Examples of the the word, summit , in a Sentence Context

The word ( summit ), is the 3434 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Trig point. The ruined walls of the observatory are a prominent feature on the, summit , An emergency shelter has been built on top of the observatory tower for the
  2. Or even X-rays). In the United States, aquamarines can be found at the, summit ,of Mt. After in the Swatch Range in central Colorado. In Wyoming, aquamarine
  3. In Friedrichshain, which opened in 1848,is the oldest park in the city. Its, summit ,is man-made and covers a Second World War bunker and rubble from the ruins of
  4. That Abu SAAF members may have been planning attacks during the ASEAN, summit ,in the Philippines. The group was reported to have been training alongside
  5. The highest mountain in Britain and Ireland, ahead of its rival Ben Maui. The, summit ,observatory was built in the summer of 1883,and would remain in operation for
  6. To south and east to west at its maximum width. Its highest point is at the, summit ,of Mount Columbia in the Rocky Mountains along the southwest border, while its
  7. Summit of the Americas was being held, which only residents, delegates to the, summit , and certain accredited journalists were allowed to pass through. Genoa The
  8. Secretary-General KOF Anna stepped in as a mediator and chaired a tripartite, summit ,with the two countries' presidents on 15 November 2002,which established a
  9. Patagonia, also known as Cerro Fitz Roy * Nevada Tree Cruces,6,749 m (south, summit ,) (III Region) widths" 230px" heights" 200px "/IN"> per row="3"> Image:
  10. Of Job? And shall necessity renounce its sacred rights? This would truly be the, summit ,of human audacity, this would truly be a 'mutiny,' a 'revolt' of the single
  11. May and June. The average winter temperature was around, In an average year the, summit ,sees 261 gales, in Inverness and London. Rainfall on Ben Nevis is about twice
  12. An G-Suite forms part of the Outer Granite, which is redder. The, summit ,dome itself, together with the steep northern cliffs, are composed of despite
  13. To facilitate the peaceful implementation of the ICJ's judgement. A further, summit ,was held on 31 January 2004. This has made significant progress, but the
  14. Many police officers or responsible authorities present in Genoa during the G8, summit , are currently under investigation by the Italian judges, and some of them
  15. Reported to have involved detonating a car bomb in the town of Cebu where the, summit ,was scheduled to take place. On December 27, 2006,the Philippine military
  16. The eight principal winds. In antiquity a bronze figure of Triton on the, summit , with a rod in his hand, turned round by the wind, pointed to the quarter from
  17. Of ships' hulls. Some of his sections float with the base underwater and the, summit ,above water, similar to the way that icebergs float. Archimedes' principle of
  18. Some scholars have suggested a Celtic etymology based on charts-, meaning ", summit ,"," point" or" leaves ", according to which bascules may have meant" the
  19. La Herrera) File: Barcelona. Tibia. Sag rat. Cor. JPG|Sag rat Cor, at the, summit ,of the Tibia mountain File: Arc de Triomf Barcelona. JPG | The Arc de Triomf
  20. Pennsylvania, US. *1855 – The first ascent of Monte Rosa, the second highest, summit ,in the Alps. *1876 – Colorado is admitted as the 38th U. S. state. *1894 – The
  21. Union buildings, and law offices have continued across Italy since the G8, summit , in Genoa. Many police officers or responsible authorities present in Genoa
  22. Among the hill forts in India. It was built by King PayPal Chauhan on the, summit ,of Paragraph Hill, overlooking Ajmer; its thick battlements run along its brow
  23. In Adelaide. They share three transmission towers on the ridge near the, summit ,of Mount Lofty. The two government-funded stations are run by the Australian
  24. At its highest point it reaches 162 meters with the distinctive landmark at the, summit , The 44-metre tall monument to Sir Walter Raleigh Gilbert was built in 1857 by
  25. Sinai, he headed the elders of Israel who accompanied Moses on the way to the, summit , Joshua, however,was admitted with his leader to the very presence of the Lord
