Examples of the the word, geographical , in a Sentence Context

The word ( geographical ), is the 3444 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Control of the corresponding Gaultier (prior to 1942,the camp had been under, geographical ,jurisdiction of the General Government). Furthermore, the camp fell under the
  2. There are many variations to the cuisine (all involving rice) depending on, geographical ,regions, caste,and traditions. Pickles and chutneys, called thou also called
  3. It is the third most spoken mother tongue in the country. It has the widest, geographical ,and racial distribution of all the official languages of South Africa, and is
  4. Itself was located in the Nazi Region of Upper Silesia and therefore under the, geographical ,control of the corresponding Gaultier (prior to 1942,the camp had been under
  5. It was simply referred to as the Swedish thermometer. Celsius conducted many, geographical ,measurements for the Swedish General map, and was one of earliest to note that
  6. Of In Khan, provides,on pages 26 and 29 of his book, information on the, geographical ,distribution of Sahara tribes. He does the same for the different tribes and
  7. Kinds of variability including individual variation, polymorphic forms, geographical ,races, variation influenced by local conditions, and closely allied species. *
  8. Be extended to the criminal's family. Agriculture A combination of favorable, geographical ,features contributed to the success of ancient Egyptian culture, the most
  9. Capital. Asia Minor (from, Mikrá Asia, small Asia) is a, geographical ,location at the westernmost protrusion of Asia, also called Anatolia, and
  10. Range of external temperatures (i.e., the temperature distribution for the, geographical ,location of the SEER test). SEER is unusual in that it is composed of an
  11. Of nations (such as the West Indies, Central Africa, or South Asia),or, geographical ,regions (such as Vanuatu and Solomon Islands) etc. Within these Communion
  12. Administration, and can resemble the organization's structure in managerial or, geographical ,terms. Out can contain other Out—domains are containers in this sense.
  13. Antoine became involved in various controversies relating both to his, geographical ,results and his political intrigues. He was especially attacked by Charles
  14. The Aarhus Theatre and hospitals. Geography The city lies roughly at the, geographical ,center of Denmark on the peninsula of Jutland. Forests reach from the south
  15. Period Archaeological exploration done in the 20th century suggests that the, geographical ,area of Afghanistan has been closely connected by the culture of and trade with
  16. Pueblo culture has been divided into three main areas or branches, based on, geographical ,location: * Northern San Juan (Mesa Verde and Hovenweep National Monument) (
  17. Set in Paris. The Annals historians did not try to replicate Braudel's vast, geographical ,scope in La Mediterranean. Instead, they focused on regions in France over long
  18. 19th century anthropologist Richard Francis Burton theorized that there is a, geographical ,Static zone wherein penetrative intercourse between men is particularly
  19. The distribution of Algae is subject to logistic discontinuities caused by, geographical ,features, such as Antarctica, long distances of ocean or general land masses.
  20. Port of Denmark, Aarhus is on the east side of the peninsula of Jutland in the, geographical ,center of Denmark. Aarhus is the seat of the council of Aarhus municipality
  21. Htm On the Monkeys of the Amazon. Speculates on the effect of rivers and other, geographical ,barriers on the distribution of closely allied species. * 1855:
  22. Of the apostles. As a result, Orthodox theology makes a distinction between a, geographical ,or historical succession and proper ontological or ecclesiological succession.
  23. Of the U. S. as though they are all African Americans with a single ethnic and, geographical ,background. The U. S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation
  24. Influence the current and past geographic distribution of animals within each, geographical ,region. These included the effects of the appearance and disappearance of land
  25. Of Asian origin. He was considered the 19th century's leading expert on the, geographical ,distribution of animal species and is sometimes called the" father of
  26. A common ancestor, we should expect losses to happen at random, not only at the, geographical ,margins of the family, and that the observed pattern is consistent with
  27. And unique medieval wood carving, such as the Tree of Jesse. Owing to its, geographical ,location the town was frequently embroiled in the border warfare and power play
  28. The Revolution are usually referred to as" Loyalists" or" Tories ". The, geographical ,area of the thirteen colonies is often referred to simply as" America ". The
  29. Follow: Europe Asia Americas and Oceania American Samoa, located within the, geographical ,region of Oceania, is one of only two possessions of the United States in the
  30. His classification that related the four large groups of carpets with the four, geographical ,zones of Azerbaijan, Guba-Shirvan, Ganja-Kazakh,Karabakh and Tabriz. Cuisine
  31. Between conservative varieties of Arabic even across significant, geographical ,distances. This suggests that the spoken varieties, at least, should
  32. And top-level Out is a key decision. Common models are by business unit, by, geographical , location,by IT Service, or by object type and hybrids of these. Out should be
  33. Empire extending to the Ural Mountains and beyond, founded in 1721. The major, geographical ,theorist of the empire was actually a former Swedish prisoner-of-war, taken at
  34. The isle) that was equal in size to Libya or Asia" referring to Plato's, geographical ,description of Atlantis. The early Christian apologist writer Antonius also
  35. http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/38597 On the phenomena of variation and, geographical ,distribution as illustrated by the Papilionidae of the Malayan region.
  36. That the parent languages of Greek and Armenian were dialects in immediate, geographical ,proximity in the parent language. Meillet's hypothesis became popular in the
  37. Addressed to Lyrics; one inviting him to Rome, the other thanking him for a, geographical ,treatise, which no longer exists. Amalasuntha (also known as Amalasuentha
  38. Aarhus was still quite a significant city in Denmark due to its favorable, geographical ,position which was of significant importance for trading. Trade came mainly
  39. Subunits of the" degree-minute-second" system are also in use, especially for, geographical ,coordinates and in astronomy and ballistics: *The grad, also called grade
  40. Of its various types of constituents. In addition to its general inherited, geographical ,meaning, to which the entire literate world subscribes, Asia has any number of
  41. The word American in the English language varies, according to the historical, geographical , and political context in which it is used. It is derived from America, a term
  42. The Peru-Chile trench can be considered its ultimate western limit. From a, geographical ,approach the Andes are considered to have their western boundaries marked by
  43. Countries, including Mexico, have become of increasing priority due to the, geographical ,proximity and cultural similarities. Angola has an embassy in Mexico City, and
  44. Computer Science, the latter having a PhD program. Virtual Studies Center The, geographical ,complexity of the country as well as the small number of students prevents the
  45. Pradesh. The climate of Andhra Pradesh varies considerably, depending on the, geographical ,region. Monsoons play a major role in determining the climate of the state.
  46. Ἀσίη) was the name of a" Nymph or Titan goddess of Lydia. " Herodotus ', geographical ,puzzlement was perhaps only a form of disagreement, as,having read the earlier
  47. Architects, engineers and often artists, and the title used varied depending on, geographical ,location. They often carried the title of master builder, or
  48. To the ocean in a humorously diminutive way as the Pond, describing both the, geographical ,and cultural divide between North America and Europe, in particular between the
  49. In little or no transoceanic trade. Portuguese presence on the coast The, geographical ,areas now designated as Angola entered into contact with the Portuguese in the
  50. S Siberian official, Vasily Tatishchev, and was allowed freedom to conduct, geographical ,and anthropological studies in preparation for a future book. At home in Sweden

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