Examples of the the word, turkey , in a Sentence Context

The word ( turkey ), is the 3437 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Tamales, arroz con poll (chicken and rice),Puerto Masada, pernil, pavo (, turkey ,) and Ellen (stuffing). Bowls of fruits and fruitcake are set out on the
  2. Every Thanksgiving the president is presented with a live domestic, turkey ,during the annual national thanksgiving turkey presentation held at the White
  3. Casseroled veal, larded calf's liver braised with carrots, and veal (or, turkey ,) in cream and mushrooms. Normandy is also noted for its pastries. It is the
  4. Presented with a live domestic turkey during the annual national thanksgiving, turkey ,presentation held at the White House. Since 1989 when the custom of" pardoning
  5. Substantiated that they meet all four criteria. The only exception to this is, turkey , There was a time when certain authorities considered the signs enough, so Jews
  6. The custom of" pardoning" the turkey was formalized by Ronald Reagan,the, turkey ,has been taken to a farm where it will live out the rest of its natural life.
  7. Mid-November. To this day, the result is that in many areas, a large ham, not a, turkey , is the centerpiece of a family Christmas dinner. In the United States, ham is
  8. Mississippi River. It is also home to the highest per capita number of deer and, turkey ,in the United States, the largest free-ranging elk herd east of Montana, and
  9. And countries influenced by its traditions, a standard Christmas meal includes, turkey ,or goose, meat,gravy, potatoes,vegetables, sometimes bread and cider. Special
  10. Of meats remains a fairly common practice, but once-common preparations such as, turkey ,or duck comfit (preserved in poultry fat, with spices) are now seen even by
  11. And summer tourists. The state is a productive area for chicken, dairy and, turkey ,farms and crops such as corn, soybeans,and sugar beets and as such, eggs and
  12. Dairy products and baking pies and other foods. Baked beans, apple pies, baked, turkey , and please oatmeal became common Yankee dishes, and some are now common
  13. Attack, blood clot, or stroke. Chills or cold flashes with goose bumps (" cold, turkey ,") alternating with flushing (hot flashes),kicking movements of the legs (
  14. Of meat consumed include poet (chicken),pigeon (squab),diode (, turkey ,), canard (duck),one (goose, the source of phone gas),BUF (beef),Beau
  15. See also: Slug barrel Other specialized choke tubes exist as well. Some, turkey ,hunting tubes have constrictions greater than" Super Full ", or additional
  16. Before being cooked or served. Turkey ham, a boneless product made from pressed, turkey ,thigh meat, is a popular low-fat alternative to traditional ham in the US.
  17. Of art. " – 'Old man' speaking:" Drop this jiggery-pokery and talk straight, turkey , " – 'Middle aged man' speaking War and Peace in the Global Village (1968)
  18. Wood Stork. American black bear, racking horse, Yellow-shafted Flicker, wild, turkey , Atlantic tarpon, largemouth bass, Southern Long leaf Pine, Eastern tiger
  19. Ham" can be legally applied to" turkey ham" if the meat is taken from the, turkey ,thigh. If the ham has less than 20.5 % but is at least 18.5 % protein, it can
  20. And Thai spices, chicken with Italian herbs, sea salt and cracked black pepper, turkey ,& bacon, caramelized onion & sweet balsamic vinegar, stilton & cranberry, mango
  21. Are common game species. Pennsylvania is considered one of the finest wild, turkey ,hunting states in the Union, alongside Texas and Alabama. Sport hunting in
  22. Settlers were from eastern England, where baking foods such as pies, beans,and, turkey ,were more common than frying as was the tradition elsewhere. Two prominent
  23. Is called the Hot Brown, a dish normally layered in this order: toasted bread, turkey , bacon, tomatoes and topped with moray sauce. It was developed at the Brown
  24. There is also some debate concerning the best type of protein to take. Chicken, turkey , beef, pork,fish, eggs and dairy foods are high in protein, as are some nuts
  25. To Mary Gotham and his election to the Convention of Assistance),serving wild, turkey ,with sauce made from wild cranberries. In the 1672 book" New England Rarities
