Examples of the the word, holding , in a Sentence Context

The word ( holding ), is the 3430 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Star catalogs and represents the god Ea himself, who is commonly depicted, holding ,an overflowing vase. The Babylonian star-figure appears on entitlement stones
  2. Held above the head of a Roman general during a triumph, with the individual, holding ,the crown charged to continually repeat" memento mori ", or," Remember, you
  3. Fat porker who serves as Napoleon's right-hand pig and minister of propaganda, holding ,a position similar to that of Molotov. Benjamin is a very dedicated friend to
  4. Techniques such as crop rotation or a fallow period. Manure is used either by, holding ,livestock where the feed crop is growing, such as in managed intensive
  5. Orders, such as the denial of a request for an interim injunction, or an order, holding ,a person in contempt of court, can be appealed immediately although the case
  6. Anchor, a drogue used to control a drifting vessel. Overview Anchors achieve, holding ,power either by" hooking" into the seabed, or via sheer mass, or a
  7. Caracalla, while on his way to war against Parthia, emulated Alexander by, holding ,games around Achilles' cumulus. Achilles fought and killed the Amazon Helene.
  8. Athens once again flared. Jurymen the heartfelt denounced Aristotle for not, holding ,the gods in honor. Aristotle fled the city to his mother's family estate in
  9. Tests. The rain-affected Third Test ended with the last two Australian batsmen, holding ,out for a draw and England won the Fourth Test by three wickets after forcing
  10. Calmly Considered. He defended Arminianism against charges of semi-Pelagianism, holding ,strongly to beliefs in original sin and total depravity. At the same time
  11. The capital. However, Augustus renounced flaunting insignia of power such as, holding ,a scepter, wearing a diadem, or wearing the golden crown and purple toga of his
  12. Arithmetic. There was to be a store (that is, a memory) capable of, holding ,1,000 numbers of 50 decimal digits each (ca. 20.7 KB). An arithmetical unit (
  13. And the District of Columbia, by arresting all the prominent secessionists and, holding ,them without trial (they were later released). In Missouri, an elected
  14. Rules for Test match cricket. If a series is drawn then the country already, holding ,the Ashes retains them. The series is named after a satirical obituary
  15. It has displaced its own weight in bottom material, thus greatly increasing its, holding ,power. These anchors are only suitable for a silt or mud bottom, since they
  16. Over. 1864 re-election Lincoln was a master politician, bringing together—and, holding ,together—all the main factions of the Republican Party, and bringing in War
  17. Gave him the kiss of peace on the hand, and rising, on the mouth, the abbot, holding ,his staff of office. He then put on his shoes in the vestry, and a chapter was
  18. They talk of his fame and conquered lands as well as the neighboring kingdoms, holding ,up his might. One also gets some primary information about the Ceiling War and
  19. Is also similar to that of the Bugle. The Rocha obtained the highest averaged, holding ,power in SAIL magazine's comparison testing in 2006. Other Temporary Anchors *
  20. Cohesion of the bottom material, which rocky or coarse sand bottoms lack. The, holding ,power of this anchor is at best about twice its weight until it becomes buried
  21. Is no safe store of value. If there were, the government would have to make its, holding ,illegal, as was done in the case of gold. If everyone decided, for example, too
  22. Authority, the granting of consular powers to him was another instance of, holding ,power of offices he did not actually hold. On 5 February 2 BC, Augustus was
  23. In the park. The statue was unveiled on Turing's birthday. Turing is shown, holding ,an apple—a symbol classically used to represent forbidden love, the object that
  24. Instance, katate-dori Tokyo refers to any Tokyo technique executed when use is, holding ,one wrist. This could be further specified as katate-dori Tokyo smote
  25. In 3 seconds, do something else Put_Line (Airplane_ID'Image (ID) &" in, holding ,pattern" ); end select; end loop; delay 4.0; -- do landing approach ...
  26. Nercissiantz, President Sarkisian's chief economic adviser," Businessmen, holding ,state positions have turned into oligarchs who have avoided paying sufficient
  27. Position that no troops were needed to defend Washington. Lincoln insisted on, holding ,some of McClellan's troops in defense of the capital; McClellan, who
  28. Anchors) and large ship's anchors derive a significant portion of their, holding ,power from their mass, while also hooking or embedding in the bottom. Modern
  29. The benefit of a rediscovered name, Audi. In 1964 Volkswagen acquired a 50 %, holding ,in the business, which included the new factory in Ingolstadt and the trademark
  30. In international consultative bodies. Three elements have been important in, holding ,the Communion together: First, the shared ecclesial structure of the component
  31. Some 8,000 men serve in the air force and air defense force. Azerbaijan is, holding ,talks with either the People's Republic of China or Pakistan to purchase JF-17
  32. The first significant departure in anchor design in centuries. Though their, holding ,power to weight ratio is significantly lower than admiralty pattern anchors
  33. To have greatly contributed to the astonishing success of the Achaemenid in, holding ,their far-flung empire together for as long as they did. " Imperial Aramaic was
  34. Versions of admiralty anchors, or simple grapnels. As new designs with greater, holding ,power to weight ratios, a great variety of anchor designs has emerged. Many of
  35. And Mesosaurus; they may have been related to the sense of smell, perhaps, holding , something like Jacobson's organ. The roof of the briefcase was thin, perhaps
  36. In anchor design. Primarily designed to set very quickly, then generate high, holding ,power, these anchors (mostly proprietary inventions still under patent) are
  37. Cashmere suit, a paisley tie, a platinum wig, and sunglasses. He was posed, holding ,a small prayer book and a red rose. The funeral liturgy was held at the Holy
  38. S propaganda masterpiece Triumph of the Will. This huge work was capable of, holding ,340,000 people. The tribune was influenced by the Bergamo Altar in Anatolia
  39. Parallel. He stated," The Act of Congress which prohibited a citizen from, holding ,and owning enslaved persons in the territory of the United States north of the
  40. Reconcile human free will with God's sovereignty and foreknowledge by, holding ,three points: * Human free will is limited by original sin, though God's
  41. Modifications were attempted to alleviate these problems, as well as improve, holding ,power, including one-armed mooring anchors. The most successful of these patent
  42. Tall, weighs 8.5 lb (3.85 kg) and depicts a knight rendered in Art Deco style, holding ,a crusader's sword standing on a reel of film with five spokes. The five
  43. Have difficulty penetrating weedy bottoms and grass. They offer a fairly low, holding ,power to weight ratio and generally have to be over-sized to compete with other
  44. About AD 1105,and it very soon spread widely. As an order of regular clergy, holding ,a middle position between monks and secular canons, almost resembling a
  45. Roger Taney to issue a writ of habeas corpus, saying Lincoln's action of, holding ,Ferryman without a hearing was unlawful. Taney issued the writ, thereby
  46. Oath of allegiance is an oath of fidelity to the sovereign taken by all persons, holding ,important public office and as a condition of naturalization. By ancient common
  47. It is the largest American art museum dedicated to a single artist, holding ,more than 12,000 works by the artist. The other museum is the Andy Warhol
  48. He learned that the new German government had passed a law barring Jews from, holding ,any official positions, including teaching at universities. A month later, the
  49. And a general solution to the debate was sought – with a great majority, holding ,to the Trinitarian position – the Arian position was officially declared to be
  50. Dial a phone number through the built-in speaker of the Newton device by simply, holding ,a telephone handset up to the speaker and transmitting the appropriate tones.

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