Examples of the the word, teachers , in a Sentence Context

The word ( teachers ), is the 3448 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Who taught him history, geography,mathematics and French. One of his, teachers ,named Kyle Holland, influenced young Alexei the most. He taught Alexei how
  2. Introduced the theory of three different categories of students, and instructed, teachers ,to adapt their teaching styles to each student's individual learning style.
  3. Training in textual interpretation, voice and movement. Although there are some, teachers ,who will encourage the improvisation as technique in order to free the actor of
  4. Opinions, obedience to parents, respect for the Brahmans and other religious, teachers ,and priests, liberality towards friends, humane treatment of servants, and
  5. Ibn Ibrahim, made the pilgrimage to Hakka. On his way home, he attended the, teachers ,of the mosque at university of Al-Qayrawan,today's Kairouan in Tunisia; the
  6. Randomized controlled trials are needed. " (Note that Alexander technique, teachers ,recommend more than three times or more as many lessons than 8 to retain
  7. He Platinum felt the impulse to study philosophy and was recommended to the, teachers ,in Alexandria who then had the highest reputation; but he came away from their
  8. At the physico-mathematical faculty of St Petersburg University. Among his, teachers ,were Julian Okhotsk (differential calculus, higher algebra),Konstantin
  9. Attend. All schools are built and maintained by Andorran authorities, but, teachers , in the French and Spanish schools are paid for the most part by France and
  10. Studied Eastern religious disciplines extensively. One of his most influential, teachers ,was the Tibetan Buddhist, the Venerable Program Trunk, founder of the Europa
  11. Active in the stillborn Project Camelot). Many anthropologists (students and, teachers ,) were active in the antiwar movement. Numerous resolutions condemning the war
  12. To date as possible. Actors and actresses will often have many instructors and, teachers ,for a full range of training involving, but not limited to, singing,scene-work
  13. Published in 1918,1923,1931 (1932 in the UK) and 1942. He also trained, teachers ,to teach his work from 1930 until his death in 1955. Teacher training was
  14. Read maybe 150 books by the time I hit 1st grade. And I already knew that the, teachers ,were lying to me. " Originally from Springfield, Massachusetts,Kay attended
  15. Within vast groups of Muslim students" and that" Muslims laugh or command, teachers ,to stop when trying to educate about the Holocaust ". Additionally," while
  16. An expression of the director's life experience. " Kurosawa revered his, teachers , in particular Cairo Yamamoto, his mentor at Too," according to Joan Ellen.
  17. Cole Normal Ecclesiastical, a school in Paris run by Jesuits, for training, teachers ,for their colleges. He also took part in the founding of the Institute
  18. Consisted approximately of a year worth of classes from several itinerant, teachers ,; he was mostly self-educated and was an avid reader. He attained a reputation
  19. A specialized hands-on assistance. This specialized hands-on requires Alexander, teachers ,to demonstrate on themselves the improved physical coordination they are
  20. The older person in which case it is 18. Examples include relationships between, teachers ,and students. Extraterritoriality Increasingly the age of consent laws of a
  21. And separate schools, charter schools, and approved private schools all employ, teachers ,who are certificated by Alberta Education, they administer Provincial
  22. Film schools in America,” with its Fellows benefiting from“ speakers and, teachers ,drawn from the highest levels of the industry, supported by the full weight of
  23. 1991),the first online courses (1988),the first omnibus service for, teachers ,(the Teachers' Information Network,1990),the first online exhibit (
  24. Of twenty to forty private lessons. This is the duration most Alexander, teachers ,recommend to gain proficiency. Lessons may result in changes of height and
  25. The goal could be most appropriately achieved. According to Alexander, teachers ," end-gaining" increases the likelihood of selecting older or multiple
  26. Toward mathematics and science did not earn him respect with some, teachers ,at Seaborne, whose definition of education placed more emphasis on the
  27. The arts and sciences, and bestowed honors and financial rewards upon the, teachers ,of rhetoric and philosophy. Antoninus made few initial changes when he became
  28. Companies to receive a license to resume direct sales. However, the law forbids, teachers , doctors, and civil servants from becoming direct sales agents for the company
  29. In late 2001. About 4,000 schools were built since 2002,with more than 100,000, teachers , being trained and recruited. It was reported in 2011 that more than seven
  30. Was settled, and a form of Lutheranism was adopted and declared binding on all, teachers ,and preachers. Virtually deprived of power, the duke lived for two more years
  31. In schools for the deaf in many parts of the country at this time. Deaf, teachers ,were often forced out of teaching to prevent deaf students from being exposed
  32. Of study were established. " Beneficiaries of these courses would be students, teachers , professionals from modern streams like doctors, architects,marketing
  33. All three Bronte sisters had spent time working as governesses or, teachers , and all had experienced problems controlling their charges, gaining support
  34. A first stage of having the fortune to be habituated not deliberately, but by, teachers , and experience, leading to a later stage in which one consciously chooses to
  35. Lifting, driving or performance in acting, sports,speech or music. Alexander, teachers ,often use themselves as examples. They demonstrate, explain,and analyze a
  36. But of the rest of the law he knew nothing. The rabbis (traditional, teachers ,and interpreters of the Torah) solved this by declaring that Abraham had in
  37. The oppressive taxation imposed by their spend-thrift rulers. Their religious, teachers , as well as others in the east, ( most notably, al-Ghazali in Persia and
  38. Of students are not attending school due to a lack of school buildings and, teachers , Students are often responsible for paying additional school-related expenses
  39. Alexander technique lexicon, the principle of" inhibition" is considered by, teachers ,to be the most important to gaining improved" use. " F. M. Alexander's
  40. Viz., the ship is used as a reform school for wayward boys and one of the, teachers ,uses them as a crime force),and there is a kind of salute to The Mousetrap.
  41. Kinds of students are: the student who has been well-educated by knowledgeable, teachers ,; the student who has had no education; and the student who has had a poor
  42. Carried abolition pamphlets to the South. Name "/JJ"> Schlesinger"/> Northern, teachers ,suspected of any tinge of abolitionism were expelled from the South, and
  43. Goals can be pursued through the Professional Education program (EPI),the, teachers ,college (IPA) as well as through the University of Aruba (UA) which offers
  44. By an extraordinary intelligence and memory, which allowed him to overtake his, teachers ,at the age of fourteen. As he said in his autobiography, there was nothing that
  45. Write. The American Missionary Association entered the war effort by sending, teachers ,south to such contraband camps, for instance establishing schools in Norfolk
  46. Of knowledge. Another radical idea which Augustine introduced is the idea of, teachers ,responding positively to the questions they may receive from their students, no
  47. Disk less versions for the pupils. The pupils could download software from the, teachers ,computer through a network based on a fast serial connection, as well as
  48. Pointing out logical inconsistencies in the Bible to his religious, teachers ,and went against the Christian morality of his upbringing, for instance
  49. World War II between 1941 and 1943,when Alexander accompanied children and, teachers ,of the Little School to Stow, Massachusetts to join his brother. A. R.
  50. And is closely approximated by the approach using a normal linear model, most, teachers , emphasize the normal linear model approach. Few statisticians object to

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