Examples of the the word, bin , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bin ), is the 3447 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Islam is different from any other religion; it's a way of life. We Khalifa and, bin ,Laden were trying to understand what Islam has to say about how we eat, who we
  2. Potential values are divided into bin s and the number of occurrences within each, bin ,are counted and plotted such that the area of each rectangle equals the portion
  3. Perfect: have gestation. The Austrian variant avoids this potential ambiguity (, bin ,gestation from Stephen, habe gestation from western). Also, the preterit (
  4. H (x_k) and H (x_k) represent the frequency and the relative frequency at, bin ,x_k and A= \sum_^ h (x_k) \, \Delta x_k is the total area of the histogram.
  5. Involve members of the movement, who have taken a pledge of loyalty to Osama, bin ,Laden, or the much more numerous" al-Qaeda-linked" individuals who have
  6. A year before, along with some other companions, Harith bin Canada and Attar, bin ,USAID, he had eaten some poisoned food which did not affect him for a year. Abu
  7. One object, it is possible to make a selection of exactly one object from each, bin , In many cases such a selection can be made without invoking the axiom of
  8. And National Scientist (b. 1911) Holidays and observances *H. H. Sheikh Bayed, bin ,Sultan Al Nahyan's Accession Day. (United Arab Emirates) *Hiroshima Peace
  9. Given it. As a matter of law, the US Department of Justice needed to show that, bin ,Laden was the leader of a criminal organization in order to charge him in
  10. Attacks in the United States. Then US President George W. Bush accused Osama, bin ,Laden and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed as the faces behind the attacks. When the
  11. And assistance. He was not their commander. There is also no evidence that, bin ,Laden used the term" al-Qaeda" to refer to the name of a group until after
  12. The area of each rectangle equals the portion of the sample values within that, bin ,:: H (x_k)=\franc where h (x_k) and H (x_k) represent the frequency and the
  13. d. 1981) *1910 – Jane Wyatt, American actress (d. 2006) * 1910 – Yusef, bin ,Islam, first President of Singapore (d. 1970) *1912 – Samuel Fuller, American
  14. Accused of the 1998 US embassy bom bin gs in East Africa: The reality was that, bin ,Laden and Amman al-Zawahiri had become the focus of a loose association of
  15. Seljuk, the eponymous founder of the dynasty. He assumed the name of Muhammad, bin ,The'up Chagrin when he embraced Islam, and for his military prowess, personal
  16. These were militants who mostly planned their own operations and looked to, bin ,Laden for funding and assistance. He was not their commander. There is also no
  17. Was first brought to the attention of the public in the 2001 trial of, bin ,Laden and the four men accused of the 1998 US embassy bom bin gs in East Africa:
  18. Of the Allied nations. *1921 – The British install the son of Sharif Hussein, bin ,Ali (leader of the Arab Revolt of 1916 against the Ottoman Empire) as King
  19. Islam. In the words of Mohammed Jamal Khalifa, a close college friend of, bin ,Laden: Islam is different from any other religion; it's a way of life. We
  20. A distinguishing property that happens to hold for exactly one object in each, bin , For example for any (even infinite) collection of pairs of shoes, one can
  21. To sleep). Therefore, the perfect of these verbs would be ICH bin Giessen, ich, bin ,eleven and ICH bin geschlafen respectively (note: ICH bin geschlafen is a
  22. The perfect of these verbs would be ICH bin Giessen, ich bin eleven and ICH, bin ,geschlafen respectively (note: ICH bin geschlafen is a very rare form, usually
  23. Mohammed as the faces behind the attacks. When the Taliban refused to hand over, bin ,Laden to US authorities and to disband al-Qaeda bases in Afghanistan, the US
  24. Abu Bakr also took part in construction. Abu Bakr was paired with Harris ah, bin ,Said An sari (who was from Medina) as a brother in faith. Abu Bakr's
  25. Muslims—particularly independent Saudi businessmen who were approached by, bin ,Laden. Malta al-Khidamat (MAK),or the" Services Office ", a Muslim