  26. To grant. It is also said that if one runs around the great pine tree at the, summit ,seven times, then the Fairies will appear. In recent years the largest of the
  27. Carried out at the summit observatory from 1883 to 1904,fog was present on the, summit ,for almost 80 % of the time between November and January, and 55 % of the time
  28. The many climbing routes on the mountain's north face. In addition to the main, summit , Ben Nevis has two subsidiary" tops" listed in Munro's Tables, both of which
  29. From the Parthenon, was to be the last significant ancient construction on the, summit ,of the rock. Around the same time, on the North slope, in a cave next to the
  30. María Anna and the Portuguese Prime Minister José Manuel Duran Barros held a, summit ,there days before the commencement of the Iraq War. Transport Aviation Each of
  31. Cold War tensions arising from construction of the Berlin Wall. The most recent, summit ,conference in Bermuda between the two powers occurred in 1990,when British
  32. Dwight D. Eisenhower and French Premier Joseph Daniel. In 1957,a second, summit ,conference was held; this time British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan arrived
  33. Artemis.: *Part of an impressive horse from the chariot group adorning the, summit ,of the Mausoleum: *The Amazonomachy frieze - A long section of relief frieze
  34. The Barn house standing stone about 400 m away and then to the right end of the, summit ,of Ward Hill, just before it dips down to the notch between it at Coolant to
  35. The rush started in January). *1861 – First ascent of Weiss horn, fifth highest, summit ,in the Alps. *1862 – Indian Wars: during an uprising in Minnesota, Lakota
  36. Japan, killing 35,000 people. *1811 – First ascent of Jungfrau, third highest, summit ,in the Bernese Alps by brothers Johann Rudolf and Hieronymus Meyer. *1852 –
  37. The experiment five times with care ... each at different points on the, summit ,... found the same height of quicksilver ... in each case ..." Pascal
  38. Along the Can For Dairy Crete (" CMD Crete" ) before climbing steeply to the, summit ,of Ben Nevis. This route involves a total of 1,500 meters of ascent and
  39. Lake Austin on the Colorado River, with an observation deck about below its, summit , From the observation deck, many homes are visible. The soils of Austin range
  40. The strongest surface wind gust in the world at 231 mph, is measured on the, summit ,of Mount Washington, New Hampshire. *1934 – The U. S. Auto-Lite Strike begins
  41. Conferences between British Prime Ministers and U. S. Presidents. The first, summit ,was held in December 1953,at the insistence of Prime Minister Winston
  42. Of 1883,and would remain in operation for 21 years. The first path to the, summit ,was built at the same time as the observatory and was designed to allow ponies
  43. Accompanied by Moses, his brother, and by Eleazar, his son, Aaron went to the, summit ,of Mount For, where the rock suddenly opened before him and a beautiful cave
  44. D. C. Bermuda's proximity to the United States has made it the site of past, summit ,conferences between British Prime Ministers and U. S. Presidents. The first
  45. That was left were some broken alabaster vases, pottery and charcoal. On the, summit ,of the mound were large phalli of stone. Naming disagreement It is considered
  46. To ill-equipped walkers. According to the observations carried out at the, summit ,observatory from 1883 to 1904,fog was present on the summit for almost 80 % of
  47. And are one of the principal locations in the UK for ice climbing. The, summit , at above sea level, features the ruins of an observatory, which was
  48. Membership since April 2010,when it received a Membership Action Plan at the, summit ,in Tallinn. Additionally, the country has been a member of the Council of
  49. The victory at Marathon in 490 BC. To accommodate it, the south part of the, summit ,was cleared of older remnants, made level by adding some 8,000 two-ton blocks
  50. The general situation of the world. Macmillan returned in 1961 for the third, summit ,with President John F. Kennedy, who was familiar with Bermuda, having made

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