Examples of the the word, racial , in a Sentence Context

The word ( racial ), is the 3432 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Policy. " The ACLU claims that the death penalty is unfairly applied to, racial ,minorities and the poor, and considers it" cruel and unusual" punishment. The
  2. Brief in the case of Brown v. Board of Education, which led to the ban on, racial ,segregation in U. S. public schools. 1960–2000 In 1967,the ACLU successfully
  3. Of the United States Supreme Court's 1946 Irene Morgan decision that banned, racial ,segregation in interstate travel. *1948 – Jorge Eliezer Gaitán's assassination
  4. Temple Judaism understood election primarily as national (Israelites) and, racial ,(Jews),not as individual. Their conclusion is thus that Paul's writings on
  5. Effective conversion... a Jew ceased to be a Jew upon baptism. " However, with, racial , antisemitism," Now the assimilated Jew was still a Jew, even after baptism ...
  6. Of 115 Jewish inmates at Auschwitz, chosen for their perceived stereotypical, racial ,characteristics. Rudolf Brandt and Wolfram Silvers, general manager of the
  7. Liberals were having second thoughts, especially regarding Lincoln's views on, racial ,issues. Black historian Throne Bennett won wide attention when he called
  8. Be more than his life was worth to offer to strike a Mohammedan. " Secular or, racial ,antisemitism In 1850 the German composer Richard Wagner published Was Pudendum
  9. Religious antisemitism may be distinguished from modern antisemitism based on, racial ,or ethnic grounds. " The dividing line was the possibility of effective
  10. With a deep, unreasoning fear which ran in the tribal consciousness as a, racial ,complex and was the result of centuries of Persian power and glory. In return
  11. S refusal to employ Black or Asian bus crews, drawing national attention to, racial ,discrimination in the United Kingdom. *1966 – The Church of Satan is
  12. The last state to be emancipated in 1865. Reconstruction and Jim Crow shook, racial ,stereotypes both with Nazis and segregationists in the USA at the 1936 Berlin
  13. Industrial growth overconsumption) policies of the Soviet Union, and not, racial ,hatred against the Ukrainians. Published works and speeches * The Solzhenitsyn
  14. And hostility to Jews on religious grounds persisted and was supplemented by, racial ,antisemitism, encouraged by the work of racial theorists such as Joseph Arthur
  15. Science" point to his opposition hierarchy, beliefs in inequality, including, racial , inequality,and provide additional support for those who point to Smith's
  16. When the Chinese people were excluded from most jobs in the wage economy by, racial ,discrimination or lack of language fluency. Differences from native Chinese
  17. That led to the decriminalization of homosexuality and the discrediting of, racial ,segregation. Cross-time stories H. G. Wells' " cross-time"/"many universes "
  18. Power in the state legislature, Democrats passed Jim Crow laws, including, racial , segregation in public facilities, to restore white supremacy in the society. In
  19. To Australia. This policy was partly motivated by 19th century theories about ", racial ,purity" ( shared by most Australians at this time),and partly by fears of
  20. Excluding Hawaii) were aggregated as" United States or American ". Distinct, racial , ethnic, and cultural groups such as" American Indian "," Mexican American "
  21. At least $167 million in 2010. Demographics According to the 2010 Census,the, racial ,composition of Austin is: * Hispanic or Latino: 35.1 % (29.1 % Mexican,0.5 %
  22. Units at an average density of 790.9 per square mile (305.5 per km²). The, racial ,makeup of the city was: 5.98 % of the population were Hispanic American or
  23. Explicitly addressing the author's methodology, cultural,gender and, racial ,positioning, and their influence on his or her ethnographic analysis. This was
  24. Between religious antisemitism and modern antisemitism which is based on, racial ,or ethnic grounds. Nichols writes," The dividing line was the possibility of
  25. Of slavery. Southern concerns included not only economic loss but also fears of, racial ,equality. Name" mcpherson15"/> name" impending16"/> name "
  26. Scion of a wealthy Victorian family who embodied many of the worst John Bull, racial ,and social prejudices of his upper-class contemporaries," noting that,"
  27. Comics * Various X-Men comics (mutants as an allegory for various social and, racial ,minorities) * The manga Hank and the Teller of Allegory calls a story given
  28. Is no longer possible to draw clear lines of distinction between religious and, racial ,forms of hostility towards Jews ... Once Jews have been emancipated and secular
  29. Pants low enough to show underwear),partly on the basis of unconstitutional, racial ,profiling. After the City of Indianapolis, Indiana,began cracking down on when
  30. Community, participation in the great military conflicts of the United States, racial ,segregation, and the Civil Rights Movement. History Slavery era The first
  31. And ethnologic antisemitism. William Brustein names four categories: religious, racial , economic and political. The Roman Catholic historian Edward Flannery
  32. Culture has its own brand of anti-Semitism. In Solzhenitsyn's case,it's not, racial , It has nothing to do with blood. He's certainly not a racist; the question is
  33. And arrogance, and for observing customs such as kashrut and Shabbat; *and, racial ,antisemitism, with its extreme form resulting in the Holocaust by the Nazis.
  34. Of Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment Europe which laid the groundwork for, racial ,antisemitism #Racial antisemitism that arose in the 19th century and culminated
  35. Ethnic in nature; Christian antisemitism, which was religious; and the, racial ,antisemitism of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. " Ancient world The
  36. Category, taking the term Anglo-Saxon as a linguistic or cultural rather than a, racial ,concept. Politics and controversies Ásatrú organizations have memberships which
  37. Involved in the case as follows:" It is better to allow those who preach, racial ,hatred to expend their venom in rhetoric rather than to be panicked into
  38. Housing units at an average density of 869.7 per square mile (335.7/km²). The, racial ,makeup of the city was 87.34 % White,7.70 % Asian,2.65 % African American
  39. Of" Nordic heritage" as either something cultural, or as something genetic or, racial ,(" metagenetic" ). In the internal discourse within American Ásatrú, this
  40. Population of the Brazilian state of Amazonas, which is the largest state. The, racial ,makeup of the city is 64 % Pardon (Mulatto and mestizo) and 32 % White.
  41. In Australia in 2009. But he turns down the honor as mark of protest to, racial ,attacks on Indian students. Several books have been written about Bachchan.
  42. Conversion... a Jew ceased to be a Jew upon baptism. " From the perspective of, racial ,antisemitism, however," ... the assimilated Jew was still a Jew, even after
  43. Rests and invoke political antisemitism, cultural antisemitism, racism or, racial ,antisemitism, economic antisemitism and the like. " William Nichols draws a
  44. By newly elected Governor Powell Clayton, marking a time of great upheaval and, racial ,violence in the state between state militia and the Ku Klux Klan. In 1874,the
  45. And was supplemented by racial antisemitism, encouraged by the work of, racial ,theorists such as Joseph Arthur de Gobineau and particularly his Essay on the
  46. Is no longer possible to draw clear lines of distinction between religious and, racial ,forms of hostility towards Jews ... Once Jews have been emancipated and secular
  47. Democratic were Black Belt counties, where African Americans are the majority, racial ,group. The state's two U. S. senators are Jefferson B. Sessions III and
  48. The World Jewry. Neither is acceptable for us ... And I mean this not in the, racial ,sense, but in the sense of the Jewry as a certain world view. The Jewry is
  49. Of capitalism. African Americans make up the single largest, racial ,minority in the United States. African-American history starts in the 16th
  50. In the segregated state, but did not relieve them of paying taxes. Continued, racial ,discrimination, agricultural depression, and the failure of the cotton crops

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