  26. Indicates that, about a year before, along with some other companions, Harith, bin ,Canada and Attar bin USAID, he had eaten some poisoned food which did not
  27. Adam, a Palestinian Islamic scholar and member of the Muslim Brotherhood, and, bin , Laden in Peshawar, Pakistan,in 1984. From 1986,it began to set up a network
  28. By US forces. Amman al-Zawahiri,al-Qaeda's Deputy Operations Chief prior to, bin ,Laden's death, has assumed the role of commander as announced by al-Qaida on
  29. Out there, and that our adversary does not have a strategic approach. " Osama, bin ,Laden was the most historically notable emir, or commander, and Senior
  30. Bin Giessen, ich bin eleven and ICH bin geschlafen respectively (note: ICH, bin ,geschlafen is a very rare form, usually you will hear ICH have geschlafen; but
  31. Movement is driven at every level by bin Laden and his followers. Although, bin ,Laden still had huge ideological sway over some Muslim extremists, experts
  32. Were" double agent" Ali Mohamed, whom FBI special agent Jack Clooney called ", bin ,Laden's first trainer," and" Blind Sheikh" Omar Abdel-Rahman, a leading
  33. Ibn al-Zubayr - His birth spread happiness among Muslims, killed by Hajj, bin ,Yousef.::: :Grandson UNRWA in al-Zubayr::::: Great grandson Hi sham in UNRWA:::
  34. Commissioned as Second Lieutenant in the United States Air Force. *1996 – Osama, bin ,Laden issues message entitled 'A declaration of war against the Americans
  35. Camps to prepare foreign recruits for the Afghan war front. Adam persuaded, bin ,Laden to join MAK. Bin Laden became a" major financier" of the mujahideen
  36. The one who most affected our generation. But had an even greater influence on, bin ,Laden's mentor and another leading member of al-Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri.
  37. Any person associated with al-Qaeda for any acts or statements made by, bin ,Laden. As of 2009,it was believed that no more than 200–300 members were still
  38. Who said he was a founding member of the organization and a former employee of, bin ,Laden. Questions about the reliability of al-Fadl's testimony have been raised
  39. In 2009.75 % in 2010 and 80 % in 2011. After the May 2011 death of Osama, bin ,Laden in Pakistan, many prominent Afghan figures began being assassinated
  40. Indicates the moments are calculated from the histogram. For constant, bin ,width \Delta x_k \Delta x these two expressions can be simplified using I
  41. Ordered the tribal chiefs of north-eastern Arabia, Muthanna in Paris, Mazhur, bin ,ADI, Harmala and Selma to operate under the command of Khalid along with their
  42. 2001 to 2011. With the loss of key leaders culminating with the death of Osama, bin ,Laden,al-Qaeda's operations have evolved from top-down controlled, too
  43. Is a global broad-based militant Islamist organization founded by Osama, bin ,Laden sometime between August 1988 and late 1989. It operates as a network
  44. Do not believe that the global jihadist movement is driven at every level by, bin ,Laden and his followers. Although bin Laden still had huge ideological sway
  45. For al-Qaeda in the 1990s and 2000s came from the personal wealth of Osama, bin ,Laden which was estimated at around $300 million. Other sources of income
  46. Strengthened when Abu Bakr married Habitat, a daughter of Khadijah. Harris ah, bin ,Said An sari used to live at Such, a suburb of Medina, and Abu Bakr also settled
  47. Schlafen (to sleep). Therefore, the perfect of these verbs would be ICH, bin ,Giessen, ich bin eleven and ICH bin geschlafen respectively (note: ICH bin
  48. The reality we are dealing with. " This view mirrors the account given by Osama, bin ,Laden in his October 2001 interview by Taser Halloumi:" ... this matter is
  49. Was so weakly linked together that it was hard to say it existed apart from, bin ,Laden and a small clique of close associates. The lack of any significant
  50. Is a very rare form, usually you will hear ICH have geschlafen; but ICH, bin ,eingeschlafen I fell asleep is quite normal). In the variant of German that is

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