Examples of the the word, impress , in a Sentence Context
The word ( impress ), is the 3440 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Of some consist in the admirable finish of the whole, while others exhibit the, impress ,of genius in the invention, or some other individual feature. A distinguished
- Warren in the play two years earlier, but that production had largely failed to, impress , In 1976,Nun produced the play with a minimalist set at The Other Place; this
- In the abbey.:“ ‘ I do not wonder, that after you had suffered its terrors to, impress ,your imagination, you fancied you saw specters, and heard wondrous noises. ’ La
- Is it the SF genre ever going to realize it can't win the game of trying to, impress ,the mainstream? " On this point the journalist and author David Barnett has
- In 1910,when the family relocated to Somerville, New Jersey, he continued to, impress ,upon Paul that he could achieve anything that white people could. Robeson was
- Within six months such an intense anti-German hysteria as to permanently, impress ,American business (and Adolf Hitler, among others) with the potential of
- Frank O. Low den; the future commissioner and his law partner went into debt to, impress ,potential clients, buying a law library secondhand. Washington's years and
- By inexperience and fear of reprisals, many of these new officers failed to, impress ,the large numbers of incoming draftees to the ranks; complaints of
- Key (this has been claimed to be done with the purpose of enabling salesmen to, impress ,customers by pecking out the brand name" typewriter" from one keyboard row
- Own punk style. We loved him ... I wrote an epic poem in class - I labored to, impress ,him. I got it back circled in red with 'cliché, cliche. ' 'White as newly
- Objects, it is impossible to procure knowledge without the use of objects which, impress ,the mind” ( Dewey,1916/2009,p. 217-218). Dewey’s ideas went on to influence
- Was only apparent during the queen's last visit in 1575. Leicester was keen to, impress ,Elizabeth in a final attempt to convince her to marry him, and no expense was
- For a film of Sutter's Gold by Jack London, but on all accounts failed to, impress ,the studio's producers. Paramount then proposed a movie version of Theodore
- Screening of the cartoon short Plane Crazy, on May 15, 1928,but it failed to, impress ,the audience, and to add insult to injury, Walt could not find a distributor.
- By reason of insanity. Hinckley stated that his actions were an attempt to, impress ,actress Jodie Foster, on whom Hinckley was fixated, by mimicking Travis's
- Railway station, in such proximity to the Red Fort, never ceases to, impress ,the rail traveler, reminding all that after the Uprising of 1857,Delhi was a
- In 66 CE, Nero had Ethiopian women, men and children fight at a minus to, impress ,King Titivates I of Armenia. Romans seem to have found the idea of a female
- With the help of the" magic" flashlight they had given him in an attempt to, impress ,him. In another time-travel tale, The Shield of Time, a " time policeman" from
- Expedition into the heart of Navajo country on an organized reconnaissance to, impress ,the Navajo with the might of the U. S. military. They also mapped the terrain
- Who was among the resellers present at Trimalchio's feast. He sought to, impress ,his guests—the Roman nouveau riche, mostly freedmen—with the ubiquitous
- A sarcastic response, charging that Møller's article was merely an attempt to, impress ,Copenhagen's literary elite. Kierkegaard wrote two small pieces in response to
- Of the disease-spirit (displaying this, even if" fraudulent ", is supposed to, impress ,the disease-spirit that it has been, or is in the process of being, defeated
- Ronald Reagan was shot by John Hinckley Jr., who did it as an attempt to, impress ,Jodie Foster, who played a child prostitute in another of Scorsese's famous
- In that previously it was believed that external and absolute reality could, impress ,itself, as it was, on an individual, as,for example, in John Locke's
- Influential. Modern quotations about *"Nor can I do better, in conclusion, than, impress ,upon you the study of Greek literature, which not only elevates above the
- To Mad Alvin. This was intended to cement an alliance with Arteries and to, impress ,other emirs in Mesopotamia and Anatolia. Previously, Saladin offered to mediate
- Aviation, burned. Another source states that the test pilot, in an attempt to, impress ,the Gallic passenger, attempted a snap roll at low altitude with one engine
- May be found in his trying to cover up an illicit affair with a woman, or to, impress ,or gain favor with a woman. First used by Alexandre Dumas (père) in the
- Memory, as well as the capacity to speak with apparent authority, enough to, impress ,people who had little regard for him in earlier times. " On July 19, 1990,the
- And he never likes to get his hands dirty. Like Rodney, he strives to, impress ,the King at all times. He is often cited as the King's" P. R. man ". His full
- Banker had put for their recovery. Relationships with women The only woman to, impress ,Holmes was Irene Adler, who according to Watson was always referred to by
- Normally see off the interloper. Pairs mate for life. To attract a mate (or, impress ,his existing mate) the male performs a ritual aerial display before the
- Once again and travelled to York where he held a major court in an attempt to, impress ,upon the northern barons that royal authority was being reasserted. Stephen
- And the authentic aspects of such Romantic ideals. The self-conscious effort to, impress ,must, according to Hoffmann, be divorced from the self-aware effort to create.
- Searched for a replacement and first came across Abigail Is, who did not, impress , and then were led to eighteen-year-old Emma Button at the suggestion of vocal
- Scott created a spectacular and comprehensive pageant, designed not only to, impress ,the King, but also in some way to heal the rifts that had previously
- No drastic changes, and just a few new features. The iPhone 4S failed to, impress ,critics and fans, as the expectation of many was the considerably upgraded "
- Well. For example, helping an old lady across the road (good exterior act) to, impress ,someone (bad interior act) is wrong. However, good intentions don't always
- And will prepare elaborate traps to capture and expose a culprit, often to, impress ,Watson or one of the Scotland Yard inspectors. Holmes is a loner and does not
- Performed a slower ballad," Their Hearts Were Full of Spring ", but failed to, impress ,the Morgans. After an awkward pause, Dennis mentioned they had an original song
- He steps for a while into Holmes' boots, expressing his eagerness to, impress ,his colleague by cracking this most baffling of cases before Holmes returns to
- For the Apple I. With the Apple I design, he and Jobs were largely working to, impress ,other members of the Palo Alto-based Homebrew Computer Club, a local group of
- Local resistance was finally overcome, and Draconian measures were taken to, impress ,the native Saxons with the futility of future resistance. Earl Edwin of Mercia
- In ancient days involved the demonstration of personal martial skills to, impress ,troops sufficiently that they would follow him, and it took someone of great
- Homeowner. As part of the appearance, Miss Piggy borrows his house as a way to, impress ,Kermit The Frog. Cheese won the TV Times award for Funniest Man On TV – 1978 /
- For his daughter Rosie's band at her 21st birthday party, and even manages to, impress ,his erstwhile teacher. In November 2010,he agreed, along with fellow members
- Tried to cut off American trade with France, and boarded American ships to, impress ,into the Royal Navy men of British birth. The U. S. declared war, the War of
- Was more complete and accurate than any predecessors. Amit tried to, impress ,mandarins in Beijing with Rameau's harpsichord piece Les sausages, a suite
- Through an essay has a profound impact on its overall cogency and ability to, impress , A number of alternative logical structures for essays have been visualized as
- Presbyterianism grew in frontier areas where the Anglicans had made little, impress , Uneducated whites and blacks were attracted to the emotional worship of the
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