  26. The next day flight 305 was hijacked, and though the uncles ostensibly were, turkey ,hunting, one,L. D. Cooper, came home wearing a bloody shirt—the result, he
  27. Of fried. Panes con Pave ( turkey sandwiches) are warm turkey submarines. The, turkey ,is marinated and then roasted with Pupil spices and hand pulled. This sandwich
  28. The YMCA is sometimes served boiled instead of fried. Panes con Pave (, turkey ,sandwiches) are warm turkey submarines. The turkey is marinated and then
  29. Popular. Chicken is the most widely eaten poultry, followed by duck, goose,and, turkey , A blood sausage called maternity, made from any and all parts of a butchered
  30. Used for quill-pen making include feathers from the crow, eagle,owl, hawk,and, turkey , The barbs are always stripped off partially or completely as they are an
  31. In the 1944 Warner Bros. cartoon Tom Turk and Daffy, uttered by a Thanksgiving, turkey ,whose presence is betrayed to Porky Pig by Daffy Duck. When one removes the ‹ q
  32. Cocoa was also a major crop in domesticated Mexico and Central America. The, turkey , one of the most important meat birds, was probably domesticated in Mexico or
  33. In a year. Among poultry, chicken is most common, although duck, goose,and, turkey ,are also enjoyed. Game meats, especially boar, rabbit,and venison are also
  34. Heroin Withdrawal The withdrawal syndrome from heroin (the so-called cold, turkey ,) may begin within 6 to 24 hours of discontinuation of the drug; however, this
  35. The best of which were usually made from goose and swan feathers, and later, turkey ,feathers, However,quills went into decline after the invention of the metal
  36. Boers were later able to mount a cavalry sweep in counterattack that became a, turkey ,shoot against fleeing Zulu remnants. Perhaps the Zulu threw everything forward
  37. Licensed hunters in Pennsylvania. Whitetail deer, cottontail rabbits, squirrel, turkey , and grouse are common game species. Pennsylvania is considered one of the
  38. Known as cranberry sauce. Such preparations are traditionally served with roast, turkey , as a staple of English Christmas dinners, and the Canadian and US holiday
  39. Were often used as currency. For example, the Aztecs used a system in which one, turkey ,cost one hundred cacao beans and one fresh avocado was worth three beans. South
  40. Species. Native birds include the Road-runner, Geococcyx Californians and Wild, turkey , Milagros Galloway subspecies Mexican. Other fauna present in New Mexico
  41. Derives its name from the fact that the incantation resembles the sounds of a, turkey , Law of Eris tic Escalation The Principal Discord contains the Law of Eris tic
  42. Regiment in England during the war, and always ensured the 1st Battalion had a, turkey ,dinner at Christmas every year they were overseas, including the Christmas of
  43. And contains no added water. However," ham" can be legally applied to ", turkey ,ham" if the meat is taken from the turkey thigh. If the ham has less than 20.5
  44. They found a small present from Duke Slayton in the food locker—real, turkey ,with stuffing and three miniature bottles of brandy (which remained unopened;
  45. Were often used as currency. For example, the Aztecs used a system in which one, turkey ,cost one hundred cacao beans and one fresh avocado was worth three beans; and
  46. Held at the White House. Since 1989 when the custom of" pardoning" the, turkey ,was formalized by Ronald Reagan, the turkey has been taken to a farm where it
  47. To have dinner with Daisy, who has won a beauty contest. Gladstone wins the, turkey ,hunt but finds himself having dinner with an ugly woman who is the runner-up
  48. A 76 cm (30 inch) diameter pattern at 37 m (40 yards). Special chokes for, turkey ,hunting, which requires long range shots at the small head and neck of the bird
  49. Served boiled instead of fried. Panes con Pave ( turkey sandwiches) are warm, turkey ,submarines. The turkey is marinated and then roasted with Pupil spices and
  50. And game Commonly hunted and eaten game included deer, bear,buffalo and wild, turkey , The larger muscles of the animals were roasted and served with currant sauce

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