despite a cast led by Charlton Heston and YUL Brynner and some
  36. A natural condition. The body is not the cause, but the instrument of sin. The, remedy ,for it is repentance, on which he insists. Like many of the Eastern Fathers, he
  37. A current urban regeneration scheme, Elevate East Lancashire, is attempting to, remedy ,these problems. Media The chief publications in the area are the Arrington
  38. On the evil-doing in the town with compassion; only when there was no other, remedy ,did He turn His face away, in order to force people to face the truth about
  39. Exists. Later it is mentioned that the name Standard was given because of the, remedy ,it provided for his mother. Arab's historians then referred to him as al-Iskandar
  40. Later, throw the head out of alignment. There were at least one or two" home, remedy ," software products on the market during the heyday of the 1541 drive and
  41. Of Christian marriage, which becomes therefore a remedium concupiscence -, remedy ,of concupiscence. The redemption of human sexuality will be, however,fully
  42. Drawing up may be uncomfortable. Magnesium sulfate paste is considered a" home, remedy ," and is not necessarily an effective or accepted medical treatment. Perianal
  43. The cartridge port was mainly taken up with a fast loader cartridge used to, remedy ,the 64's slow disk transfer rate. All four machines had similar standard
  44. Ships to the existing royal fleet. Each element of the system was meant to, remedy ,defects in the West Saxon military establishment exposed by the Viking
  45. Andalusian capitals—Córdoba, Granada and Seville—have recently been trying to, remedy ,this by strengthening their public transport systems and providing a better
  46. Passed a law requiring a prescription for pharmacies to dispense any cold, remedy ,containing pseudoephedrine. Likewise, the states of Alabama, Arizona,Colorado
  47. Chinese chauvinism, the critics charged, the DPP might offer nothing more than a, remedy ,than Hold chauvinism. The PRC has maintained a hostile position toward the DPP
  48. And one which is currently unanswered, relates to what wrongs should allow this, remedy , Legal costs In addition to damages, the successful party is entitled to be
  49. Congress to call a constitutional convention to meet in Philadelphia to, remedy ,the long-term crisis. Signatures The Second Continental Congress approved the
  50. Is sold separately at pharmacies in small quantities, as an over-the-counter, remedy ,for nausea or mildly upset stomach. New Coke On April 23, 1985,Coca-Cola, amid

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