Examples of the the word, react , in a Sentence Context

The word ( react ), is the 3442 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Purifying the solution and electrowinning. In the chemical industry, acids, react , in neutralization react ions to produce salts. For example, nitric acid react s
  2. The nucleophilic substitution can take place. For instance, tertiary alcohols, react ,with hydrochloric acid to produce tertiary alkyl halves, where the hydroxyl
  3. The react ivity. Reactions with oxygen (combustion react ion) All alkanes, react ,with oxygen in a combustion react ion, although they become increasingly
  4. Pre-made mixture of two or more components. When heat is applied the components, react ,and cross-link. This type of adhesive includes epoxies, urethanes, and
  5. Reaction. Dehydration Alcohols are themselves nucleophilic, so R−OH2+ can, react ,with ROW to produce ethers and water in a dehydration react ion, although this
  6. Are widely used in mineral processing. For example, phosphate minerals, react ,with sulfuric acid to produce phosphoric acid for the production of phosphate
  7. Thinner tortillas made for use with mu SHU. Mu SHU purists do not always, react ,positively to this trend. In addition, many restaurants serving more
  8. Caused by emissions of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides which, react ,with the water molecules in the atmosphere to produce acids. Governments have
  9. Of alkenes are more reliable in organic synthesis. Alkenes, react ,with NBS and water in halohydrin formation react ion. Amines can be converted to
  10. Metals react aggressively with the halogens to form ionic salts. They all, react ,with water to form strongly alkaline hydroxides. The vigor of react ion
  11. A slightly acidic pH of over 5.7,because carbon dioxide and water in the air, react ,together to form carbonic acid, but unpolluted rain also contains other
  12. Pleasure for the man via his penis. While each person's sphincter muscles, react ,to penetration differently, the anal sphincter in general has delicate tissue
  13. The anode, anions (negative ions) are forced by the electrical potential to, react ,chemically and give off electrons (oxidation) which then flow up and into the
  14. Excess to neutralize the hydrogen chloride formed. Esters and anhydrides also, react ,with ammonia to form amides. Ammonium salts of carboxylic acids can be
  15. Preparation of alcohols in the laboratory. Substitution Primary alkyl halves, react ,with aqueous NaOH or KOH mainly to primary alcohols in nucleophilic Asiatic
  16. White oak in Arts & Crafts and Mission style furniture. Ammonia fumes, react ,with the natural tannins in the wood and cause it to change colors. Ammonia's
  17. They can participate in a wide variety of react ions. Addition react ions Alkenes, react ,in many addition react ions, which occur by opening up the double-bond. Most
  18. Gives secondary amines:: R'2C=NR + H₂ → R'2CH-NHR Similarly, secondary amines, react ,with ketones and aldehydes to form examines:: R2NH + R' ( R"CH2)C O → R"CH C (
  19. For the synthesis of methylene compounds; in this case, even esters and amides, react , A pair of carbonyl compounds can also be deductively coupled together (with
  20. Of amino acids can react to form amide bonds, one amino acid molecule can, react ,with another and become joined through an amide linkage. This polymerization of
  21. Into the line of sight between Alioth and the Earth. The intervening elements, react ,differently at different frequencies of light as they whip in and out of view
  22. Thermally dehydrate to form the corresponding amides. Diazotization Amines, react ,with nitrous acid to give diatonic salts. The alkyl diatonic salts are of
  23. Bond formation As both the amine and carboxylic acid groups of amino acids can, react ,to form amide bonds, one amino acid molecule can react with another and become
  24. Uncertainty. An increasing amount of research is concentrating on how people, react ,and respond to ambiguous situations. Much of these focuses on ambiguity
  25. Multi-component adhesive are not adhesive by nature. The individual components, react ,with each other after being mixed and show full adhesion only on curing. The
  26. Walter Rapper discovered that in the presence of metal catalysts, acetylene can, react ,to give a wide range of industrially significant chemicals. * With alcohols
  27. Would, it is presumed, be similarly toxic. Precautions The alkali metals all, react ,with water ever more violently and thus should all be handled with great care.
  28. When it is pressurized. Samples of concentrated or pure acetylene can easily, react ,in an addition-type react ion to form a number of products, typically benzene
  29. Unlike most other organic compounds, they possess no functional groups. They, react ,only very poorly with ionic or other polar substances. The acid dissociation
  30. Amines are alkylated by alkyl halves. Acyl chlorides and acid anhydrides, react ,with primary and secondary amines to form amides (the" Schotten-Baumann
  31. Volumes at which they react ed. For instance: since two liters of hydrogen will, react ,with just one liter of oxygen to produce two liters of water vapor (at
  32. Ketones, or carboxylic acids, or they can be dehydrated to alkenes. They can, react ,to form ester compounds, and they can (if activated first) undergo
  33. Group in nucleophilic substitution react ions, so neutral alcohols do not, react ,in such react ions. However, if the oxygen is first pronated to give R−OH2+
  34. Adhesives harden by mixing two or more components which chemically, react , This react ion causes polymers to cross-link into acrylics, urethanes, and
  35. Problem. Supersonic flow behaves very differently from subsonic flow. Fluids, react ,to differences in pressure; pressure changes are how a fluid is" told" to
  36. Will give the elimination (alkene) product instead). Richard reagents, react ,with carbonyl groups to secondary and tertiary alcohols. Related react ions are
  37. Ranks, the conflict is generally over before the weaker character can, react , The 'Golden Rule' Amber DRPG advises game masters to change rules as they see
  38. Epoxies, urethanes, and polyamides. Moisture curing adhesives cure when they, react ,with moisture present on the substrate surface or in the air. This type of
  39. And so can be seen to be somewhat more stable. Reactions with halogens Alkanes, react ,with halogens in a so-called free radical alienation react ion. The hydrogen
  40. Determines the bonding behavior with other atoms. Atoms tend to chemically, react ,with each other in a manner that fills (or empties) their outer valence
  41. Is thermodynamically unstable (positive heat of formation),antimony does not, react ,with hydrogen directly. Organoantimony compounds are typically prepared by
  42. Are all soft metals of low density. In chemical terms,all the alkali metals, react ,aggressively with the halogens to form ionic salts. They all react with water
  43. In organic solvents, especially polar organic solvents. Primary amines, react ,with ketones such as acetone. The aromatic amines, such as aniline, have their
  44. Casualties occur in the first 10–15 seconds of fire,i.e. the time needed to, react ,and improve protective posture, however,this is less relevant if air burst is
  45. Over comparatively less expensive nitrogen is preferred where nitrogen may, react ,with the experimental reagents or apparatus. Argon may be used as the carrier
  46. And marble containing large amounts of calcium carbonate. Acids in the rain, react ,with the calcium compounds in the stones to create gypsum, which then flakes
  47. To hydrogen bromide or Copper bromide (II).: Halohydrin formation Alkenes, react ,with water and halogens to form halohydrins by an addition react ion.
  48. Zinc: Zn → Zn2+ + 2e-: sulfuric acid: 2H+ + 2e- → H₂ The copper does not, react , functioning as an electrode for the chemical react ion. However, this cell also
  49. Conversion to mines Mine formation is an important react ion. Primary amines, react ,with ketones and aldehydes to form mines. In the case of formaldehyde (R' =
  50. Are, in general, slightly weaker acids than water, but they are still able to, react ,with strong bases such as sodium hydride or react ive metals such as sodium. The

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